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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Online games are good, I always need my sexuality questioned by random people.
  2. And BTW, for those who want Squall or Master Chief in Brawl, I say: GENERAL CUSTARD.
  3. This game made Wind Waker seem better. Seriously, too good for a DS game, so the good spilled over to the GC game. And well, I was almost disappointed by the boss fight, but I ended up surprised. Which makes me want a remix for the final boss's song. One of the game's best songs.
  4. The rules for a character: Must have appeared on a Nintendo Console. Why don't you try to get some obscure yet valid characters. Like the dude from Crysalis.
  5. And yet one more reason why the Wii is a runaway train right now.
  6. Event 87, Geeks who live in the past!!!
  7. The prophecy, it has come. Sonic in a good game. ... It has been so long. Too bad it spells armageddons.
  8. More importantly, how can we, 2 months prior to release, evaluate balance. All we have is SSBM experience and as far as I see, this is not the same game as before. So until we see the game in action, we can never really evaluate balance.
  9. Ok, Sony is doing a Uwe boll. They want to make a stinker for some odd reason.
  10. Red may not be part of adventure mode.
  11. I figured out why PH was so unique, and its not the control. The same game would be pretty much feasible using other controls. However what this game changed was the general idea. Its more of a puzzle game with action elements than an action game with puzzles.
  12. Halo DS = fake. Phantom Hourglass = Great.
  14. How about the extra translation work?
  15. There is a hidden meaning in the names, I know there is one. Just can't see it.
  16. I do believe he has a right to do so. Zircon is an artist who is dependent on people purchasing his music for his income. People like you seem to think that all musicians are rich. Downloading music to discover is something, but to steal music and gloat about it is rather assholish.
  17. BUT HE'S RIGHTS!!!! I mean, if he gets disbarred, it'll be because of the gay drug dealing murdering conspiracy...
  18. NEVER AGAIN!!! ... ... so I might download it tonight...
  19. Could it be the console that is the problem?
  20. Okay... I was kinda sure that today's update would be the mentioned AC character. Maybe it was...
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