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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2020 in all areas

  1. Congrats dudes! Awesome turnout this month! For those who want the answer to my riddle. Here it is! NickC got it partially right, so he gets 1/2 a cookie. Souperion was bang on the money, he get's a full cookie. As for the rest who tried, commiserations, hopefully you had a little fun. And yes APZX that is the source ran through Paul's Sound Stretch, for only 7 minutes. Well done to the winner by the way!
    4 points
  2. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Feels kinda funny to be doing this again. My choice for the next source is Secret of Mana's track "A Wish" (also known as the frosty forest or ice-crystal fields), a dreamily simple track that plays while fighting wolves and spear-wielding turtles through a lovely ice-crystal field. A bit minimalistic, but enchanting. -Souperion Deadline: Dec 23rd @ 1PM Vote Ends: Dec 27th (sun) @ 1 PM MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism submit: https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP120 MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. Going to relax this rule with certain Indie Titles like Shovel Knight, Undertale and possibly Crypt of the Necrodancer. Update me upon further titles that have that 'Retro Fidelity'. Thanks! Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent. Small tempo changes are OK. But not 140 to 80 etc. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Try to avoid making quality-based comments on submissions until after the Round is concluded. It is to avoid a Bias in Votes. MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make people's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
    3 points
  3. And I sure appreciate the feedback, finally found where it was.
    3 points
  4. Souperion

    MnP 119: All Metroid's

    I'd buy ya both a pizza for such an enlightening dialogue. I'm sorry that things were a little rough for ya this round, Vodou Queen, but stick with it. I remember the first time I brought a track to the workshop, almost 3 years ago. It was a hunkajunk made with the free website soundtrap, and I asked for an evaluator's review. At the time, it was my favorite homemade mix, but I can't even listen to it anymore without getting hypertension. Thankfully, Timaeus222 was able to gently shatter my paradigm at the time. My point is that music is a (sometimes painful) growing experience. I don't think your preferred genre and style are an issue here. Keep mixing and listening to composers who do the stuff you like, bits and pieces of improvement will come, and the hobby/career will become more rewarding. This may seem a bit conceited, coming from a goob who just took 1st, but I think we all are familiar with compositional frustration. Also, I am massively impressed with your accomplishment in transcribing the piece under such conditions.
    3 points
  5. A big GJ to those who won; congrats to everyone who participated. Still open for more in-depth critique if anyone wants it. Sorry for the late / small response. A bit in the perplexed range today, lol.
    3 points
  6. Loved all the pieces here, it was a treat to hear so many Metroid mixes in one voting-sitting. Flattered and astounded at a win. If I gotta pick December's source, I'd better go find some nice wintery toon, eh? I prefer chocolate chip XD. You really had me reeling on that thing. I was going through Metroid OSTs, racking my brain. See you all next mission?
    3 points
  7. Not in a weird way, this sentiment warms my heart a bit lol. I'm glad you and i, are on the same page now, i really like it, when we are all a commiunity. Here's to a bright future full of remixes! I think this whole conversation has turned into at least 5 dollars worth of discussion haha...
    2 points
  8. Hey. No, you didn't insult me. I took a step back and re-analyzed what you said. I am soaking in everything, trust me. It just sounds like I'm a bit hot and annoyed, but am seeking to learn and listen, and sometimes I sound rough and angry at that person giving the commentary due to it. If anything, I'm being tough and annoyed at myself, not you. *Big hugs* It's cool, we're all awkward af. It's why we be here congregating and all. I understand where you're coming from and listening. I take all of this in good faith. Thanks again taking the time out to clarify to the max like you did. ♥ I very much appreciate your 2 cents. It's more like a dollar-fifty for me. xD
    2 points
  9. Ahh sorry, i didn't want to seem arrogant, I can come off as a bit socially awkward sometimes, (Both here, and in real-life...) What i refer to, when i said that, was it's taste. I'm not a huge fan of commercial music, it can sound boring, however some people DO like it. Instead of leaving it at that, i learned to understand, why i didn't like it, and from doing so, it mainly came down to 3 things: 1. Pop music is over produced, with 10 producers, on a song that needs only 1. 2. The chord progressions can be very repetitive. Tracks like the infamous "Despacito", which was a huge pop hit in the past few years, loops a 4 chord sequence over and over, and not in a exciting way, but a "I've heard it all before way" 3. Pop music is not original enough, for me to keep listening. Which is also a good point to bring up, as when i listen to remixes in these compo's, i pick up on things, that give me strong emotions/reactions (Things that make me go "Oooh, this cool, or this is unique etc..), which for the most part, really amp up, the quality of a remix, and why it was so good. Such a reaction occurred, when the heavy beats came in your Metroid remix, I though they sounded awesome! For others, all 3 points mentioned above, can be seen as a good thing, with many people having a fond for this kind of production. Others might feel this way instead: 1. Michael Jackson's music (A music legend to some), was done with up to about 50 people or so producing and engineering, so already, that rules out point 1, in me saying it's over-produced. 2. The 1950's era of music, was known for looping chord sequences over and over, so that rules out point 2, since i really enjoy music from the 50/60's. I find it pleasant. 3. I also employ a "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude, so that rules out point 3, since if it works for one track, why can't it work for another. It's almost as if I'm contradicting myself, despite there being a good reason as to why i would contradict myself. All of these are counter-arguments as to my original critiscms of why i don't like chart hits/pop music. This is why i don't dismiss people's reasons for enjoying modern day pop music, because they come from a different background than mine. That's why i don't actively seek lo-fi hip hop compared to others, hence my reasoning, for why i think your track went on for too long. I only know of this kind of music, from tracks i occasionally listen to, as being 3 minutes or under. If you catch my drift. Remember media was created for everyone, but holds a special place for someone. So when i say, NickC is for "real musicians" or "Music aficionados", i am referring to the fact, that most mainstream public, have been fed on a diet of chart hits, so they might not actively seek out this kind of genre, and when they do they might, find this a little too much, a little too out-there from what you might think the public listen to. Sorry if i insulted you anyways, hope you appreciate my 2 cents.
    2 points
  10. If it helps, all the sources i pick, come with my own custom made MIDI from scratch. So this means, listening to the song by ear, or separating it into channels (Particularly NES/Sega Genesis games, as software is available that can do that. Then i listen to each channel, and program the MIDI that way.) I do this, because: 1. It's a real MIDI, and not a converter, which i can tell straight away, makes remix a pain. 2. It's such a convenience for the rest of the participants, to know, it's a decent MIDI, that works on most DAWS. It's no easy feet, it is a challenge, if the song very much complex. I've made MIDI's that have taken weeks, because of the complex sound. The one thing i will say, is that it's a god send, to have perfect pitch, it makes MIDI making soo much easier. Like it's a gift in itself. No worries anyways, i think you are awesome, and i'm looking forward to more remixes from you!
    2 points
  11. Definitely a well-earned victory. Congrats dude! Yup, something wintery. See you next mission.
    2 points
  12. See you next mission, boss. Also...NickC's entry sounded mostly fine on my Sony Headphones, but after voting, I went onto my Laptop with my Maxwell headphones and got a much muddier picture....So it was probably a very controversial vote to put in #1...Maybe I'm worrying too much. Just thought I'd put that caveat out there in case people had the 'Maxwell' experience when placing their vote, as it were. Plus, I DID say that medleys are fine this round.
    2 points
  13. YEAH I'LL SEE YOU NEXT MISSION! It was a musical massage session to go through all that metroid in one place. Great work all around. And dang, TheVideoGamer, I do feel dumb now that I know what it is. I thought it sounded a little like Phendrana Drifts. Beautiful.
    2 points
  14. Right on! This was such a fun listen, thanks for making my night an enjoyable one. Whenever I see a new OCRemix album pop up I know I'm in for a good time, and that did not change with this one. And I hope you were able to find that "fun" again David , and this should go without saying but I'm going to say it anyways, keep doing the great work that you do OCommunity, it's appreciated by a lot of people, trust me, even if we don't always come in here and post about it.
    2 points
  15. Results Souperion got 1st with 19 points. Dex got 2nd with 14 points NickC got 3rd with 13 points. APZX got 4th with 11 points. The Voduo Queen got 5th with 9 points. Wassup Thunder got 6th with 7 points. **To newcomers: The Final Scores on Compoverse do NOT reflect Final Score on Results Page!! This is because Website doesn't take into account Voter Bonuses and manually editing it is a big pain in the butt that I won't get into...unless things were recently streamlined and I'm out of the loop... [EDIT]Souperion please PM me with your source pick for Round 120. Make it Winter-Themed, if possible. Comments Wow, amazing turnout and an interesting opinion on who was the MnP-ist of them all. This was an awesome round. Maybe next year I'll do this style of round with another popular franchise...
    2 points
  16. Yo can we talk about this though? https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/12/a_merry_hyrule_christmas_album_blends_zelda_classics_with_beloved_festive_carols
    1 point
  17. Next round is up!
    1 point
  18. Well, @The Vodoú QueenI hope you're feeling a bit better. I didn't feel I was able to back the underdog's horse (publicly) this time around. Last year, I did that and it didn't end so well. More sensibilities were hurt than mended, I'll tell you that much. Glad to see you guys are very positive and constructive.
    1 point
  19. Hello, It's the 30th Anniversary of StarTropics!!! (Released in 1990) I thought this would be fun to remix the soundtrack and put something out there for fans of the game during this big year. Some of the remixes sound similar to the originals and others sound pretty out there. This was made with Super Nintendo soundfonts and Super Audio Cart as well some reverb, delay and other dynamics for listening purposes. I was inspired to make this after enthusiastic support from the StarTropics speedrunning community. Took me 4 months to make and hope you enjoy some of these remixes! Youtube Link: Produced by AndreTheXLR8R Mastered by Phil Shenandoah Original music by Yoshio Hirai
    1 point
  20. I'd expect nothing less from you, looking forward to it! I'm making progress on my bonus entry.
    1 point
  21. I understand. I figured it was mainly about the length, and I agree. I had some reservation about its length in making it, but figured I'd try and see where it went. But thank you for your kind words. I'll see what I can do next time to curb the enthusiasm on the length, (so far a lot of what I've made is too long, for what it's worth.) But understandable. Thanks for clarifying.
    1 point
  22. Whoa, OK, I think one of us got off on the wrong foot. I am unsure what you're trying to say here. I had nothing against his stylistic choice, and--for that matter--love Mick Gordon's work with Doom (which is obviously where the inspiration came from). We all came from some stylistic choice that requries some form of discipline or know-how to achieve, so trying to say "only real musicians and music aficionados will probably understand" is a bit of an umbrella misnomer that is sounding, sorry...a bit borderline pretentious? As someone coming from art and writing, that's almost equivalent of trying to defend, let's say, a piece of abstract art and saying "only we of [insert field here] would truly understand," and that's a bit much when all I said was it came out muddy. And I am unsure how you're trying to direct that towards me or anyone else coming into this. I am not taking this as a personal attack, I was seeking guidance and further clarification to some of the comments. That's all. I don't know you either, but it's a bit much to come at that angle. I asked what was the difference, I neither said Nick did not deserve it nor did I categorise it as "unwanted background noise." And I don't know who you're referring to as the 'random general consumer' in this, on a thread, in a forum, dedicated, as you said, for "video game nerds and music nerds to come together," but now it is sounding like something it probably shouldn't. :/ I hope I am not misreading you. OK I misread you a little bit, and for that I apologize.
    1 point
  23. The main critique i had, was really the length. I felt, like you stretched it on for a bit, because by the 5 minute mark, i didn't feel it developing, or going somewhere, but the rest sounded lovely to my ears, in that the drums were amazing, and the synth choices were super pleasant. Remember these comments aren't meant as direct attacks to your artistic craft, these are comments aimed at giving at advice. My comments, were mainly "This is what i would do" or "I felt like from the perspective of me, a musician i would have tried this, or had done this". Also note as well, remixing Metroid for me, does not further my career, i just do this, to have a bit of fun, and trade ideas back and forth from other people in my calibre. Think of it as a part-time hobby. Also one more thing, NickC is coming from a stylistic choice, that requires discipline. Only real musicians and music aficionados will probably understand what message Nick is trying to convey, while a random person on the internet (Who mostly i don't know...listen to pop music or something), might categorise his remix as, unwanted background noise, (No offence Nick, i loved your entrant, i'm just explaining based on the random general consumer). I didn't immediately switch of Nick's entrant, because it was loud and noisy, instead, i learnt, throughout the journey, what ideas were being presented, and why. I got to grips with his style. Not everyone likes pop music, but also not everyone likes Industrial music. And those who like Industrial music, might not like every song in that genre, and it's a good idea to learn why, In this case, the reason being, i felt 8 minutes was a little too long (Especially for Lo-Fi Hip-Hop, where i mostly listen to tracks roughly 3 minutes long). My words don't fuel the overall consensus, but rather, what i've learnt, about each respective style, from listening. I know lots about techno/house, but very little in regards to say...jazz music, but that's because i don't actively seek out jazz, i just learn basic techniques from that genre, hence why my comments might be different to other people's. All I'm trying to say is, don't take these comments to heart, it's just advice, on what i might have done, or what i would suggest you do. I mostly take what people have said about my track, and use that for future remixes. It's all in good fun, trading tips and tricks along the way, as well as ideas, software plugins, just really a place for both Video Game nerds and Music nerds to come together. Maybe the next round might be up your alley yes? Hope you understand, and also i hope i didn't come across as ignorant, I'm a fan of keeping it civil. Thanks for entering anyways, your track really did sound great!
    1 point
  24. Lol i made him my second choice. It's a remix for me, that is sooo out there, and quite a listen, but i always found myself returning to it, and enjoying it more and more.
    1 point
  25. This is fantastic and love the remixed SNES-style songs (wish there were a few for Zoda's Revenge as well)! Really wish the game had more love than it had gotten and went on to have successful sequels from there on out. (Would've been fun to maybe control Micha or to be able to switch characters in a Secret of Mana / Illusion of Gaia-style, or something in later installments!) Brings back great childhood memories. Thanks for the share! I'll keep it in mind next time I peruse BandCamp for sure.
    1 point
  26. Ok this source is soo good, i think i might end up with a pretty insane (And maybe long) entrant. Stay tuned for that lol.
    1 point
  27. Pretty close to the original tracks - but nice chiptune tracks with a decent amount of swing. )) Cool stuff for which I'd radically take the Bananas outta my ears.
    1 point
    1 point
  29. In case anyone was wondering, I'm still alive, and I'm still watching. I'll be authoring up the page for the new album this week and will be looking forward to finishing it up once the album is finished. As always, I'm happy that folks are participating and I look forward to hearing your tracks as always!
    1 point
  30. Love this game and its sequel (well, I love-hate them), and just now seeing what you've done. It's great! Truly a labor of love and it's appreciated. Good job and thanks for sharing! Is there a place to download other than a soundcloud downloader?
    1 point
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