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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. Huh? Anyways, I'm just poking my head into this thread to say WANT. That is all.
  2. ^ That reminds me. SC3 - YES Why? If for no other reason than it had everything that made previous SC games great, plus the RPG/RTS type mode was pretty nifty. I've always thought an RPG whose battles were entirely fighting-game-like would be interesting. This is the closest I've ever seen to that idea. The closest I'd seen before was Tales of Symphonia, which is obviously quite different. With this mode, I think SC improved greatly upon the "dungeon master mode" or whatever it was called in SC2, since actual strategy was involved. It was pretty creative, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, albeit frustrating every now and then. So all in all, SC3 is a solid YES from me.
  3. My votes are the same, and for pretty much the same reasons. Also, MGS3 is one of only two games that got me all teary-eyed during the ending.
  4. Not that it'll need my vote, but Okami is VERY YES. I havent been voting cause most of the games don't mean that much to me one way or the other. But Okami has forced me to vote. Oh, and also almost as very yes for Smash Bros Melee.
  5. Off-topic, but I'm too lazy to look for the Rate thread RIGHT NOW. So...nice Boss sig Douli. You can never have too many Okami sigs. EVER.
  6. Shael for Judge '07
  7. MUCH better than a certain Wiggles cover...
  8. Got my CD yesterday. The case was ever so slightly cracked! OGNOES. Haven't actually listened to the physical cd yet, but...yeah. I got it now anyways.
  9. Ooh, a katamari mix. We can always use more of those. Downloaded, I'll comment later. e: Eh, it's a little bland, I think. I dunno if it's quite "bouncy" enough to warrant "bounce" in the title. Also, I'm not sure you've done enough to distance yourself from the source material so much as change the instrumentals and the drum track. Still, I like it, 'cause it's katamari, but it still needs more work yet.
  10. Im not sure if he ever submitted it or not, but ellywu also had a Cosmo Canyon mix...
  11. Yeah, that was the one. Fucking lightbulb.
  12. Yeah, Tug of War was a bitch. Also, that rowing one in the liferaft. And there was one other hand-killing minigame, but I forget what it was...
  13. It's not one of the new ones, but the Bjork one is awesome.
  14. Just mentioning, Malo Mart is indeed the best room in the entire game. No contest.
  15. Geez, epic indeed. Also, quite possibly OCR's most complicated remix title. This sounds like it could be from an actual game as opposed to a remix thereof. You don't get a whole lot of those around here. Good stuff.
  16. I dunno if I'd call the name unfortunate per se. Sounds pretty chiptuney to me. I like it, but it's...I wouldn't quite say SIMPLE, but...I dunno.
  17. That was my thought exactly.
  18. I'm in Winnipeg, so yeah, a little further West than you, but I'd think the difference between here and TO shouldn't be more than a day or two.
  19. Got my hard copy today. Nifty cover. Haven't listened to it yet though. Before the end of the night for sure.
  20. Heh, excellent coupon code.
  21. SOME OF US DON'T HAVE 360'S KAY. MAYBE YOU SHOULD PLAY MORE HALO2. :'( ..and SOME...very few, but SOME have a 360 but not the beta.
  22. I too lack a canadian copy of said alblum.
  23. Done and done. Did you want me to paypal you the $25 already/yet?
  24. I DICKED YOUR ROUND. Wait...
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