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Everything posted by Katsurugi

  1. I wouldn't know anything outside of typical Chinese pop music. Jay Chou has been pretty consistently popular for a long time now. He sings well and can play the piano which surely counts for something nowadays. Some other random groups I can suggest are S.H.E., F.I.R., and probably my favorite Chinese pop artist, Amei Cheung. I really wouldn't know any Chinese rock bands though. I suppose this would give you a start rather than poking around just anywhere...
  2. It certainly can't be worse than Street Fighter The Game: The Movie: The Game... that's just redundant. At least Ghostbusters spans different media formats.
  3. It might be easier just to stick with McVaffe. Fix'd.
  4. Dang. It looks like you rock out playing Rock Band on a rocking chair. Oh snap!
  5. I'd play a revamped version of Joust, but with a huge list of upgrades and such and such. That or Nethack.
  6. Don't forget Sinatra and Springsteen. Then again, I don't think anyone really chooses where they were born. Randomly, in my hometown, the original members of Catch 22 live there (though I've never heard any of their music) and so did Marc Ecko for some period of time. *shrug* Weird shizzle.
  7. I suppose I should assert my return to this club/thread. Anyway, I've been off and on for the last couple of months (read: no improvement). I think it's been a just difficult for me to get to the gym due to stuff I've had to deal with, mainly relationships with people in my life. But I have been going pretty consistently in the past 3 weeks and I did notice some improvement! Lately, I've been focusing on more free weights rather than running as my previous regiment had included. I am going to slowly incorporate it in maybe next week as a warm up exercise (about a mile or so). I've been wondering if I should be cycling instead of running since it's lower impact. I value my knees and I'm getting old. :\ Currently: 4 sets of 13 reps @ 20-25 lbs, two handed tricep lifts 4 sets of 15 reps @ 15 lbs, bicep curls 4 sets of 15 reps @ 50 lbs, back extensions 4 sets of 33 reps @ - lbs, sit up/crunches 4 sets of 12 reps @ 50 lbs, bench press 4 sets of 15 reps @ 50 lbs, seated row 4 sets of 15 reps @ 40 lbs, seated twists (for obliques)
  8. They suck. I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do to fix them.
  9. This is more of a gear thread. There are some threads about this in the remixing section as they are necessary for work. I would probably invest in speakers rather than headphones. I worry about eardrum damage over long periods of time. Even if I use headphones I put them on a low volume. Relatively cheap headphones do for me as I'm commuting often and don't need high quality in particular. But really, headphones or speakers is a rather personal decision as you know your needs better than anyone else. As for speakers specifically, I have a 2.1 set from Logitech. I find that they make a decent set of speakers for the price. I can't find my particular model on their site or on Newegg, but it's very similar to the following one. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121122 Moving from a 2.0 to a 2.1 system is a rather significant increase though you're just adding a subwoofer. That means that your other speakers have a lesser load and won't output garbage when overworked. For less than 100 dollars, there are a number of 2.1 systems available. I would be wary of a 5.1 system that is under 100 dollars though. Still, reviews are the best way to figure this out. Check out Newegg (even if you aren't in the US) to find reviews for speakers. Specs like RMS power, frequency response and signal to noise ratio are important... to a degree. In general, you'd want these specs to be higher if comparing similarly priced systems. But there are other aspects like aesthetics and such that have to be considered. I usually like a separate remote for my speakers that have a headphone jack. It just makes things so much easier to place them on your desk and convenient too. My recommendation? I'm just going to throw this out there: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121130 For any speakers you do purchase, you need to break them in. Don't judge them right after you set them up. Play music that exercise their highs, mids and lows. Otherwise, you're not making full use of them.
  10. Yes. You can define a new genre and call it Video Game, at least you can in Winamp. Just go to the box and click and instead of picking a genre in the list, type something. If you have a lot of remixes, this can be a pain. I would use the program Tag&Rename and then you'd be able to change the tags to whatever you want. I'm not too sure if Tag&Rename is similar to Songbird at all, but it takes a while to get used to Tag&Rename, but once you get it, you're pretty much set.
  11. It's surprising to see this thread still alive. There's not too much news for me. I've been going through "stuff" so I haven't been too active with my hobbies. I did buy myself a 85 mm f/1.8 for the holidays. I guess I get to play with that. Have a cat.
  12. I have completed most of the side quests and am up to Lavos. I have to decide how to beat him though. I have only minimally finished the Lost Sanctum, but I don't really find that too important. I found the golden sand, looking for the young sapling. Then I realized that it's probably INSIDE the Lost Sanctum right? So all of the other young saplings (The Future and Antiquity) are useless. *sigh* Right now, I'm probably aiming to learn all of the double and triple techs.
  13. I know they do... but really, I need that version for nostalgia sake. I know that there's another arcade that has a DDR machine, but really, it's kind of grimy. The one I used to go to was pretty great.
  14. Over this summer, the arcade where I used to play DDR closed down. It used to be 10 minutes away from my house on foot. I don't think I'll ever get over the loss. I just try not to think about it. My first S, and AA was there... 3rd Mix Version 2 Korean... I doubt another cabinet is somewhere near me at all.
  15. Tell me how it is. Is the ending still the same from the original arcade game? It was terrible!
  16. Though I have no idea what you're talking about, I will try it out on the computer I have in the lab. So far, I hear that MS Project is one of those apps that is very useful once you learn how to use it. Conditional: once you learn how to use it. Anyway, yeah. We'll see how that turns out. I'm supposed to be doing hardcore research now. I'll let you know if I find the time to do it.
  17. As far as I know, one of the servers that was used to host a number of remixes is not able to any more. djpretzel is working hard to find some way to restore the availability of these remixes someplace else. I guess... maybe you can ask someone who has it nicely on the irc channel or something. It is, after all, free music.
  18. You might want to add this info in the first post. I was kind of confused when I saw it. It looked as if you had items and already buyers for them.
  19. Bah, I've gotten weaker ever since the sickness. I am slowly getting back into it. I realize now that I still might not have recovered 100% as I get dehydrated very easily. I am working on it. >_>;
  20. I think we're the only people here that can say that. I think that if you can get out of Cooper with a 2.8, you're pretty awesome. Sadly, some schools don't share my opinion.
  21. Happy birthday!! Did you know that 21 backwards is 12? YEAH! 12!!!!!!!!
  22. blargh, I'm dying. I'm sick this week, terribly sick. Level down.
  23. Most likely concertina, it's more traditionally used in this type of genre of music. I personally love me some castanets.
  24. Mario Paint and Playstation do not mix!!
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