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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. For being an older mix, the processing is very good on this. I never really got into the metroid music, but somehow i'm really feeling this track. Maybe because it has a beat now, i'm not sure. I noticed that the mixer for this had a bunch of mixes all early on, and within a few months and then nothing. It's kindof unfortunate because I bet with a quality like this so long ago, they would really have some impressive work nowadays. Besides the nice synths, the beat is steady if not a bit bland (I dislike the claps), but everything else is really nice.
  2. Not feeling this one, too much cheese and not enough arrangement for me. Sorry.
  3. If you are on a budget and just want to do rock music, drumkit from hell 2 would also be a good option. Less than $100 if you can find it on sale, and you can rock out all you want.
  4. remix number 9? More like OLDverclocked remix. ;-D ;-D Actually for being of such a vintage, this remix has some sweet stuff going for it. The solos are very very good, and the space harrier theme itself is great. I wouldn't really classify this as anything even close to disco, but the synth sounds do have a nice 70's retro feel to them. Pretty nice stuff.
  5. I love the rhythmic s-s-sonic booms. The mix is way too short, and besides the sweet sound effect section, seems to be a little vanilla, arrangementwise, but its fun for sure. There is a lot of nice panning and the samples are nice.
  6. Just a warning, this is more of a frantic beach party than the sit-and-drink-margarita one that I was envisioning, and all the better. Energetic and fun, it'd be great for some beach volleyball or running away from someone after you've poured a bucket of water on them while they had fallen asleep on their blanket. I loved startropics when it ifirst came out; the controls were slightly stiff (some would say required prescision) for an action RPG, but the cool touches and the unique location made it a real winner in my mind. This mix does it justice abd is something that I can totally dance to, thanks to my ADHD super powers. Good stuff.
  7. For some reason the mp3 won't play, regardless.
  8. Obscure game; awesome remix. I love the lead line on this, and the energetic accompaniment. The drums are a little weak, but the mix is carried by the busy synth rhythms and the nice lead. I think the mix could have benefitted from a shift in the color of the lead synth; right now the same sound goes throughout the entire song. Mixing it up for a breakdown or something would be a nice improvement. Otherwise a really good track from a game i've never heard of before.
  9. Pretty nice early trance style here, I think the bass could be kicked up a bit; give it that Technotronic pumped up jam feel. I think some of the counterpoint was a little on the loud side and didn't mesh as well as it could have, but overall this is a pretty good mix.
  10. A little on the generic side, nothing really grabbed me about this mix. I think part of the issue is that all of the elements used have good background qualities, but nothing really jumps to the forefront. The bass rhythm is nice, and the scratches hare and there are cool, but the lead synth isn't strong enough, and the drums lack punch. Great background music, but nothing i'd actively rock out to.
  11. Fun and energetic, I really like the feel of this mix; like it is freshly scrubbed and all clean. The bells and pizzicato strings match together very well with the light electronic beats, and even though it is somewhat repetitive, it doesn't get old to me. Very fun, i like it a lot.
  12. I'm looking at doing a Kiwi Adventure mix, We'll see if I can handle all those notes. I have to say I'm not really familiar with his work, but after checking all these songs, the dude is a total keyboard maniac. I havn't heard so many wheedily-wheedilies in a long time. \m/
  13. lolz, the drums are so good, I must have MORE of them!!! ...in the form of fills and a reverse cymbal.
  14. This mix could just be the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL and it'd be a winner in my book. I like the soccer touches, like the whistles and the crazy announcer. Man, that dude is excited. I normally hate samples in songs, but this song did it right. The music itself is a pretty good source, and while a bit simple, it is melodic enough to keep my interest, and there are a lot of good added elements. I really love the sports theme throughout though, it really makes the mix awesome.
  15. I've been a fan of this mix forever and i'm kindof sad that there arent more reviews for it. ENERGY- TO THE MAXIMUM! BEATS- ROUGH AND TOUGH! (with a little break in the middle for those of you who need a breather) SYNTHS- DELICIOUS! POTENTIALLY NUTRITIOUS! SOLO- PRETTY GOOD! JUST GLAD IT'S THERE! This is complete old school ass-kicking goodness, and all you star soldier wannabes need to download this onto your wii, crank this song, maybe do DJP's funky chicken dance (optional), and start blowing shit up. Recommended.
  16. Ambient beats mixed with some very nice synths, this is a really nice track. The main motif sounds good, but what really makes this is the lead lines that are layered over it. The synths are super clean and have a very appealing sound to them. One thing that I would have preferred would have been a more driving beat, especially in the kick. I think it would have lost a bit of the tranquil feeling it has now, but would have gained a lot more forward momentum. Regardless, this is still a good mix and seems to be a bit overlooked judging by the number of comments.
  17. When I saw the game I assumed it was the rocking stage 1 track, but I think this one is from a little later on in the game. I do recognize the source though, which is pretty sweet for it being such an old game. This mix does have a good deal of pep, and I like the subtle processing on some of the synths. Some pretty good interpretation with breakdowns and buildups, and overall a pretty decent mix.
  18. There's a few tracks from Uncharted Waters 2, I think maybe Soukaigi, a few of the Onimushas, and if that fails, you could go for the cheese and do something from super ninja brothers. I'm sure there are way more.
  19. Gonna pick this album up this weekend I think. If it doesn't grab me, then I can always sell it, but I heard a single track and it sounded pretty good. Also, I listened to the new Symphony X album and it's pretty awesome, though not as melodic as previous. I am really enjoying the more aggressive sound they have going, makes them sound a lot more like they do when playing live.
  20. A pretty hypnotic mix, the opening reminds me of a track from final fantasy 7 with that synth. This really needs to be listened to on headphones or high end speakers to catch everything, as this mix is incredibly subtle. Breathy pads join in, as well as pizzicato strings, and a few more filtered synths, all slowly building to a double time section where the energy is increased, but the mood is maintained. The ending is way too abrupt, as it snaps you right out of the trance you were in, but until that point the mix is amazingly effective.
  21. Rhythmically very interesting, I don't remember the source at all, but I certainly don't remember a track in any Metroid game being this attention-getting. Production is clean, but I think the low end needs a bit more punch, especially the bass drum. The variation is pretty nice too, with synths and pads coming and going throughout, though switching up the chord progression for a section would have been a nice improvement. Overall, however, a very nice mix.
  22. That's part of the beauty of a DS, the games are all pretty reasonably priced, so if you grab one and it's not quite for you, it wasn't quite the $50 investment. Etrian Odyssey is pretty good for doing it while doing other things, since it is a turn based battle system. Just close the DS or leave it going while you do something else, then come back to is as needed.
  23. i think i loled about 3 or 4 times during this, and I can't believe the title ( i think i did a quadruple take) but this really rocks and is tons of fun. I gotta disagree with Larry in that the "my toe" section was easily my favorite part (thought the solo was really nice too). Sweet mixing, awesome work. [
  24. THe only song I really liked from train of thought was endless sacrifice, and the only one I liked from 6 degrees was misunderstood. Octavarium was much better than both of those, IMO, but honestly (and I really hate to say this because it annoys e when others do) I really prefered thier earlier work. Images and words was completely my favorite, followed by Scenes from a memory and Awake. Even falling into infinity (i can't believe I am about to say this) was more enjoyable to me than the last few albums. I guess the good news is that none of the albums can possibly be as bad as the very first one. and lolz @ symphonyX album leak; isn't the album supposed to be out in like a month? I guess i'll check that out since they have pretty much been batting 1.000 for album releases.
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