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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. You can send the whole thing to me via AIM... >.>
  2. I went as the Invisible Man - trenchcoat, sunglasses, fedora, gloves, and gauze (which hurt a lot to remove). All I was missing was the scarf, but all the people who took pictures for me haven't posted them yet.
  3. I hereby love you guys, with mouth if necessary. Seriously <3
  4. Man, this is the same horrible mistaken notion people had in the Nintendo DSi topic. Why does everyone somehow think that the minute the latest version of something is released, that the previous version ceases to exist? One, Windows 7 doesn't come out until at least summer of next year, and that's ignoring any (inevitable, in my mind) delays. Two, Microsoft continued to support Windows XP for a long while after Vista came out, and I have no reason to believe they would suddenly act like it never existed once W7 ("wuh-seven") comes out.
  5. I was fortunate enough to have an extra copy of XP long enough to install it on my self-built computer, but the laptop that I use has Vista. Vista's definitely the more painful of the two to deal with, even after getting used to it - I have had some high hopes for Windows 7, especially after hearing how they were rebuilding the kernel from scratch. Everything I've heard so far has more or less confirmed that this is just a tweaked, "fixed" version of Vista with all the crap taken out, which is exactly what I would like. I am still annoyed at how Windows Media Player options are so hard-integrated into Windows Explorer, and I'm kind of hoping they'll drop that from 7 - since even with the quick-launch version of WMP, I still won't use it.
  6. Complete H2H with all of the... possible choices.
  7. Ellipsis and smiley abuse detected. Also WHERE IS THE ALBUM, DARKESWORD.
  8. "Synergy" means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, it's different elements (or all of the elements) in a song sounding very good together, where if any one of those elements were changed, the loss would be greater than the loss of that one element itself. Simply put, it's two or more parts working really well together.
  9. Watch the trailer, it's the guy that looks like Balthier.
  10. Add me to the list of interested parties. Loved In The Dark, definitely watching this one.
  11. Oh. I thought Lucky meant the first joke. EDIT: Wait, I've always pronounced Varia as vah-ree-yah. How should I pronounce "VARIAtions" in this case? Vay-ree-ay-shee-ons or vah-ree-ah-shee-ons?
  12. That all-caps part of VARIAtions is Varia, as in Varia Suit, the name of the Metroid series powerup that allows you to withstand extreme heat and cold. Basically, The Coop's just making a bad (terrible) pun. And he knows we love him for it.
  13. Or he could just release the source code and let us figure it out himself. (On that note and off-topic: did Pixel ever make the source code for Cave Story publicly available?)
  14. Let me put it this way: this isn't the shoddy off-studio version of a better game the 360 and PS3 are getting, it isn't a relatively quick third-party cash-in game. It's Monster Hunter. Capcom knows they have a potential multi-decade cash cow right here, and that delivering a quality title means everything. They won't skimp on this one.
  15. yeah that too
  16. Lower productions costs != cheaper or lesser game. If you somehow think pumping more funds into a game makes it a greater game, then you have a lot to learn about game development and software engineering in general. In fact, the game may very well be better on the Wii than it could have been on the PS3, simply because the developers don't have to waste time trying to coordinate all the Cell processor cores or putting extra money into getting higher-resolution textures and can instead spend the extra cash and time on making sure the game is as good as it can be.
  17. Someone's pissy he doesn't have a Wii...
  18. Mario Kart 64 - Day's End is the only song to really touch me in a saddening way.
  19. <3 We appreciate you, Darkesword. (And I personally feel your pain - I've had a stomachache since Monday afternoon that hasn't gone away.)
  20. Assuming this is for Wii... No More Heroes 2 + WiiMotionPlus = ???
  21. So long as we're fixing things for accuracy, we might as well take the OCR standard into account.
  22. Patience, young Padawan.
  23. I'd post a link to SR388 but I don't want them to get C&D'd when their projected release date is a month from now.
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