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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Woah, I just listened to this soundtrack a few days ago, I kid you not O_o And now to see an arrangement album of it..... YEEEEAAAAHHH!!! The achievement of Singing Quetzel alone is an amazing achievement.
  2. This should make it better:
  3. Yes... I find it odd how games spend so much effort on realistic graphics, but then make the most basic of game interactions incredibly unrealistic. "Wow, those explosions look so real, I feel like I'm really there!" (Looks down) "Oh yeah right, I'm a disembodied hand holding a gun with a circular shadow underneath me. And doors open magically when I stand in front of them, and all doors can open both ways, and then the doors magically close when I leave them alone for ten seconds, and I'm carrying 15 different guns in my invisible briefcase......" =( Maybe the bad 1990's graphics of System Shock 2 actually made it scarier??? I mean the SS2 mod with more "realistic" models just looks silly and incredibly non-scary... again the "being reminded that it's not real" by trying to make it look real. Even Bioshock; I'm not finding that game nearly as scary as SS2 (but maybe I just haven't gotten far enough yet...)
  4. Yeah, and let's build a stadium at a really high altitude so the players have comparatively little oxygen, and when it gets really foggy or starts snowing the game has to continue- OH WAIT!!! Smash Bros. analogies about sports are kind of silly (though admittedly I've used one in the past... a silly one at that). But I can agree there is more than one reason to ban Luigi's Mansion. Yeah, no custom stages online is kind of silly. And apparently you can't even COPY the "stage of the day" from Nintendo, allowing you to keep it for later, or make it better? Maybe that's why all the daily stages I've seen so far looked like they took 1 minute to build...
  5. [Edit] OH SH- sorry man, I posted before I saw your post there I'll put my opinion in spoilertext =p The only thing that's sad is the needless arguing, which was at an all-time low - until your post, where it shot STRIGHT up! Yes, yes we can. Give spelling a chance. (Sorry kid, couldn't resist! I won't accuse you of not being funny though, because my post isn't exactly.... a post that is very funny) My two cents (NOT A NASTY ARGUMENT, JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION!!) : I've never played in a tournament before, and I usually play with most items, most stages, etc... so the idea of entering a tournament and testing my skill seems fun and exciting to me. Having fun playing Brawl is something that I can do every day (assuming I don't have buttloads of homework) - I don't want a tournament to be "just another" Brawl match, I want it to be a fun and an exciting test of my abilities, however mediocre they may be.
  6. I thought beating minigames randomly makes you invincible, just as it can randomly make you big? Or do you mean to say the pseudorandom number generator used by Brawl is not random enough? [Edit] I been "Jacked"!
  7. Heh, sorry for "freaking out", but if I have to play my first game within the first 1 or two weeks of the tournament, I'm screwed. Because: 1) Vast amounts of homework may make me unable to play... plus I've yet to try out the online with friends mode. 2) I'm "screwed" in the sense that I'll totally lose, since I don't even know which characters I'm best with at this point (and the fact that I'm leaning towards YOSHI has me somewhat intrigued). Also 95% of my Brawling has been lag-free offline stuff, so I'd need some more online experience before playing... There are even some hidden characters that I haven't unlocked, so I'm screwed if I'm up against any of those guys. If the online capabilities allow it, I'll have to choose Captain Falcon and nicely ask my opponent to "show me your moves". [Edit] Wow, I can actually agree with that list! (well, excluding the stages I haven't unlocked yet...) Is the Game N Watch stage supposed to be on the banned list?
  8. Tournament sign-up deadline is soon... but I can't sign up until I know when it is! The last thing I want to do is sign up and then not be able to play, subsequently screwing the guy I was supposed to play against....
  9. A competition sounds fun, but I'd rather not enter if it's within the next few weeks. When is this thing??
  10. I don't find it even remotely creepy either... who can say no to those cute little eyes?? But I can see how it might be disturbing to some... which is why computer animated movies about CARTOON animals should stop trying to make said cartoon animals have such realistic textures. Most cartoon animal movies that I've seen do it right (especially Ratatouille, where they did EVERYTHING right ), but some movies make me wonder why they went so realistic... especially when it horribly detracts from the cuteness. For instance the only character in Over the Hedge that was remotely cute was the turtle..... but maybe they did that on purpose? On that note, I do NOT want to see Peach and Daisy!! Or rather, I'd want to out of insurmountable curiosity, but then might regret it. Bring on WARIO AND WALUIGI!! But I really came to post about this: THANK YOU for that thread!! Hilarity, happiness, shock, sadness, hope for our future, and even- erm, "romance"... and a whole bunch of boring pointless repetitive posts between the comic gold which is clearly labeled by our friend Cookie Monster himself. Highly recommended for anyone who would like to read a thousand brutally honest and true short stories and- what the hey, I'll just recommend it to everyone.
  11. How did you know?!?? Hint: If you think you might know what it is but aren't quite sure, then you don't know what it is
  12. The Zerg stuff is all well and good, but look at those new screenshots!! They're worlds better than the old ones - all thanks to colour! Thanks Blizzard, you guys had me worried there Desert: http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss72-hires.jpg(NEW) The Terran Battlecruisers and Barracks' have their sexy shine back!!! http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss71-hires.jpg(NEW) The environment here looks simply stunning O_O http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss53-hires.jpg(OLD) It's Warcraft 3 in space! http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss58-hires.jpg(OLD) MY EYEEES!!! Space Platform: http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss74-hires.jpg (NEW) mmmm, Pylons... http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss68-hires.jpg (NEW) http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss39-hires.jpg (OLD) Blech! Jungle: http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss73-hires.jpg (NEW) Zealots look pretty sweet now... http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss70-hires.jpg (NEW) ZOMG it's creep! And some interesting looking Zerg units... http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss24-hires.jpg (OLD) RAINBOW ZERGS!!! And I can't wait to see what they'll do with the Twilight planet: http://www.starcraft2.com/images/screenshots/ss25-hires.jpg (OLD) EXTREME COLOR WARNING, DO NOT OPEN IF YOU HAVE SENSITIVE EYES OR ARE HOMOPHOBIC So there you have it; anyone who said StarCraft II was NOT too colourful before was plainly wrong
  13. Oops, might as well get rid of them then X0 [Edit] Hint #1: There's nothing important about the individual spider pictures
  14. [Picture of a spider] (All the same puzzle, it only allows 4 images per post. Spider.)
  15. [Picture of a spider] [Picture of a spider] [Picture of a spider] [Picture of a spider]
  16. [Picture of a spider] [Picture of a spider]
  17. Anyone seen any good "stage of the day" stages from Nintendo yet? I've played two of those stages, and they both sucked more than the worst of those sample stages (which is about as bad as you can get). It's harder than it looks to build good stages, but I've played a few gems that are just fantastic. New Pork City I have no problem with... though I'll admit I've only played it for 1 on 1 matches, on a decent sized (standard definition) TV. Aside from the distracting background, it's really no "worse" than the Zelda II Temple. I've played Spear Pillar once and watched someone else play it once, and I'm fairly convinced it's the worst stage in the game. The DK stage... why do you fall slower when it moves up fast, making it impossible to land so you can't go up fast enough with some characters? And WHY does it even move up fast in the first place???? Other than that it's not terrible....... can you play Donkey Kong Country remixes in the DK Arcade level??? I was excited about making a stage shaped like a Super Mario Bros. Mario sprite, but nope, already been made: http://supersmashbros.ign.com/stages/411/8-bit-Mario ....I must get this stage!!
  18. Oh oops, I only beat the first 20 event matches! Looks like the rest of the event matches are hidden until you unlock Lucario & the gang.
  19. So I just beat all the event matches on Hard in one sitting... insanely fun, but I'm a little sad that it's over, and that I didn't unlock a whole lot... but happy that I unlocked the Mario Bros. stage, and that the Bramble Blast CD randomly appeared during one of the matches!! Do the Challenges add any further replay value for event matches? For example, are there any challenges like "beat this event match in X seconds" or "beat the final event match with this character"?
  20. In Mario's final moment, he's remembering "You must recover!" http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/howto/basic/basic03.html [Edit] Heh, just noticed the "Samus Wins" on the last frame
  21. Behold, the magic source from whence these pics came from! http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/gamemode/etc/etc01.html (If you look at just one page, look at page 4! And the thumbnail+caption setup before you view the actual image is genius!)
  22. O WOW THAT'S WHO IT IS!! WHAAHWAHAWHAWHAA!!!! And it's Psi whatever, or whatever it's called! HAHA!!! [Edit] By the way is he an Assist Trophy, or just a collectible trophy? [Edit] Ooh, the snapshot feature will provide hours of entertainment! [EDIT] HAHA the ones on Page 4 are the best!!! (Either that or I'm getting way too tired!)
  23. Wow, Sakurai's posted a whole ton of snapshots that were submitted to Nintendo. They're surprisingly funny!! IS THAT THE DARK SUIT!!?!?
  24. I while back I found a photo on the internet of a life-size "Pikachu" advert cutout in a Japanese store.... and by "life-sized" I mean the height and dimensions of a person, and by "Pikachu" I mean badly drawn Pikaman with creepy limbs, even worse than our newly created friend in Brawl... IT WAS SO CREEPY, I MUST FIND THIS PICTURE AGAIN!
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