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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Interesting take on the Ocean Palace theme, it took a while for me to recognize it. At first I thought this was going to be a more mellow piece, considering that the remixer's nick points in that direction, and so I thought at first when I heard the bell synth in the beginning. But then came the other and more rough synth. And as for the guitar, you can clearly hear that it's a synth since it doesn't sound too real, but I don't have a clue for how to make it more "guitarish". However, since this is an electronica arrangement, I guess it's supposed to sound like this along with the other equipment, that's the thing with it. And to not stick out of the conversation, yes, the drums sounds very much similiar like Terminator. Nice remix overall.
  2. Already done. I concur with everyone, this is symphonical master-piece. The way it begins you think that a funky techno beat will follow this track to the end, but I don't think that it cannot be more wrong than that. The piano and strings enters almost at the same time, and essences like guitar and violin caught me off-guard. To see how this arrangement changes from the beginning seconds to the middle and the end, while always having a beautiful tone to it, it fills me with ave. This deserves some more listens later today. Those who haven't listened to this really should, it's one of the many proofs why Djpretzel is the one running this site.
  3. Hoo-boy, this will be hard to describe. Alright, here goes. I could really feel the poppish and merry go round feel in this one, I've listened to it sometimes now, but I'm sure that I was smiling when I first heard it, it still has that effect. But then about the chords, it does go up too much at some places, and the sound on some of the samples might be annoying. However, I don't think Ziwtra should change this. The result can surely be better if you use some more high-quality chords and all that kind of mix-stuff, but if you remove the funky and close to SNES-ish sound samples from this remix, it will lose it's charm. The prescense of the comical, rough and funky samples are the reason why this mix is funny to listem to. Take it away and this would be cool, but not necessarily not as much fun. Put the issues aside and forget about quality, this is one of the most happiest and poppish remixes this site has. THAT'S THE SPIRIT LADDY!!
  4. I thought I had reviewed this remix, this is awkward. I don't know much of the current jazz world, but I do know some things that a song must have to be jazzy. Piano: Check Saxophone: Check Bass: Check Groov: CHECK Issues about how the instruments could more real can always be brought up, but if we need it in the real form, we might as well go to a club. Anyone can get that this is jazz, Gux has taken the basic elements into it and converted the Mana theme into a much more funky concept. Great stuff.
  5. I would appreciate a specific number of how many instruments that was used to create this remix, I'm very curious. It sounded a little weird in the beginning when it suddenly decided to release everything at once after the bass and piano, but you got into it pretty quickly. I can see other's point about this remix being repetive, since when the real stuff begin, they go two rounds about it. The guitar session after it was swell, it hit the spot precisely. A new round came straiht afterwards, but I don't bother so much about it. The wide selection of samples and instruments copmensated it, it was amusing to give it a listen. Too bad that this was JAXX's last OCR debut, but it seems like OCR has survived that loss. Maybe I'll need to listen to more of his work, DyluckComeHome was actually quite good.
  6. Agrees with pretzel and Rimfrost, this can as easy as pie be the music to the movie of this game. This is a majestic piece, the strings and flutes goes up and down like a wave, and gets continuously pushed up by the have drums and cymbals. I'm very familiar with the melody, it does sound good in orchestral form. This is gold.
  7. CotMM caught me off guard here, this remix differs from their other remixes. Ruined World might be something like this, but this arrangement really is relaxing. The strings and the bells is soft and beautiful, an ice ave comes to my mind while listening. The drums however stood out pretty much compared to the more calmer insruments, but they helped this arrangement to gain some rhytm. Soothing as a comfy couch filled with soft pillows. Nice work.
  8. In what game or what boss? Is Dragon Lair a game or a place? I'm so confused. Edit: Kul att se andra svenskar häromkring.
  9. I think I have listened to this before, but.......it doesn't make sense. Why didn't I download it? I am not worthy listening to this, I'm gonna sit in my dark and cold corner now. *1 hour later* Ok, I'm back. The remix, or more correctly medley, began very smooth with the bass and the electric guitar, it was a nice intro for the real deal. The real deal, was powerful..no...dynamic..no..kickass...there we go. The drumrolls flew across the air everywhere and the guitars just kept on rocking. When the piano showed up the adrenaline level went down a bit, it was relaxing but also jamming, since the prescense of an electric guitar came a little later. Then....MORE AWESOME GUITARPLAY. It was however a little more chaotic this time, but the energy, ohohohohoh, it had energy. Theeeen it went down a little (again), and the piano finished off with a rough guitar in the back. And then fade out. My head got jiggy with it all the way, you can't sit still when listening to this one. Tremendous collab guys. Now I have downloaded it, but i won't feel safe until it's inside my mp3.
  10. I have had this remix in my collection some time now, and have also listened to it many times. It's only natural that you grow tired of a song if you listen to much to it, but when I'm listening to it now, I realize how good it really is. The guitar is well played, same goes for the piano(or was that a sample? ). Anyways, it still makes me impressed, I think I'm ready to listen to this beautiful arrangement once again. Good stuff Harmony.
  11. Now this is an environment I'm familiar of! Wet snow that gets pressed down, icicles hanging from cliffs and rooftops, wolves howling beyond the woods......well, maybe not the last one, but I'm at least very familiar with snow. Very smooth remix, when the temperature drops way down below zero, every kind of movement mostly stops and it's all quiet, like time itself could freeze. The mellow synths and beats in this remix makes the image in my mind become more visible, but this remix also helps me relax. This was a very cool arrangement, literally speaking. Thanks Zeratul. OH!SPOILERZ!!LOLOLOL LOLHASPOILER_WARNING!!HO!!?jKGC
  12. Interesting piece indeed, McVaffe apparently wanted to cover two music styles with this one, but I dunno what those styles are. He fused together classical instruments like piano and flute together with the electronic instruments we have today. The drumbeat has a very fast pace, but with more soothing instruments it becomes a different experience. I'm not sure what to call it, but I'm digging it. However, the ending could've been finished off a little more carefully, since it fades out pretty fast. And seriously, what's a Flava? My dictionary bursted out in flames when I tried to look it up.
  13. I think I got a tear in my eye. I can't help it, the beginning is as sweet as sugar mixed with honey and syrup. The strings gives it a more softer consistence, expression the love of......Marle or whatever her name was( I haven't played SoM in a while now). However, the drums and the horn brings some more honor into it when he rides off on his noble horse after promising he will come back. A very emotional and powerful arrangement from orchestra n00b JAXX, I would like to hear more of this. *sob* Why won't the tears stop?!
  14. Me liky this one alot. As many already said, this is mellow, calm and relaxing. The piano and the bells makes this smooth and close to ancient remix, it lulls you back and forth like a lullaby. If this remix "goes" anywhere or not depends of our own definition of it. Personally I agree, it doesn't go anywhere. It's drifting. When I imagine someone float in space, there aren't much action, no chaotic surroundings, but more of a silent and calm feeling when the person slowly comes closer to the mystical stars far away in space. That's also how this remix is. Nice work GL.
  15. His second final form in MM5 was pretty tough too, it was so hard trying to get a nice shot at the top of his robot.
  16. I tried Gogo a several times, but it was when he got serious that I didn't bother to defeat him. For the record: Meteor hurts, alot. Gogo's easy. He's a mime, so if you stand still and do absolutely nothing you'll win. WHAT?!!
  17. I'm sorry, but I just lol'd when I saw that boss name.
  18. Reminds me the first time we played it, we thought we had to strike it back by spin-swing, but you can just hit it normally. Shadow Link however is the hardest boss in the game, depending if you use Master Sword against him or not.
  19. I tried Gogo a several times, but it was when he got serious that I didn't bother to defeat him. For the record: Meteor hurts, alot.
  20. The bosses in Zelda wind waker has so far been quite easy, but it was the first one I had the most problem with. I couldn't hurt him, I couldn't pierce it, I couldn't in no way make it weaker, but on the third try, that's when i got him. I won't spoil it, but take the item you got in the dungeon and try to use it somewhere in the room. Maybe one of the most basic rules perhaps, but still.
  21. And I who just thought that I've gotten good at this stuff, but this is incredible. Was just a little curious about this image, is the quote from the lyrics of Marching Bands of Manhattan by Death Cab For Cutie?
  22. Remove all your accessories and only use Kingdom Key, then we'll see how good you are. I managed to do it at level 76, but MAN, was he tough. you are a game nerd, you are posting on OCR... Oh yeah? Well..... *looks at previous post* ...no comments.
  23. Well, try to get you Sphere grid completely equipped. Then you can start removing the weak speheres (like Strength+1) and replace it with a better sphere ( Strength+4), but since that includes SOOOOOOO much work with all the leveling up and stuff like that, I'll rather pass and leave it to the game nerds.
  24. How do you take down EarthEater? Beat him up, soon he will fall backwards and there's your chance to do some serious damage. I don't remember how to avoid Megaton punch though.
  25. It is indeed the hardest boss. Its incredibly powerful attack, "Rollback", throws the entire forumverse back in time! I could never find that post again. Lost. Forever. And bumps only makes it stronger. Just thought you should know.
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