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lady zelda

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Everything posted by lady zelda

  1. Your warranty is most likely still good (assuming you got it within the last month), so I suggest giving them a call about it or going to apple.com and going to the help and support FAQs. But if you don't mind giving it up to them for a couple days (they'll send you a box to ship your iPod back to them), they should either get it fixed for you or give you a new one for free.
  2. Kill Bill Vol. 2 > Kill Bill Vol. 1 (though I love both)
  3. Who has experienced waking up really early in the morning, going to the bathroom door and standing there for a while because you're trying to press A button to make it open?
  4. In this day and age, graphics are important now that 3D technology has developed tremeandously in the last ten years. Though ultimately, I think that now with the new consoles on the market and pretty much all games have good graphics, games can't just rely on beauty of graphics alone to make a game sell. Once they get the content down, then that's what sets a good game apart from a mediocre game. Basically, good graphics are pretty much part of the required ingredients for a game, and not just more flavoring on the cake like it once was.
  5. Brilliant and amazing for a tablet. Keep these coming.
  6. Beautiful. Just beautiful. You've got some set of mad piano skills there that are just unparalleled--intricate and rich. Keep these coming!
  7. Those just weren't really funny. Spaceballs, though, yes.
  8. I totally second what everyone else has said. This mix is full of flavor and character. I love how you fit so many different themes and ideas into it. Keep it up!
  9. Yeah, I've had similar problems by using Windows Explorer and copying files from my documents and putting them into the disc drive to write, except my comp tells me that there is actually no disc in the drive. I recommend Sonic DigitalMedia Plus. It allows you to burn all kinds of CDs from music, DVD and data CDs.
  10. BRILLIANT! Excellent. BEAUTIFUL That was...kinda the point of the "oldskool" bit. Princess Toadstool: Shiny like Oldskool I called her by her full name until I started playing Mario Party, which pretty much made "Peach" a household term.
  11. Fun mix you got here. I love how it starts to pick up at around 2:00 and the end just makes it all the more catchy. Keep these coming!
  12. I love the beat and the mix of instruments you have playing on this mix. And pixietrick's vocals do an awesome job of maintaining that haunting beauty even around that guitar, especially during the key change at around 2:40. Well done guys, keep it up!
  13. This is a great orchestral piece, rich in harmonies, full of emotion, great use of each section of the orchestra, and it never ceases to maintain the dark yet beautiful setting of FFVII. Keep these coming, Russel!
  14. Hello and nice to have you on the forums and I look forward to hearing your music. I love your sig, btw!! Haha!
  15. I have to reiterate: beautiful guitar work. It's reflective, original, and is certainly what I need on a chill sunday morning. It would also be useful to help me drift off to sleep after a busy day. I get this beautiful image of a sleepy pond in the middle of the woods with rays of sun shining through the trees or rather, images from the past, good memories...bottom line, this piece is wonderful and has the ability to touch all. Good work! Keep these coming and never stop strumming!
  16. I love the feel of this mix, that soaring feeling you get from the guitar and the percussion fits very well with it. Keep these coming and keep mixing, ilp0!
  17. It's been a while since I heard something from Neskvartetten, so it's good this mix came up. Once again, it does not disappoint staying with the mellow blues/jazz style, like the Link Goes to New Orleans mix. The classic theme on guitar is incorporated well with the rest of the ensemble and is enjoyable to have one while doing work. So yes, keep these coming!
  18. It's been a while since I've visited this thread. But yeah, hello and welcome to all new members, including those who are registering as we speak. Do stay a while and never forget to write reviews for the mixes that you have listened to, it's what I started doing when I first became a member, as a way to give back to the OCR community. Oh yeah, and aside from musical talents, you have plenty of oppurtunities to show off your other artistic talents as well via Rate that Sig and Fanart Competitions. Have fun and in the words of Arek, happy posting! See you on the forums!
  19. Best of luck and we'll always continue to listen to and love your mixes. Don't forget to come back and say hi every now and then though!
  20. This is one fun mix! I can definitely see Darunia dancing to this, haha (move over, Saria's Song)! Your choice of instrumentation really brought some extra life and a more defined melody to the original. Good work! Keep it up!
  21. The transition in the middle section is amazing. At first you have your rendition of Cid's theme and then slowly it builds to something so much more, and then before you know it, you're riding along with the current before you find yourself swept into the final section, that is not only catchy but so full of energy. There is such a huge difference between the beginning of the mix and the end, and it still fit so well together. To sum it up in one word: mileage. Awesome job, Star Salzman!
  22. This definitely ranks in the top three Tetris remixes I've heard. This is definitely material for the next Tetris. It's just so full of energy and does not disappoint throughout, and goes to prove that Tetris music can sound awesome in any genre, providing that it's mixed well, of course! Anyway, keep 'em coming, Reforged!
  23. Wow, I love this! You make great use of the full orchestra here, Random Hero! I cannot get over how amazing the string section is. And you incorporate the piano very well. Yup, this really is a top notch orchestral OCR. Keep it up!
  24. Wow. Just wow! The guitar is amazing and I love the smooth transition from this period of tranquility to that section around 2:15 where this haunting feeling just blankets mix while maintaining the utter beauty from the very beginning. And then it beautifully finishes off by getting back into the original guitar motif ending with a long triad, which leaves you with this subtle suspense for a couple seconds though it feels like so much longer, just to make sure it leaves a lasting effect on you. This is the best mix of yours I've heard, AmIEvil! True musical genius.
  25. Wow, this is one interesting mix. I love the percussion that goes with the dark melody and it kind of gives me an image of somebody skateboarding smoothly through a really dark corridor, kind of like in Kingdom Hearts II. Ultimately, it maintains its spooky image throughout. This is a great example of some awesome creativity you got there, Sine. Keep it up!
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