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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. o/ Nylonstring for life.
  2. Actually, they're trying to approximate objective judgement in as much as that's possible with music. But yeah, I agree that while your mix has some pleasant sonic textures, it doesn't feel like it's actually going anywhere. PrototypeRaptor made a remix that's stylistically pretty similar, but actually was so good that it got a direct post, so I wouldn't say it's a matter of genre bias in this case. Maybe you can lift some ideas from his mix.
  3. Yeah, good point, I cut most of the intro out.
  4. Remix. I'll probably need to re-record the entire intro solo guitar because it has some input clipping and some sloppy parts I'm not entirely happy with. Also, the intro is original/semi-improvized for the most part so don't bother looking for a source connection just yet lol. I like the bleach OST Edit: it's not done yet so there will be another minute or two for me to put source material in.
  5. Straight, reptitive midi rip with an annoying lead sound and GM-ish sounding samples that are all a downgrade from the source tune.
  6. I love how Plants vs Zombies won the strategy award, rather than Starcraft 2. (not sarcastic)
  7. I've decided to buy a midi controller, so I'd like to hear a few opinions. I'm mostly looking for something cheaper than 500 euros, with at least 61 keys (since I kinda want to use it to improve my piano playing as well), but I also want it to be programmable and versatile for stuff with keyswitches, aftertouch, etc. so I can record live parts for my music. I'm currently eyeing This m-audio axiom 61 but if there's a cheaper/better alternative, I'd love to hear it.
  8. Any of mine are free to use.
  9. (FL8 here, might be a bit different in your version) First you go to channel-> add one-> audio clip (or sampler) Then you bring up the menu for the plugin (by left-clicking on the track called "audio clip" in the step sequencer). In the menu you click on the little folder icon, which will allow you to navigate to the folder where your samples are saved, and pick one. You can even bookmark the folder for future convenience. This is how I generally handle SFX, drum loops, etc. Most instrumental samples will usually come with a proprietary sampler that allows you to load multiple instruments and gives you more specialized options that allow for easier sequencing etc. Superior 2.0 (drumkit) for example comes with a sampler that allows you to customize mic positions and has built-in mixing tools. These are usually in the form of VSTs and can be loaded up by putting the .dll file into your VST folder (usually something like c:\program files\steinberg\VSTplugins I think). Then in FLstudio you just go to channel->add one-> more-> fast scan, and the new plugin should show up in the list.
  10. This x1000. This game, it will make you mad even if you're the most chilled out dude ever in real life. Either because of other people yelling at you or because of you being frustrated at other people's awfulness at the game. Then again, any multiplayer game with a substantial learning curve that puts you in teams of 5 versus 5, where a single bad player can lose you the game, is probably a recipe for rage in and of itself.
  11. Well the sample you posted is singletracked, and it sounds very muddy and weak. You can solve this by doubletracking it (i.e. copying the midi track but offsetting all the notes just a bit to prevent phasing issues, and panning one track hard left, the other hard right), and maybe going a bit lighter on the distortion. It doesn't sound too bad sequencingwise, as far as I can tell.
  12. It honestly depends on the genre and what you're exactly aiming for. For example doubletracking rhythm guitars (panned hard left and right) tends to give the rhythm track a lot more meat while maintaining clarity (since you don't have to up the distortion). It could also be a lacking amp sim or just poor sequencing. Or maybe the sample just isn't good enough to pull off a convincing guitar sound (then again, what sample is?). So in short, yes, post a sample, because there could be a number of things you can do to improve the tone.
  13. Yup, nice find!
  14. Not VGM (I assume).
  15. Well, if I lived there I'd room with you guys in a heartbeat, but yeah. Good luck with it.
  16. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/lmsl (main)source The premise for this mix was that I tried to imagine what kind of opening theme Chrono Trigger would have if it was a futuristic mecha anime. Wings of Time is the main source but there's a lot of other songs in there. (battle theme, main theme, zeal) Vocals are sort of placeholder/cut+paste since synthesizing them takes a shitton of effort. Specific production crits are very welcome because my ears are tired as hell by now, so I miss a lot of stuff.
  17. That's either the cuica or the guiro, lol.
  18. You're pretty much spot on, those woosh sounds are made by filtering white noise. As to the mix itself, it's an interesting take on the theme (especially nice instrumentation) but I would like to see some more development in terms of melody/harmony. The best part to me was the build-up towards the dance section, but the other parts felt pretty static in comparison. Good production, I'm guessing the bass/drums being a bit more subdued is more of a deliberate choice than poor production.
  19. Right, whitelist please.
  20. You *sense* something? You mean you make a whole range of assumptions about me based on a single forum post? I'm not trolling, what I wrote is how I genuinely feel about derogatory slurs. The fact that we're even here discussing this gives the subject, in my opinion, too much weight and justification, when we could just move on with our lives, grow thicker skin, and continue to play the game without unnecessary drama.
  21. If you make a big issue out of it, it will always remain a big issue. Political correctness is self-defeating. The more derogatory slurs get thrown around, the more meaningless they become, which is GOOD. Do your part, call someone a faggot every day.
  22. Do you know how to hit pinch harmonics? The JS alien squeal is pretty much just a pinch harmonic on an open string, but you need to find one of the sweet spots for it to actually sound, so just move your pick along the string hitting harmonics until you actually sound one. A good amount of distortion etc. is a given. For example on my RG 2570 the sweet spot for open pinch harmonics on the the G-string is roughly between the neck and the middle pickup.
  23. That's weird, I mixed it with a good amount of headroom, and I can't hear any clipping myself. Too late to change anything about it now though I guess.
  24. Submitted version Just fixed some loose ends in this one and added melody's live piano playing at the start.
  25. With some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
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