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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I thought the percussion high end was overhyped, but all the recorded percussion was cool, and the feel of the track was really nice. The arrangement itself is pretty meandering with a lot of elements that work as backing melodies, but I don't feel really drove the track anywhere. It was really beautiful, but it was background for a main melody that never appeared. I pretty much agree with Vinnie that though the chords are pretty grounded, there isn't near enough connection to the source. Either rework this one, or please do a different song in this style, because I really think it works. Sorry man, No
  2. First off, kudos for an excellent source selection. The arrangement direction you've taken it is also really cool, and the sounds chosen are really good. There are some production issues that are holding this back. First off, it's loud. Not just a little loud, but "super fucking loud", which is a volume level that I wasn't even sure existed. I had the track at 20% volume, and some sections were still so painfully amped that I had to go down to 10%. Also, it seems the high end is really overhyped in some of the instruments, where they get pretty stabby. Specifically the lead synth that crescendos in at :24. The right volume for it is around :28, but it continues to build until :32. It's also too loud at the 1:02-1:23 point. It sounds great and the part it has is awesome, but damn, it's loud in those sections; tone it down a little. The feedback at 2:33 is also cool but very very loud. The drums are slightly buried and muddy, but maybe they are just being drowned out, so maybe just reducing the volume of everything else will give them a chance to shine. I gotta say I love the arrangement and sounds, but the production is killing it. It's not even a ton of hard stuff, just some adjustments of levels and mixing, maybe some EQ cuts. Finally, there is a random cut at the end, before the sound even fades completely. An arrangement this good needs a real ending. It deserves to end in style. I really like this and hope you resub. No, please resubmit
  3. Cool arrangement on a equally cool source, this had some really nice moments, and stayed exciting even with a strong dynamic curve. Nice work! Production was a bit muddy in the low end with the piano reverb and orchestral drums, and some sections were a little bit mechanically sequenced, but overall I was feeling this. It has a distinct manic energy to it, and the sections were nicely transitioned but still unique to each other, and the vocals and horn rips were a good unifying element. I dig it. Yes
  4. Ridiculously good samples handled very well, with some very exciting backing parts. This mix sounds great.
  5. Awesome source selection, that was one of my favorite DDR tracks as well; and I was definitely not expecting this style. There are a lot of cool things about the mix, but a few choices i'm not completely sure of. The track is seemingly a little left heavy early on with the synth arpeggios, though later on it evens out. The vocals were very well done, with a strong performance and some nice melismatics that were subtle but very welcome, though it seemed like the very first vocal entrance was a millisecond late. It's not crushing the track, but it seems somewhat obvious and easy enough to fix. I didn't think the drums were interesting at all, and though they started out nice, I think halfway through they should have been maybe made more interesting somehow, maybe with some additional layers or possibly switching to an acoustic kit. They just felt placeholder for a lot of it, though with this kind of vocal song, the singer is the highlight, and since things were clearly mixed that way, it's not as big of a deal. Production is clean and balanced, if a little empty in some spots. I think some subtle pads would have helped a little, but perhaps I am just used to the jam-packed original. Either way, the clean production, unique arrangement, and good performances bring this about the nitpicks I have, and this is a definite improvement over your debut submission. I like it. Yes
  6. I think actually the entire point of the Kirby series to be cute. Not wrong at all.
  7. Sorry if I am ruining expectations by not being harsh, but I love this mix. It's like a lot of the animal crossing music, where it's beautiful melody and harmony, but the synths aren't gentle enough to handle it properly. The change to 6/8 was an excellent call, and the sounds chosen were perfect. I didn't think the drums added much, but I also don't think they really detracted. Sortof a strange situation where they just add a pleasant backing texture, and i'm fine with that. no issues with me passing this one, nice work. Yes
  8. This is pretty great, but the kick is all sub and needs some punch, (except for the breakdown near the end) IMO. If you guys agree, we should just email Cerrax and have him update it, the track seems pretty solid to me otherwise. Cool arrangement, creepy and mysterious, with well chosen synths, and some good sense of sound space. The drums are just pretty weak. Yes (conditional?)
  9. I'm not completely sold on the snare drum sound. Most of the time it sounds fine in the mix, but when it's more exposed it sounds a little small. It isn't exposed often though, so it's not really a big deal. The balance is pretty good, and the kick drum sounds really powerful, which is what really drives the track. The guitars sound brutal, and the little touches of synth are very tasteful. I didn't even hear them the first time through, they were so subtle. This is definitely a medley, but like Fire Cross, I feel it really succeeds, due to the main theme that keeps coming back and anchoring the ideas. The transitions are also really solid, even without being flashy, and help make the track sound cohesive. If I wasn't so familiar with all the source tracks to be able to place them, it'd feel like something off of Master of Puppets, where every song was simply packed full of awesome riffs. Besides the sometimes weak snare, it seemed like some of the drum fills were a little vanilla, but there was a lot of beat variation, and the focus was the melodic content. Otherwise, my only complaint is that I think the ending should have had a held chord rather than the brief one, but it still was pretty satisfying. Nice work on this one, I'd agree that it's one of the best i've heard from you. Yes
  10. At first glance, that's a really weird combination of source songs, with a super cartoony track mixed with a more gothic one, but they were combined pretty seamlessly; I never would have expected it, but it worked well enough. I admit not being super impressed for the first few seconds, but once the variation came in, it was pretty good, with a strong beat, and I thought the soundscape was pretty good, but it seemed like there weren't a ton of risks being taken, as far as arrangement. There were some cool alterations, and some good additional rhythms and such. I never felt like the song was treading water, but I never felt that there was a "omfg wow" moment, which more lo-fi stuff generally needs to do. The transition into the triplet feel beat was also a little choppy, and I think with a harder-hitting transition, would have felt a lot stronger. Overall it might seem like I'm hating on the track, but that's not quite right. I think it passes the bar, but I feel like you are capable of producing something more exciting. Maybe I am just being selfish, because this track does work. yes
  11. I'm really glad that the brass was replaced with the organ, because this track is sick. I love the clavinet specifically, but all the pieces fit together very well, and the track is exceptionally funky. Mad props, I can't wait to hear more!
  12. This is fantastic stuff, it gets more rocking each time i listen to it. Please do some more, I really enjoyed it!
  13. I am all over this. If I knew how to edit videos, i'd do some epic synth youtube videos. Live performance of this song?
  14. Remixer: Cerrax Real Name: Charles Koch Website: http://www.cerrax.com User ID: 17461 Game Remixed: Pokemon Red/Blue Song Remixed: Viridian Forest Hey guys. This is a track from the Pokemon Project "The Missingno Tracks". Ever since I first played Pokemon, I've been somewhat terrified of the Viridian Forest. I mean, the song's creepy, there's all those poison pokemon in there...it's just not a happy place. So I wanted to evoke that sort of unsettling aspect of the setting in the remix. Then Prophet of Mephisto had a great idea of calling the remix "Out Of Antidote" and the song took on a whole new approach as some kind of bad acid trip via the poison from the pokemon in the forest. So eat some mushrooms or LSD and listen to this and tell me how it goes Thanks. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPH9bT2Agc0
  15. Remixer name: Skummel Maske Real name: Thomas Bullock Email address: kordeth@hotmail.com Website: http://skummel.anticode-media.net UserID: 21629 Submission info Submission title: Sephiroth's Deliverance Game: Final Fantasy VII Sources used: (approximated timestamps to help distinguish them, just in case) 00:00 to about 01:10 - Sephiroth's Theme (Those Chosen By The Planet) - This is my main source for this arrangement. 01:20 - 01:35 - J-E-N-O-V-A 01:44 - 02:03 - Battle Theme (Those Who Fight) 02:04 - 02:23 - One-Winged Angel 02:26 - 02:41 - Those Chosen By The Planet 02:41 - 02:55 - The Great Northern Cave/Main Theme (isn't this called a leitmotif?) 02:55 - 03:33 - Birth of a God 04:17 - end - Those Chosen By The Planet Link to the soundtrack: I'm not certain if this is necessary for such a well-known game, or if all the sources are needed, but I'll take my precautions: Those Chosen By The Planet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C77Eaq3CDQ Jenova http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KXiVBA7svc Battle Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9LrE6dRHn8 One-Winged Angel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTxhh1Ins5I The Great Northern Cave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho1vZh1wFYA Birth of a God http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGHkjLhIpU8 Personal comments: I actually started this arrangement with LuIzA's Fire Cross in mind. The general idea was a dark, heavy picture of Final Fantasy VII, focusing on Sephiroth and the tracks related somewhat to him. As I started writing the arrangement, more and more themes came to mind and seemed to fit together perfectly. I submitted this track to Dwelling of Duels for the Magfest 8 competition, confident that this was my best arrangement to date, but due to an overwhelming amount of amazing tracks I didn't really place too well. After Magfest I continued to work on the track, hoping to improve the sound and mixing. I gathered what I could of feedback from peers, and OA especially was a great help. Now, you guys can hear the result.
  16. This is a beautiful source done in a really creative and fun way- there is no way this song is ever leaving my playlist.
  17. I loved the birthday wish at the beginning, and the track itself was really nice- I love the source that is really enthusiastic and bombastic, and this mix really does it justice. I would like to hear the lead instrument switched up a little, maybe pass it off to a twinkling piano or something for a bit, but overall I really enjoyed this track. Great work!
  18. Super amazing playing, a great arrangement with some very cool and original sections, and a really good mix of instruments. The blend of tasteful orchestra and organ fits really well with the guitars, and nothing sounds like it's trying too hard to impress us. The restraint and confidence is really refreshing, and the clean section leading up to the really dramatic ending was superb. Some of the drums could have been a little punchier for my tastes, and maybe some of the woodwinds a bit louder, but otherwise this was good stuff. I'm a little surprised how unenthusiastic some of the judges were on this one, but it passed, so all's well.
  19. Pretty brutal stuff, my only real complaint is that the vocals are lost a little in the mix, and the rhythm guitars have a bit too much distortion on them. Otherwise, it was packed with vigor, and I felt like Ragnarok was upon us. Well played, metal remixer dude!
  20. Energetic and fun, exceptionally well performed, and pretty well produced. I think a little more high end would have been icing on the cake, but this track just feels good. Incredibly competent and tasteful, this mix is amazing. Check it out!
  21. Very nice rendition of a very nice theme, this is the perfect length, with good transitions, and some nice ornamentation. I've spent half the morning listening to this one, and I really enjoy it.
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