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Posts posted by OceansAndrew

  1. i think the production should be a bit brighter, but more importantly, the humanization of the strings is a big issue in this. There are some nice moments, but typically they are the ones where the strings are not in the forefront, sounding really stilted.

    I think that some additional content to the arrangement would benefit this a good deal as well.

    It's a good start, but needs more work.

    No, please resubmit

  2. Mixing was weak but the arrangement and performances overall were good enough to nudge this over the bar for me. Some EQ surgery would help the drums and bass feel punchier, and would also help highlight the performances a bit better too. Keychange felt a bit awkward, but the energy of the section helped out a bit. 

    Good enough for me, nice work!



  3. This is pretty cool overall, i like the creative use of sound effects that creates the mood, but married to a decently tight arrangement. There are a lot of surprises that jump out, but the pace and structure is maintained, giving the piece a direction. I think a little extra variety at the end or a slightly shorter run time would ave strengthened the overall track, I think the work presented is solid.

    Nice work,


  4. Who is going to MAGLabs next month?


    It is the newly-named MAGFest Classic at the old location! Besides the elevators, the hotel was super sweet, and the smaller crowd it holds is a lot better for general chilling.

    Nothing can take the place of the legit main MAGFest, but the theme this year is sort of like Portal, and features a lot of experimentation. OverClocked ReMix is going to be there as well, experimenting with some new and cool panel ideas.

    Also, OverClocked community people performing there:



    Confirmed OverClocked community attendees:

    Detective Tuesday
    Geoffrey Taucer
    Level 99
    Tom the Drummer



    If you are coming to but aren't on the list, let me know so I can add you! :D

  5. 12 minutes ago, Neblix said:

    Emulating is also not supporting Nintendo (something I'd like to do).

    This is the main reason i'd like to get this. Nice form function with what is hopefully a simple UI to select games and is not illegal. I have nothing personally against roms and the like, but I prefer to pay for games. $2 a game overall is really a great deal as well.

  6. 19 hours ago, The Damned said:

    Minecraft: they just announced cross-platform multiplayer during the conference. They had someone with an iPad and someone with a Windows tablet playing on the same map. So it's unlikely they will announce a sequel any time soon.

    Besides, the game is constantly getting updates and mods, and it has no story, so a sequel wouldn't really even offer anything.

    I think an easy way for it to be modded or improved, or better/more efficient rendering. I have been trying to install mods to my minecraft server for a long time with no luck. Huge pain in the ass. 

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