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Everything posted by mDuo13

  1. Hey guys, I admit I don't really keep up with the community here at OCR anymore, but Pentavision, makers of the DJ Max music game series, announced on their Twitter account a while back that they're soliciting for music contributions for the next update of their touchscreen arcade music game, DJ Max Technika, and I figured that a bunch of ReMixers and other artists here would be interested in contributing. I mean, who DOESN'T want their song in a professional, commercial music game? Basically, they're going to pick community contributions and include those in their next arcade update, "Technika 2.5: It's Your Up!" So that means, taking community-submitted songs, having visual artists make images and videos to go with them, and making charts so that they become official tracks in the new version. The downside is that they're not offering any money or anything for contributions; it's purely a "bragging rights" kind of affair. I'm not sure what the full legal details are for IP ownership of submitted songs (someone who submits will probably get details on that and could clarify?) but I mean, if you're submitting to OCR, you probably support the idea of giving tracks out for free, right? For those of you who are familiar with the DJ Max series, they're willing to accept remixes of DJ Max original tracks, but ideally they're looking for entirely original material. All genres are welcome. As for visual artists, I think they're trying to tailor the videos to match the songs, so your submissions will be sort of like a mini-portfolio, and if they like your work, they'll get back to you to request something more specific. Anyway, since the OCR community is one of the brightest spots online for people with an interest in video games and free music, I couldn't not post about this here, and I think it'd be awesome if some people from here ended up in the game. I'm not their representative, just a player who's been following the game, so questions should be directed at their official Twitter account, @PlayPentavision. Some links for reference, including submission guidelines: Initial announcement: http://twitter.com/#!/PlayPentavision/status/26770026287595520 Submission details: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/8cd2pb Follow-up: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/86rij7
  2. Years ago, when I had ambitions of becoming a remixer, this was the song I wanted to make. Congratulations on fulfilling my dream.
  3. Thanks for setting a good example for all remixers to follow, McVaffe. Nice interview, too.
  4. Considering that it's just a throwaway April Fools joke, I think this trailer showed quite a lot of work. Bravo to IGN for putting together something that looks like a watchable movie despite low-budget special effects.
  5. Now here's an underappreciated soundtrack.
  6. Wonderful production qualities. The bassline in particular is ecstatic. The lyrics are painfully cheesey, though. (It worked for Singing Robot, but for this song it's a little harder to enjoy the kitsch effect.) The piano parts at the beginning and the end are also really great - so clear and clean, masterfully layered composition on top of the well-known melody. Despite the general quality of the singing itself, though - which is standard Salzman superb quality - I think I'd still prefer an instrumental version, so that lines about the water "spinning backwards" wouldn't distract from appreciating the superb instrumentation.
  7. Much better than the WIP I heard like ages ago. The singing is somehow not awful. Cheesey lyrics but you pull it off.
  8. The first one is the best: the chozo are a fictional race of beings who are not As They appear} super metroid is a game of Thrones A Clash OF Civilizations? and the remaking- of World Order arcueid brunestud is not a racist but. The Moral QUANDARY of Race kozue amano is most famous for his work on the iPhone OC ReMix should be available to the public in the st Louis County Missouri square enix will be hosting a book signing at the DC booth/ Minx table3 SUNDAY, July th: at pm the nintendo ds is a good thing. for- Your- website- blog or- other site feature i can has cheezburger? k thx by. he who controls the past controls the future: Who controls the present controls the past. Goerge Orwell. welcome to corneria I Like Swords I like swords I like swords I like swords
  9. Really catchy. I love the synth textures, the pulsing beat, and the wonderful improvisation. The bass really gets me. Standard techno in the best way possible. Wonderful remix of the source material that brought me to OCR a long time ago... And I love the piano ending. It's classy.
  10. I guess I'm behind the times, because I'm still going crazy over the Zelda medley.
  11. You have my official thumbs-up for this policy.
  12. I'm interested in participating in the tournament. My Pokemon friend code is: 4424 7983 2459 edit: oh yeah, added it to the database, too.
  13. I passed the Elite Four about a week ago with a team that was mostly below level 50. It took a massive number of revives and Hyper Potions, plus a fair amount of luck, though. Win Time: 33:03 Winning Team: Dialga Lv.52, Empoleon Lv.48, Kadabra Lv.45, Staraptor Lv.41, Pachirisu Lv.42, Medicham Lv.36 My strategy for that Bronzong? I set Dialga against him, used up a shitload of potions, and just let Pressure suck up the PP for all his moves that actually do damage. I had a lot more trouble with the champion's Lucario, which I eventually beat with an ungodly number of Revives and then some luck with Empoleon's Surf move. Now I'm just trying to write my 20 page essay, but when I'm done I'm going to go back to expanding my pokédex (Got the national dex last Friday) and training my new team. I'm considering using Drifblim and Lucario. I haven't decided whether I need to pump up Drifblim's defense (so that super-effective Crunch won't slaughter it) or something else like attack and speed. God, though, but immunity to so many types of moves is sexy. I gotta find a bronzong that actually levitates, though. Mine just has Heat Resistance, which is a pathetic subsitute, especially when the move Earthquake is so much more common (and more kickass) than most really good fire moves.
  14. I'll be there at the San Jose concert (and Fanime too), though I haven't bought tickets yet... still trying to organize my friends so we can get seats together. Really, really hoping they don't sell out before I get mine.
  15. Listening to this the first time, I was pretty dubious of the flute intro. It wasn't the timings that bothered me; it was just that it was so similar to the original that I wondered where you could take it. I had a suspicion, and it turned out being exactly on the money. The mix blows up from small scale to much bigger, not unlike Hans Zimmer's theme for Tortuga in Pirates of the Caribbean 2. This is basically Frog's Theme as it was meant to be heard, and that's something I've always wanted.
  16. Wow. The chill beats, the sweet moves, and then the amazing vocal harmonies in this piece make it incredibly beautiful. Jill, you've done it again, and not only that, you get better and better every time I hear you. Aside: this piece also flows really well into Reuben Kee's "Beauty's Abomination".
  17. Sounds like there's a pretty wide variety of progress so far. I've got about 27 hours logged on my Diamond version so far, give or take, and I just got Dialga. I'm really rushing through the game, so even though I have 7 gym badges, I'm at the point where even wild Pokémon are higher level than 70% of my team. That's okay, though. I can always grind later, against the Elite 4 or something. Downside is, I don't have a lot in my Pokédex so trading on GTS is not as helpful as I'd like. I don't have any good fire or fighting types in my team. In fact, the only fire-type Pokémon I've caught at all is Ponyta. I chose Piplup as my starter. I actually haven't done any trading yet, and my LeafGreen is not at college with me, so I can't really finish my team yet. Also: Katsugi, yeah, I too felt like "Onix" was definitely "Onyx" before. And yeah, "Bidoofus" is pretty accurate. Worthless Pokémon so far as I've seen! God I want an Eevee, though. I forget how you evolve it into Espeon. I might just go for Jolteon or Flareon, though. The game itself is so friggin' huge, though. I'm overwhelmed by the range of choices in Pokémon and moves. Also, I'm trying to collect all 100 TMs without using any.
  18. Yeah, I find that about 70% of the time, the suggestion feature is certainly not the best play you could make. 20% of the time, it's a 4-in-a-row that you may or may not have noticed. 10% of the time, it's the only move you can make. Even in the demo, I can spend tons of time on it. I've been trying to amass exciting combinations of spells and equipment so that I can do things like wipe three columns at once and maybe set off a heroic effort. I've played through with several classes so far and had some different experiences, which are a little skewed by my learning more about the game's incredibly deep engine as I go along: Knights have some nice moves (Thrust seems kind of useless at first but I've been missing it since using other classes; it's especially useful against skeletons after they use Wake the Dead) and they have a nice combination of power and magic that makes them pretty good at winning all the time. I made it through the entire story and all the side-quests in the demo and only lost once (on the "Bats in the Belfry" quest) on my first playthrough. I forget what it's called, but they have one really, really good move - it gives you extra turns for cheap, so that you can set up even more extra turns, and it does damage too. Perfect for slaughtering the enemy when things look grim. Sorcerers are a little boring to play at first. Their most worthwhile spells are just straight-up damage, which is kind of disappointing. You can play a nasty strategy, though, just taking every available opportunity to match skulls and spending the remaining turns either building up mana or just casting damage spells, so you're hitting for actual damage about 2-3 times as often as your opponent. Druids are the most fun I've had yet. They get some really neat abilities that let you mess with the board (Entangle, Call Lightning) and they tend to spend a lot of time setting up single, massive turns or strings thereof. At least, that's how I play them. Getting abilities off of enemies is fun, too, though so far I've only been able to capture a Skeleton. I love to stock up on mana and then combine Entangle, Wake the Dead, and Call Lightning with a little luck to basically wipe a third of the board without my opponent getting a turn in edgewise. Is it just me, though, or is gold sort of a lot more scarce than experience in the demo? Maybe just because EXP is worthless after level 7, but it feels like I always hit level 7 before I manage to save up enough money to buy even one or two buildings or pieces of equipment that I really want.
  19. I was really addicted to this game recently. It's pretty hot. I want the full version but I'm really broke. What in particular is bad with the DS version? Just the graphics?
  20. The album arrived today - that was fast! Nice sticky-note on it. My laptop CD player is kind of a piece of shit, though, so I've barely been able to listen to it. (This is not the first CD this has happened with.) What I have heard, though, is (as expected) great stuff. *hits laptop*
  21. "Kitaaaaa" is like a shout of excitement that something has finally arrived. Look up the J-drama "Densha Otoko" if you really want to know why it's popular in English. Anyway, despite that there are a lot of remixes I already have on this thing, I definitely ordered a copy as a bit of a late christmas present to myself. Rock on.
  22. That would be unfair to people who haven't heard of certain video game characters. Honestly? If someone is joining the forum here, they fucking know who Mario, Zelda and Sonic are. Basically, the only type of spammers that ever get past a CAPTCHA are (a) humans, and ( bots specifically designed to break your system. The more unique your system, the fewer bots will be designed to break it. There is already a script that can break phpBB2's CAPTCHA with 97% efficiency. The Mario/Zelda/Sonic test would certainly be unique enough that it would last until someone figured it out, and of course, you can offer 1 or 2 retries if people don't know who the character is, just as a safety; it won't help bots unless those bots have a significant success rate already, and it'll at least slow down their registration. The so-called "kitten test" is also a good idea. Especially if OCR provides its own kitten pictures, making it more unique. Switching to vBulletin and giving moderators more power over banning won't stop the fact that the spam is there in the first place; it'll just put more responsibilities on moderators. Not that it wouldn't be a good thing anyway, but more measures are needed.
  23. Hey, I got that one too! =( I also got Metroid Prime Pinball and some cool books. And money for a Wii - just, still cannot seem to find a Wii anywhere. =(
  24. This is hilarious and a lot of fun. I like it a lot. Great idea.
  25. Sweet. Just spotted this on NMM and commented on it. I'd rather not retype my comments. Suffice to say, please make more. EDIT: oh, and OverCoat, it's definitely an arrangement. I recognize the source material.
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