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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Perhaps they changed it from four to three in an effort to speed up the judging process. Also, they may have noticed that everything that would get 3 NOs would get 4 anyway. I'd like to bring up my Guilty Gear remix because I remember getting a private message from LionTamer when it passed and I think he said that the vote was 4 NOs and 5 YESs. I was all confused after that. But then people started saying things like "conditional vote" and changing their votes. . . It's crazy yo. Hahaha.
  2. Is this it? http://www.dontpressstart.com/pro/SF6/ It's called Sega Fantasy VI. The Kefka one is the "final battle" but there's another battle that has different music from the original. That background music is a Japanese made FF6 remix I believe. I've definitely heard it before.
  3. Getting better and better day by day yo! I wonder if all your clutter issues could be taken care of with just a bunch of EQ work. I really wonder how the heck you made this. Did you type all these parts out note by note on a staff with your mouse or is it a transformation thing? I also really wonder why you always stick the word, "Jimmeh" on EVERYTHING you make. Hahaha!
  4. Wow! And the days and nights actually occurred on a specific time schedule? Cause it wouldn't count if they just happened to have some races during the day and some during the night. Nor do I think it should count if it just changed after reaching a certain point in the race (for example change from day to night once you've reached the halfway point of the race).
  5. So it wasn't FF7 then? I'd like to hear that song.
  6. Here are a couple more that need to be confirmed: One Winged Angel - The first song in a video game to have a live recorded chorus. FF7 - The first game to have swear words in the text. (Barret, I LOVE you!) Like I said, I'm not sure.
  7. Oh man! The person I love most in this world is RoboPanda! I agree whole-heartedly with Snappleman. Beards are cool no matter how terrible they make you look! That's me in all my bearded splendor. Hahaha.
  8. I agree whole heartedly. We all know that plagiarism is wrong and I think "letting it go" would be something like negligence. When people start resorting to stealing others' lego designs, you've got to wonder what's becoming of the world. I'm sorry you had to deal with that nonsense, The Damned.
  9. WOW! I had no idea you were doing this project ALL BY YOURSELF! Nuts! I hope that it gets released in due time and then kicks some ass. You're kinda inspiring me to think about such a project.
  10. Actually, I think there IS one material item that I'd like as well. I've never played Alundra in English before. I'd really like to have the American version of the game. That game blows me away!
  11. You've GOT to be kidding. Whether it's annoying or not is subjective, but I've never flamed anyone (well except for that one time). And I AM American. Jesus! But that shouldn't even matter because whether you're a republican or not, I'm allowed to say that Bush sucks if I don't like him. And you can tell me how much you hate Obama and I won't get mad at you just cause I like him. Agreed? I don't understand you anymore Prophet. What's going on? People ALWAYS post jokes in threads. Then I go and post one and you get all upset? What's up with that? And I was completely on topic because I actually posted what I want for Christmas. ... OK? I really am hoping for a truce here. Can we have it?
  12. I want a new President of the United States and a young Prime Minister of Japan. The current ones both suck eggs.
  13. I don't think this counts as DnB but only D dude. Hahaha. There's no bass at all. I don't even hear that bass region thing Rozovian mentioned. I don't think leaving 99% of the variation to the drums is a very good thing. You really ought to change up the piano part a LOT. Even with all the nice drum variations, I don't ever feel like the song is playing a different part until the flute part comes in. I think the drums may be too much louder than the other stuff as well, man(woman?). But you have a cool idea. I'm not very knowledgeable about drum and bass but for now, my advice to you is: *Change up the parts that aren't drums a LOT more. *Do something with volumes and EQ to make it sound like the drums and everything else actually belong together. *Add bass to make it a dnb track. It's just d right now. YOU CAN DO IT!
  14. No no no. You don't need to buy anything. In the remixing section there's a thread called something like "looking for an effect or synth?" And in the first post should be a list of a million free and good soundfonts. Go check it out. Don't ask me about using them because unfortunately my computer seems to be incompatible with them. DO IT! Hahaha.
  15. I haven't heard the source but it sounds like a great idea to me. I'm thinking that you will need to do some work on these samples or get more realistic sounding ones. Once you're completely done with the arrangement, you may want to ask a guitarist to do a live recording for your guitar parts.
  16. ...? It's because I live in Japan. Geez.
  17. Unless you were being sarcastic, the fact that you couldn't guess only shows how dumb U are. And you misspelled the word "cuz."
  19. I personally dig the huge explosions. It's funny that I felt like I could distinguish all the parts and not have any gripes about panning while listening to this on speakers instead of headphones. Not that I'd know all about it, but I think the EQ on this remix is nice. I can hear every part freaking clearly and beautifully. Most of the arranging in this mix has been done to the timbres, drum rhythms, and a bit of dynamics. There is little stringy thingy at 1:42 but other than that the bass line, progression, and melody are all exactly the same. Since this straight-forward interpretation of the source sounds so cool, I think it would have been cool to do some crazy stuff with the melody and bass in a section that gets sandwiched between all this straight forward stuff. I like this remix.
  20. Unfortunately, I won't be going and nobody knows why.
  21. SWEET! I thought I was the only person who liked that movie that much!
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