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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. the PS1 FF4 and CT had bad loads. bad bad loads.
  2. Now you assholes know how it feels to have a mac, and you can't play the game you want to.
  3. a fun fact about holding your breath: the air you breathed in a moment ago gets to your lungs and the oxygen must diffuse into your blood. The oxygenated blood must go back to your heart and then pumped out of your heart to your body. Once out of your heart, it takes about 20 - 30 seconds to reach your muscles and 30 seconds to return to your heart and lungs. The more you know!
  4. ReMixer name: MetalQuarantine Real Name: Daniel Hayes Website: MetalQuarantine.com User ID: 50612 Games Arranged: Sonic 2 (Genesis) Name of arrangement: Warning Name of individual song(s) arranged: Sonic 2 Boss Battle Theme Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: I liked the original impending doom feeling of the original song. I thought it would be a perfect melody for dubstep/modern electro music!
  5. Contact Information Your ReMixer name: PsyNES Your real name: Jari Jouppi Your email address: Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=20309 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Name of arrangement: Roof is on Fire Name of individual song(s) arranged: Stage 1 theme / Fire!! Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: I saw Byproduct asking @ scenesat IRC channel, if anyone would like to join TMNT2 album project. I asked if I could join, and he said yes. So I listened the OST and I choose stage 1 to remix. In few days I made it already to final versions of the remix and I was happy what I've made. Album version has some clips from TMNT cartoon, you can listen it from my soundcloud. I made this with Renoise and used some VST Plugins. ------------------------------------
  6. Today is day 1 of my cut down! From Jan 1 to Mar 1 I gained 15 lbs and a lot of lifting PRs on a pretty clean bulk (about 3.1k calories a day), and now it's time to see how much of that is actually muscle! ^____^ I'm going with a 20% calorie deficit and a macro breakdown of 40% protein, 35% carbs, 25% fat. Based on my TDEE, that should be about 2240 cal, 220g protein a day goal. I think my math is right, but if anything seems weird to you guys, let me know! I am thankfully blessed with the ability to eat the exact same thing every day for eternity, so hitting my macro goals are easy, it's just being patient. I'm aiming for 7%BF for this, so it should be pretty fun!
  7. For me it depends. Some games I am interested in but suck at, or I don't own the system and will never play the games. I just watched a let's play of Metal Gear Solid 4, which was pretty cool. Other than that, I generally just like to watch Fenix Down's LP's. He does a lot of rpg stuff, and his voices are pretty fun, and he has a semi-dry sense of humor I really appreciate. There have been a few cameos of FF4 project music in the FF4 let's play which is sweet too. http://www.youtube.com/user/fenixdown83
  8. I think Brandon has a point about the thread title; might get more action in here if people knew about it, especially with season 3 coming up. Man, I am getting nostalgic for when I was talking to some guys about the show "I hope it's pretty good, the books are so badass". :'-( I thought Dany's stuff in the last few books has been mad lame - I get it that she can't be conquering shit indefinitely, but the politics she was facing wasn't as compelling, because not all the sides were fleshed out. Part of the appeal of the main struggle is that all of the sides are explained a bit more. Tyrion's story of late has been feeling like it's treading water as well, with some odd twists that ultimately don't really feel meaningful. Regardless, i'll finish book 6 within 24 hours of release when it come's out. XD
  9. hey doodz, the OCR fitocracy group is starting a new challenge on the 1st, the chin-untz challenge! any pullups or chinups are counted, and the challenge lasts a month. No need to trash your current program if it's working for you just to pwn the challenge, just add some on top of what you'd normally do!
  10. Animal Crossing wasn't an OCR album - it had a lot of OCR artists on it, but it wasn't planned on being released through OCR.
  11. PAX EAST SHOW CONFIRMED! We are playing in Jamspace at 1pm on Sunday! Come check out a new song or two, then right after, mosey on down to the OCR panel for some more OCU goodness!
  12. That is so funny to me, mainly because I feel the exact same. I'd think it's super amazing and cool, and Deia would be like "NO OVERRIDE".
  13. +1 to the bro vote above; I think the arrangement has what it takes to make it, but the mixing needs some polish; i'd adjust some lead sound, or replace with something with a bit more bite. Cleaning up a bit more of the low mids would assist in the compression smooshing things a bit too much. no, please resubmit
  14. I gotta agree with the bros here that the snare definitely lacks a solid crack, and feels very weak. I think it starts out well enough, but there is a bit of high end noise in the first half of the track that is pretty distracting. Some of the synths chosen reaaaly need some modulation as well. Easing up on some compression will help too. Overall it's got a great start but needs a bit of polish to make it over the bar. I'd love to hear this resubbed. No, please resubmit
  15. Ecto's post was solid. My small addition is if you are not measuring and tracking, you actually don't know how much you are eating. You don't have to do it forever, but a few weeks will actually give you insight to the actual portion sizes you are consuming.
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