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Everything posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Abadoss will probably post it tomorrow. But first he needs the theme from the winner, so there might be a little bit of a wait.
  2. I hope everyone has fun with this little tune. Please judge it by the MP3, as the midi sounds bad even for midi.
  3. I certainly hope that you enjoy the source I picked. It has many parts to choose from.
  4. Whoops. I guess I was being a little too literal there. It does make sense, giving that he asked to listen to the WIP. But does anyone know which of the composers did each respective race?
  5. Tracy Bush, Jason Hayes and Glenn Stafford are credited with the game. I don't know which one did which race, but Glenn Stafford did Warcraft 2 (stylistic leaning connect him with the Protoss). I would suspect that it would either have been Jason Hayes or Tracy Bush.
  6. He's doing all the MIXING. I would suspect he's waiting on live part performance goodness.
  7. I don't believe that you've grasped exactly what this thread is about sir. I know that Reunion Studio's members frequently post their releases in the WIP boards, but some people don't get the chance to see them. http://www.reunionstudio.org/ Check them out.
  8. Oh shi-. Forgot all about this. And with this thought, I bump this thread.
  9. We're in the same boat. And I, being a lazy man, did not clean up my entry. Cheers Radio.
  10. I apologize for the crappy mix. I'll try and clean it up today. The one up there now was started at 3 in the morning when my brain was addled and saying "WTF? No PRC entries yet? Don't worry! I'll save you." Haha.
  11. Indeed it is from WC2. The unofficial title is Tomes of Magi Wisdom.
  12. Well, this week's PRC is in fact Paper Mario related. You should check it out.
  13. Once Abadoss gets all the entries up, you PM votes (critiques and whatnot as well) to him. One song for 1st place, and then as many honorable mentions for other pieces as you feel deserved them.
  14. If anyone else is considering entering, they'd better get a move on it.
  15. Vista is a downgrade. Switching is like trading in a nice home for a small apartment with invasive and accusatory neighbors.
  16. "Abstinence is" the New York City website all about the Diabetes "No one likes" Us, We don` t need No Stinkin badges "Praise be" to blame - for the Blind and Visually Impaired People Sadly Unsurprising: "The internet" is for porn. "A kilo of drugs" in him when he killed his wife and son "Google Talk" is Cheap and Easy
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