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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. I like what you're doing with this, but there are just a few things I want to point out that may potentially throw a wrench in some gears over time. 1) If you do this, you need to make sure people realize this is to show a project's existence, what they have, what they're looking for, and what their status is in terms of progress. Whether or not you make this into a thread that portrays the order of project releases is up to you and will probably require a lot more interaction with directors and the people in charge of releases, but whether you do or not, make it explicitly clear. If this becomes the "unofficial reference for what project is out next", it may put undue stress on a project or give eagerly-awaiting fans of any of these improper expectations. Just saying how I would see it. 2) This does not take into account any "secret" projects that are yet to be announced. I don't know exactly how that affects things, but it probably does. 3) Is it worth having another judges-decisions-esqe list of statuses that someone will have to upkeep and, if it is not updated when projects are, could have people complaining? I'm not being a jerk, I'm just saying it might not be something you'd want to have responsibility over. If a project thread isn't kept up-to-date, that falls on the thread-owner/project staff. If the staff keeps it up-to-date and this doesn't reflect it, then it could end up being just another blame-game. I honestly do think we need something like this, but those would be my immediate concerns. Take them with a grain of salt.
  2. I like pie. And I like remixes. And I like you, too. The point here is that regardless of who or what did stuff when, the VGMix we remember is gone and that's something that, from the interest expressed by people in this thread thus-far, is something that needs changing. I'm not saying there aren't already a number of other quality sites for remixes, but the point of all this is that a) there is a demand for a site that ran similar to how VGMix2 did things there has been a lack of activity and progress towards reaching that goal as of the last few...years [not placing blame, just the fact-of-the-matter] and c) there is now some effort to change that, and some folks asking for possible help. I definitely hope you get virt on-board at some point (or at the very least get ahold of him!), and that all your effort will pay-off as it seems like many would be thankful for it.
  3. Every all-star game usually has a rookie or two, right? And I like the demolition derby idea too. Let's do that.
  4. Looks like your wall still isn't getting much business, but this place must have the best muffins in town. Arcana's Wall's muffins are AWESOME. Also, it is your job to yank me back to reality whenever I become too spaced-out. Deal? Deal.

  5. Okay, this turned into OCDoD. Wonderful. Can someone convince Disco Dan to re-sub his Megaman 3 title remix under the new standards? There's a song that had some low encoding. Just looked at the mix specs: 8:41 at 96 kbps. I loved that song. It's always great to see such improvements come through. So I'll start making remixes that are 1:30 in lenths at 320 kbps, ya?
  6. Anyone who takes that bet is a HUGE fool. We know Mr. E will deliver. I'll hold on to my $20 and agree with you. So....this is kinda like the all-star game of remixing now? Who's down for home run derby...with REMIXES.
  7. "Seems you found just the right cult classic to make fans come out of the woodwork at all levels! :smile:"

    ....I see vhat you did there! Nice work.

  8. Wait a minute, I SO did not see that request for bringing attractive single women. Next time tell me more up-front. I'll have a coach-bus full of some of the coolest, awesomest chicks I know
  9. Double-posting, but I don't care. Looks like Sega America Blog is getting in on the act too! http://blogs.sega.com/usa/2009/10/05/nights-fans-add-your-voice-literally-to-a-special-ocremix-project/
  10. Bahahahaha! Dude, I'm going to have a small health-care-proposal's worth of papers just for thank you's on this track at this rate. For now, let me see how things over at their forums go, and I'll post here whenever I figure out if/how it will work here. It was originally intended to get the project mixers involved and members of their forums for keeping a NiGHTS presence alive for so long on the internet. Depending on how many people submit parts just from them by the cut-off date, I won't know if it will be possible to include more without destroying the sound, but we shall see. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll my best not to disappoint! And MAD props to OA for getting this kind of idea started with Fabul and Zeromus. He's a big inspiration, that shiny-headed awesome-man.
  11. The man that gives us game-and-music-overload for four-ish days a year, and the woman who's voice warms our hearts...best of birthdays to you both. *tips his top hat*
  12. Rama, you sick sadistic bastard...how awesome looking is that mockup! IT'S JUST AS I REMEMBER IT! Anyways, Rama nailed it in that it was the semi-opposite approach to quality control that OCR has. Instead of keeping quality high with evaluations, submissions, judges, and all that jazz, people could basically upload a song of theirs every two weeks or so (that's what I remember it being) and it would automatically get posted on the site. Of course, I don't believe you're allowed to upload songs that contained any other copyrighted works (example: I don't think the Snoop Dog/Kirby mashup would fly) or midirips+drums and the like. The songs would then get reviewed and given points, and end up in tiers ranging from Tier 1 - Stuff of Legends, all the way down to Tier 7. This itself had a couple of problems based on design, such as a song would sometimes not have any reviews and it would sit in Tier 4 forever, and that there were a LOT of people submitting who were just getting their musical foothold. I know there are at least a few OCR people who came over from VGMix after the site went down, and quite a few got started there since the submissions here had a different approach. There were WIP sections as well, but you knew that once you were personally done you could upload the song and not worry about it being posted up unless you infringed on those guidelines. You just had to be personally satisfied and also be able to weather the reviews. It definitely provided a balance and alternative to OCR that was extremely healthy, but since it came down there really hasn't been anything to really take its place in that niche role... Whatever happens, it's good to see VGMix interest is still there outside of DoD! Edit: Should mention the reviews were done by any member of the VGMix community, not a select group within the members. Anyone with an account could review a song. The reviews themselves could also be given a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, if memory serves correctly...
  13. Have fun going through the memberlist and adding those permissions for people already there
  14. Well, it's fair to say that some sort of chain reaction started when I conveyed the idea of a huge communal remix for one rendition of "Dreams Dreams" for that there NiGHTS project I started up a little while ago. Yesterday, the NiGHTS forums over at www.nightsintodreams.com sent out an email to their members asking for assistance on the vocal tracks, as I want to give the chance for a good chunk of NiGHTS fans to take part in something that, through their years of keeping NiGHTS alive through fandom, deserved the ability to do. Apparently, someone from the Sega community team got wind of this and made the following post, mentioning OCReMix, the project, the forum thread over where I'm organizing things with them, and...well, just see for yourself: http://blogs.sega.com/europe/2009/10/05/ocremix-want-to-see-you-smile-again/ I'm pretty floored by how this sort of exploded in a single day, going from "hey, that's kind of a cool idea, hope I can get enough people to do it" to "WHOA, SOMEONE OR SOMETHING AT SEGA POSTED A BLOG ABOUT IT!" They mention the other sega-related projects, like the Sonic albums. A decent bit of exposure for OCReMix that I definitely didn't see coming.
  15. Seconded from both ends. I'm still just kinda getting my feet wet and, let me tell ya, it's not easy. The balance and dedication required is ridiculous. And you have to have really good people to depend on for doing things you can't possibly have all the time for. On the other end, I've gone through that "life" phase a number of times, but when you do come back, it's usually at full force with the fires of hell lighting your motivation. Not every project may reach the finishing line, or within the range of time they intended it to complete, but those that do are usually worth all the trouble and more. Shaun, get back to studying!
  16. Just the way the cards fell out this lifetime...it's a shame Maryland can't just become OCR Island, FreecountryUSA. But hey, one day you SHOULD head out here, even if it's inconvenient. I think we're worth it
  17. Can y'all just make up your minds? I just threw tracks in there! You're making me put out actual EFFORT to check! Edit: Yeah, it's right before TEAM ROKKIT. Fixed on my post.
  18. Wow....if I ever heard this in a game back in that day and age I'd be pretty floored...or have a mad chiptunes rave party. This is, well, pretty kickass. I love the first half how it's basically the buildup of adding more complicated synths and such, break it down again, and bring it back for the resolution. All of these old-sounding digital-thingamabopers come together and, in their fusion, make something that sounds much more than the sum of it's parts (not saying the parts itself are in any way negative). Added to the "game dance party" playlist. Very cool.
  19. I'm sticking with damn damn drum but taking a....semi-liberal approach to the mix. it's latin, kinda salsa-y
  20. Okay, here you go folks, the official Poke-Preview track: A wild PROMO appears! Here's the tracklist one more time (thanks The Damned): 1. Game On - Fishy 2. The Mighty Mighty Pokémon - Level 99 3. Divine Olivine - Chrono26 and Dragon Avenger 4. My Greatest Rival - Jaroban 5. Slowpoke huffle - Willrock07 6. Battle For The Badge - Fishy 7. Spume - Rozovian 8. Hope to see you again soon... - Protodome and Level99 9. Casino Lounge - GSlicer and Another Soundscape 10. Viridian Vibe - the prophet of mephisto 11. May I have this Swords Dance? - Protodome 12. Out of Antidote - Cerrax 13. TEEM.ROKIT - tweek THE MISSINGNO TRACKS used Focus Energy. THE MISSINGNO TRACKS is getting pumped up! Edit: Fixed. Sorry Cerrax!
  21. I believe that's what our mix is gonna be called.
  22. Will do! I'll upload the moment I get home tonight, then make a big announcement and yell out my window: "Yo, come check dis shi' out, eh? It's some music from that poke-game or wha'eva!"
  23. Why not just do a quick megaupload? I know it expires after a certain amount of inactivity, but since it's just a preview and the project should be out EVENTUALLY, it should work. Also that makes it so people can poke-preview wherever and not need to load up ze youtubes, and youtube's audio quality can be...sketchy at times. Sorry, just suggesting things, please don't hurt me!
  24. This song blows my mind, as do most things Mr. Nutritious-yet-delicious does these days. Step into the Light is an extremely moving piece with great production and progressively-fliped take on the source tune. Keep it up!
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