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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Wow, no wonder it took a while to judge - friggin' 72 minutes worth of entries! Awesome to place in the top 3 - thanks for that! I had no idea so many people would tackle Narshe. I thought I'd be the only one! I've wanted to do this for ages and had planned to do it with The OneUps but figured this would be a great opportunity for me to just flesh it out myself. I'm very happy with what I did and it was great to dust off the sax chops. Thanks to Nathan McLeod for loaning me his sax and William Reyes for loaning me his guitar. Some really great arrangements in here! Glad to be in such good company. I, of course, adore my Bad Dude brother Dhsu's short and oh-so-sweet Narshe arrangement. Would love to hear you flesh that out some more, bro! But holy crap my hands-down favorite is Anti-Syne's "There Will Be Blood." Holy balls! That's a helluva mix! Awesome! Thanks and rock on.
  2. Items from my catalog will be in Pandora soon enough. A couple albums from Bad Dudes, personal arrangements, and some work with Dale North.
  3. I have a bunch of music going up into Pandora over the next couple of months. Plenty of video game music arrangements. Listen for it.
  4. This is really freakin' good. Great work. Enjoyed it very much. I'm keeping this. You really know how to use your libraries. Seriously good stuff!
  5. Heard nothing but bad things so far http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.399481-Sim-City-Beta-Tester-Documents-Why-Hes-Not-Buying-The-Game
  6. doh sorry! I'm still on ICS - sorry
  7. I produced this album with Lucio Baldomero. It features music from The Legend of Zelda, Battle of Olympus, Werewolf: The Last Warrior, A Nightmare on Elm Street (NES) and more. I produced beats from Sonic the Hedgehog, Street Fighter II - and I'm pretty sure I haven't heard any remixes from A Nightmare on Elm Street and from what I can tell it's David Wise. The album also features the talents of Random aka Mega Ran, Adam WarRock, Beefy, Aubrey Webber of The Doubleclicks and more. What I like about Lucio is that the words are relevant to the game and often from the character's perspective. Unlike some .The only place to get the physical CD is Bandcamp. The album is also available from Amazon and iTunes. I hope you'll check it out and if you like the album, tell your friends and look forward to round 2 this Summer. Thanks!
  8. Are you saying that Wiimote doesn't work on a certain hardware with Jellybean? Because I use it with my mobile running Jellybean and it's the madnote.
  9. Is anyone bringing an alto sax that I can use on Thursday night? Please post here or eMail me at mr.mustin attttttttttttttttt gmail dizzot com
  10. Didn't want to do it natural. Huh. Well, that's a discussion for a whole 'nother time. And I'm nuts about birthdays more than Christmas, too. So good. Glad everyone's doing well!
  11. Whoa! Did you have to go C-section? Bummer. Awesome everyone's good. Get ready, man. Get ready...
  12. Dhsu Dhsu Dhsu Dhsu It's happy birthday. So happy.
  13. Would love to see some scenes done at 16:9 and covered with a piece of glass for a wham bam coffee table. YES. Would buy and do business again a plus plus plus
  14. Saw this and lost it. I so want one from all my favorite games! http://imgur.com/gallery/2GujB
  15. Jesus, that was a long read. What I'm taking away from both is that we're screwed. And that the notion of "back in my day" has been around for a very, very long time.
  16. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20121022/00013120781/trent-reznor-talks-to-techdirt-about-his-unconventional-new-record-deal-why-he-still-loves-diy.shtml?utm_source=feedburner Relevant for those of you who want to get learn'ed about the business - some great insight from Trent Reznor. Talks about music trends - some of the stuff from this topic.
  17. With good being subjective, it's almost not worth arguing. Plus, what if the arrangements of the alleged "bad" music are good in the "elevator?" Plenty of popular tunes have been re-arranged into awesome, light versions of their counterparts. And sometimes,
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