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Everything posted by Broken

  1. I may just be imagining things, but I remember an old Playstation advertisement where someone played the ps1 through like ps3 or 4 and in the end it was a hologram projector. foreshadowing?
  2. BOF 1. I've always enjoyed this soundtrack. It's emotive, yet simple. I believe it only has like 30 tracks, but I'll need to check.
  3. Can I force it to do that manually, or do I have to buy a specific converter? I'm currently using a Radio Shack one.
  4. So, any suggestions on hooking up a pad to SM? reccomend me: 1. pad type 2. brand 3. converters (if neccessary) I am currently trying to get a 3rd party ps2 pad (Reactor) to work with my ps2->usb adapror. I was very dissapointed with the performance (not to mention I ran into the joy-axis problem that aparently is frequent with this kind of interface. I guess I should've done a little more research.) Response is slugish at best. I had to change my game's judgement window to it's most lenient in order not to fail most things. Despite this, I still can't beat even moderately difficult songs.
  5. Speaking of Wikipedia, I found this the other day, and I've already found a few programs that look interesting. Most of the programs on the list have already probably been mentioned in here, but I hope someone finds something that will help them out.
  6. Ah, a fellow math enthusiast. Welcome to OCR. Make sure to check out the Math thread...if it's still around, that is. I don't like chemistry much myself, but I suppose it's important to understand. Oh, you might like to check out the OCR christians thread too, seeing how you're christian and all. Yeah, there are lots of threads, teams, clans, and groups on and about this website, so make sure to peruse them all and find some that you like.
  7. I played PIU again today, but I was suprised to find an arcade machine in my home town. It was in darn fine working condition, too. The machine was a New Xenesis version which I assume is one of the newer releases because it looked and played great. Really changed my mind about the series. The layout of the machine was better IMO. The last arcade machine I played had lights that must have been at eye level because I remember them being very distracting. The screen was nice and wide and must have been in like 480p or something because the images were nice and crisp and colorful. I fnally got over the music (I didn't really like the k-pop last time I played it, but it's no better or worse than j-pop, really. The other genres are fine as well. It just depends on what kind of music you're into.) The pad condition is what sealed the deal, however. I'm just not used to seeing arcade machines in fine working condition where I live, and I would never expect a rythm game like Pump or DDR to have such reponsive pads (it's almost as if the owners of the store CARE about their machines.) It made me feel better to know that at least part of the reason I was sucking so badly the last time I played Pump is that the pads just would not respond. ...In other news, I still can't beat Holy Orders.
  8. Haven't watched this show in ages, but I remeber it never having much story or anything. Did that change during the final episodes or was the climax just Ed finally finding some jawbreakers?
  9. Yeah, it's great that Beatdrop is going to be featured in the next DDR. I've got Ultramix 1. How're two and three? And by the way, please don't link directly to music files on this website. Link to the download page instead
  10. Yes, haha. And bring water, fan, towel, and deoderant for longer sessions. It's important to stay fresh and clean, clean.
  11. Well done, man. Hope they make good steps to go with the song (that is if you aren't allowed to do it yourself.)
  12. This is overall excellent with a capital E. Why didn't I just say Excellent? Well, that wouldn't be good from a grammatical stand-point. But anyway, back to this remix. Star, I'm glad to hear the fruits of your long hiatus. This mix is smooth. I assume that you used real guitar beacuse it's so clear (those are some amazing samples, if you didn't.) Percussion is kicking; It really keeps the peice from dragging at parts. You did a fairly good job a splicing the piano solo and guitar and then adding vocals. The three seem to mesh pretty well most of the time. However, there are instances when the piano sticks out and it isn't really doing anything interesting (just playing the same 3 or 4 notes, which seems kind of anticlimactic.) And needless to say, your singing is amazing. I'm always glad to hear a competent male vocalist. Especially around OCR. I really hope this is a your return fanfare instead of a your swan song, Star.
  13. Dinosaur is cooler. More RED Earth plz.
  14. comme voulez-vous This is a pretty cool dream match. You might not like the outcome, however. The Dudley was being pretty brain dead. Edit: is better except for the funny glitch at around 3:00.
  15. Ummmm....... wow?
  16. Uggh, Holy Orders IZ HARRDD! Can't beat it despite retrying about 8 times already. I can't get past the stupid drum rolls. They are too fast for my poor fingers. I feel so inadequate.
  17. This thread has been around for quite a while. I'm astonished that it hasn't been locked yet. Oh well, I like Paper Mario's soundtrack.
  18. Since no one uses Muay Thai in Third Strike, I went with my second discipline of choice and chose the boxer. Dudley is the man with his easy link combos (not sure if that's the right phrase) and some good spacing tools. I Don't know where he is on the teir list, but I love his code of honor. "Let's fight like gentlemen." Love his sense of style too. Suspenders are so in these days.
  19. I'll have them substitute you for that random Hockey player that I've never heard of who is # 3.
  20. I just read about this today, and I'm really excited. I think this could not only be great recognition for Miyamato and his accomplishments, but also shed some positive light on the game industry. I don't think I really need to say this, but go vote for him. Steve Colbert is currently the top ranked candidate. link
  21. So almost done, yet so not. That is all.
  22. If I ever buy this game (which would require me to get with the times and actually BUY a DS,) I will blindly chose the fire starter because it's what I do. My Charmander didn't give a damn that it was fire-type when I got to Brock back in the day, and whatever the heck fire pokemon they have nowadays is no different.......Heck, I used to walk to school up-hill both ways in the freezing snow, every summer. Don't come complaining to me when your pokemon needs a candy or whatever you kids feed them these days. /rant
  23. I'm trying to mod my crappy old pads so I can play SM with them when I'm back to 100%. Do you have any tips on this? Right now, I have 3 decent (-ly bad) xbox pads, one Male-Female USB cable (I believe,) electric tape, and wire cutters. Do you know a good place to find a soldering iron/ xbox drivers etc? I mostly want to do this because it looks like a fun project. I'm the kind of person that likes to open up his GC controller and clean it out when it goes haywire instead of buying a new one. But if it's too much hassle, I'll just buy a ps2 pad and use my ps2-usb adaptor. Which leads me to my second question. What are some decent and affordable ps2 metal/foam insert/ soft pads?
  24. I play fairly often. I think of it as an interactive but not neccessarily strenuous way to enjoy music. I would play actual DDR more, but I don't usually have time and I recently hurt my back, so I'm letting it heal.
  25. Good point. I guess I've just been dismissing the game due to it's graphics for a long time. I'll try it out.
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