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Everything posted by Katsurugi

  1. Yeah, I thought they would redo her in CvS2, but apparently not. Her sprites are so out of place in that game especially. As for new sprites? I thought that the Udon team was responsible for doing new art for the SS2T port to XBLA. That's going to be interesting. Though I do like Udon's art style, I don't know how well it will translate into game animations. I hope this will renew the SF competition though. Fighting games, though old, never really die unless people stop playing them.
  2. It's really a case by case type of thing, but I don't have any luck with getting pixels to be unstuck, even if cycling through brightness settings on LCD screens in general. As for scratches, I guess it's going to be similar to that of cars... maybe waxing it? I don't know if that'd work too well, but it's an idea.
  3. Spread the game variety around. I'm sure that the more popular game titles will get some recognition to the audience you're broadcasting to. But if it's just a good song, then it deserves to be played as well! Make sure that you do give credit to the remixers or at the very least mention the title of the remix and the site. I know this isn't going to be OCR all the time type of show, but I would recommend: Gux - Legend of Zelda - Darkworld Jazz McVaffe - Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers - Cammy's London Drizzle mv - Chrono Trigger - Time Chill Those are three solid songs that I feel will be accepted by most listeners. They're pretty relaxed and laid back, not to mention, very well done as well. There are lot of good songs on OCR, just know what type of demographic you're trying to aim for.
  4. Dead pixels are white or black and irreparable. If it's any other color, red, green, or blue, then it's only a stuck pixel. I'm probably assuming that it was only stuck and they can get unstuck just by the hardware trying to use that pixel. Usually though, I find stuck pixels just as bad as dead ones. You must have good luck then!
  5. I haven't heard of those problems yet. My sister has had one for a couple of months now and it's still just as new as she got it. Fingerprints on the white one are almost invisible whe compared to the Onyx version which I have. I worry more about the L and R buttons changing some color over use due to the acidity of your fingers. But aside from that, it's like buying a white or black shirt/car/etc. The color itself has its own advantages. I think that the shell Nintendo uses for its DS is perfectly fine.
  6. I'd make a civilization with pixie any day.
  7. Awesome. (How come he didn't pick me as the soprano? I'll sing for free...)
  8. Then you need to get xvid or other codec packs as well. You can find it pretty easily. I usually download Koepi's latest stable version. If you just want a large number of codecs, just download CCCP, Combined Community Codec Pack. I'm not too sure if this will help you too much though. I don't do any audio/video editing myself.
  9. I guess that's okay. If you've hardly played before, it's understandable. People who don't play Scrabble aren't really into word games in general. I'm pretty awesome at Boggle myself. Scrabble is nice for shooting the breeze and stuff. Boggle can be very intense. Just for your information, you probably could have made the word "always" if there was an S around. The tiles look cool, non-standard... didn't know it was a different set of letters though. Depend on the distribution of letters, it could get pretty hard. Scrabble is okay, but I think they need a couple more U's in there because you can still make words with U's but not with just a Q.
  10. I think I'll pick up that Summon Night: Swordcraft Story from you. =) Let's smooth out the payment details in PM. Okay?
  11. That's pretty cool. DiscoDan at a random CompUSA at the same time you are? I'd say that has to be win.
  12. Oh, a double date... with DJP? Enticing news indeed! I'll have to go check, but it's in the middle of my summer vacation, so chances are definitely increased.
  13. Yeah. I'm extremely torn because of the Pokemon D/P's online capability and just my love for the older Pokemon. Anyone want to help me decide between Fire Red or the newer versions? (On another note, if I were proposing to a girl, I'd give her Diamond on its release day. That would be extremely corny and nerdy... yeah, that's me.)
  14. Well, for cleaning keyboards, usually I take a slightly damp cloth and maybe some compressed air to get the hard to reach places. I know that for my laptop, the company's site has a really good tutorial of how to remove the keyboard and all of that good stuff. They even put in some tips on cleaning it as well. For mine, they said that water is fine. But personally, I don't really trust water near any sensors. It's fine for the keys themselves on a desktop keyboard. I would suggest, if your keyboard isn't a total mess, that you use a combination of rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol and compressed air. You can buy a can at almost any electronics place. I'm pretty sure of it. It should contain a long straw-like tube so you can get to the harder to reach places. Use a cloth and you should be on your way. Oh yeah, rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol is a good cleaner because it evaporates at more or less room temperature. Additionally, you should make sure that you close the bottle every time you're not using it.
  15. That's where I come into play, good sir.
  16. Who put down a 3 letter word horizontally in the middle!? You're suffocating the board!! It's going to make the entire game harder for you and the other people. Surely you can do better than that! Those pieces look pretty cool though, what version of Scrabble were you guys playing with?
  17. Looks like someone doesn't want his hovercraft...
  18. I wish I could be a really cool remix, but I doubt that. I'm going to have to pick DJP's Hillbilly Rodeo from Bubble Bobble. It's the type of song that's entertaining but girls want to stay away from like the plague. also, goats.
  19. Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. (Wicked is a musical about a little girl who grows up to be the Wicked Witch of the West.) In fact, the soundtrack itself is fairly good. The story is told well but there are only two memorable songs in it for me.
  20. As far as I know, there is only one resolution for the game to play in, (1024x768?). The aspect ratio is 4:3 and the game will stretch by default to fill your entire screen. I don't know what else to tell you. Can you somehow tell your computer to run in a 4:3 aspect before running the game? Check out your video card software. That's my only solution.
  21. It's the day of the meet up!! w00t! Just kidding, I'm stuck home studying. P.S. Apples to Apples sucks.
  22. I think that this would work best if it were written in some sort of cheesy Stephen Sondheim style. It just really writes itself, very predictable progressions and such. All right, anyone want to write it? I guess I might do it over the summer if I'm not doing anything...
  23. I've been in musicals in high school and one production while I was in college. I was a butler in My Fair Lady, some dude with a kilt on in Brigadoon, one of those people from Save-a-Soul missions from Guys and Dolls, some guy in what was it... In to the Woods. I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay~ And I pity any girl that's not me, today.... !~!
  24. The finals hasn't been played yet? Oh well... looks like I'll take the title oh so reluctantly.
  25. Nope, not really outside of meet ups of course. But yeah, whenever I someone stops me about my OCR hoodie, I tell them that I'm DarkeSword. P.S. I don't own an OCR hoodie. ;_;
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