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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Leads too loud? Maybe a little. Song is badass? Definitely. Yes
  2. Nice and tight recordings, it has a clean and heavy sound; the compression though is pretty ridic. It's killing any dynamics you have and making your drums sound puny. They click through pretty well, but most of the body is lost. The new rhythms are cool, and the sections fit together really well, but i'm kindof being wall-of-sounded to death. i can hear a pretty great Meshugguh influence that really works with the source. The second repetition does feel copy pasted, but it doesn't completely kill the track for me. I do think adding some additional guitar harmonies would be a super easy way to make it feel fresher, and have the poor drummer play some different fills the second time around as well. Fadeout is also sortof weak, but you at least faded out on a cool riff. Overall this track's strengths were definitely outweighing it's weaknesses. It's really close for me, but I think toning down the compression and adding a little more variation in the second half would make this an easy pass. Resub it please! No, please resubmit
  3. That vocal sample is siiiiick, and really helps sell this otherwise conservative arrangement. The production and soundscape is really nice, and though it's mostly just a sound upgrade, it's a really good one.
  4. Nice lush opening with some semi noodley brass, and then some amazing piano and synth goodness. This is really beauty in simplicity, and has a great source with a really tasteful arrangement and expansion. Very nice stuff, and not surprisingly, from Disco Dan!
  5. It sounds like it was recorded on a cellphone too. >____> The idea is cute, but I can't really say I enjoyed the execution. Sorry.
  6. Production is all over the place, and the source is pretty buried in a lot of places, but overall the good in this one outweighs the bad. Some really creative ideas throughout, and it's definitely worth listening to. I'm glad this one passed the panel. Nice shredding too.
  7. besides the aforementioned tuning issues, this was pretty nice; the super spacious sound made it feel very desolate and creepy, and Though the arrangement was conservative, there were enough unique touches to really give it personality. I am amazed that Select Start formed in 2002, how time flies.
  8. Pretty good, I like the massive percussive reverb near the end. It's very relaxing.
  9. It takes a real man to release something like this. A man like DJP. Pretty amazing, on multiple levels.
  10. Great builds and attention to detail on the production. The reverb on the high end is gorgeous, and the beat is really driving. Great full sound, and an excellent arrangement that uses it's almost 8 minutes very well. Great stuff.
  11. Principal Flik is amazing. Hilarious and creative track, with some nice additional counter melodies, and the intro and outro were super quality. Nice work dude, I think a sequel should be in order.
  12. Really relaxing stuff, the deceptive cadence at 2:09 was awesome, and the slight color changes in the chord structure were excellent. I think a little more rubato in some spots would have improved it, but overall some really nice interpretation of a classic theme.
  13. great rhythmic textures and filtering over a really serene backdrop making this a pretty excellent track. The source is pretty sparse to begin with, so a lot of the additions make it into a whole new song. Overall really nice, check this one out.
  14. Not really digging the synth guitars, but the rest of this is awesome. The intensity of the track definitely shines through, and the attention to the leads really pays off. Nice section changes, there is always something interesting going on. Storm Eagle is especially well handled, and the transitions between sections are solid too. Pretty much this makes up for the weak backing samples and sound quality with pure adrenaline. Really great stuff.
  15. I agree with everyone, Conservative arrangement, but a lot of really well done personalization, and a ton of copy-paste. I really enjoy the mix, but I feel that even though it's close to going either way, that I need to side with the mean judges. I'd love to hear an extended solo in here, or some more varied sections, as it's clear you have the skills to really make this work. No, please resubmit
  16. The opening lead was a little buried and had some super minor tuning issues, but the bass was great, and everything else clicked pretty well. I will echo that the arrangement felt conservative to me, but I think there was enough done to make it unique enough to the site. Some of the mixing was a little off, the bass and snare were a bit much, and overall it was a little bottom heavy, but nothing pointing it to the realm of no return. Performances were all solid, and though there are a few rough spots in the production, I am good with this passing. Yes
  17. Your ReMixer name : Ganime Your real name: Mario Mendez Your email address: shoushuganime@hotmail.com Name of game(s) arranged :Ristar Name of individual song(s) arranged : Ice Scream Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): The game was on the Sega Genesis, I believe the composer was Tomoko Sasaki. (not positive) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: This mix was made on Logic. Ice Scream was one of my favorite songs on the Ristar soundtrack. I have attempt this song multiple times, but was never satisfied with the mixes that I had.
  18. I really like the feel and flow of this, and initially, the bells playing the iconic plinks and ploonks worked really, but besides that melodic instance, the connection is very tenuous. There is no other dominant melodic reference to the original source, and it becomes an "inspired by" track, rather than a ReMix. It is pretty well produced, with clean sounds and good balance, but it's far too liberal on the arrangement side of things for me to pass. SOrry guys, I do love the track though. No
  19. funny that a non-OCR friend found this video and linked me - looks like a ridiculous chart. I'd much much much rather play this on an actual guitar- it'd be some much easier:
  20. Even though the entire album was packed with excellent tracks, this one felt head and shoulders above. The fact that it was put together so quickly is even cooler. Sometimes lightning can just strike, I guess. Beautiful and timeless, awesome work, bros!
  21. nice n' chill - I was worried you wouldn't finish in time. Hearing it inspires me to make mine even cooler.
  22. Damn, that voice sample is wretched. I don't remember it being that annoying at first few listens, but maybe I was just awed by all the other great stuff going on. Overall, very strong work.
  23. Really powerful and dramatic work here, with nice sequencing and some incredible counter melody writing. The supporting strings are much more solid now, and everything is just really exciting. I think a more dramatic ending would have been better, but even still, this is a really nice rendition of a superb original soundtrack. Great job!
  24. Awesome congrats on your promotion, man! That is great news! As for your soon to be declining OCR involvement; it's unfortunate, but a dream job is just that, so good on you for keeping your eyes on the prize. I'm sure we'll see you around from time to time.
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