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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. oh, i forgot about that

    guess ill just have to alleviate my grief with my numerous bandcamp sales

  2. um, what are you talking about?

  3. 41 FB likes? kinda weaksauce dontcha think.
  4. DOVAHKIIN DOVAHKIIN NAAL OK ZIN LOS VAHRIIN so pre-ordering this. supposedly all that footage is from the 360 version so the PC version probably looks even better!
  5. 's all intentional. Gotta pay homage to my VGM roots after all.
  6. Currently topping the bandcamp charts. Strife! is a short album/EP of original songs I made for the webcomic Homestuck, containing a bunch of songs done in a style that pays homage to various videogame/RPG battle soundtracks. It's worth checking out even if you don't read the comic, and is more or less reminiscent of my ocremixes, if a bit more polished than those. Enjoy! Edit: Oh, and it has melody guitar-soloing on track 5.
  7. limit is like 8 mb now
  8. Are you a psychopath? Or do you at least have someone who looks after you?
  9. I don't know what it is with the Golden Sun suggestions but those games pretty much embody almost every dealbreaker prophet posted in the OP. The exposition is like an hour of talking, they literally don't spare a single jrpg/anime cliche, and the characters are bland as hell to boot. I'll suggest Live-a-live, which is a semi-obscure Square RPG for SNES that was never released outside of Japan (but has fan-translations available). Game is split into a number of chapters which can be completed in any order, each in a different setting, and each with differing characters and gameplay elements. Completing them all unlocks a final chapter that ties all the previous ones together in a pretty spectacular fashion. Great soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura as well.
  10. i dunno i always considered Uwe Boll movies to basically be too shitty to even watch ironically but maybe i was wrong?!
  11. Oh boy, I sure love bringing up examples that literally apply to everything. Let's take a look at your beloved Rammstein. First youtube search result for Rammstein: HOLY CRAP THOSE GUITARS ARE LIKE...ALL THE WAY ON THE RIGHT AND LEFT, AND MULTITRACKED. THATS CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY.
  12. Hard-panned multi-tracked rhythm guitars are the absolute fucking basics for any kind of modern rock mix, but nice to see you know apparently fuck-all about music production. Oh sweet, another guy who apparently has trouble grasping basic logic. Let's do a little thought experiment here. Suppose I have my mix. And it sounds great in stereo. Now, 99% of the people who will hear this song will hear it on a stereo setup. Still with me? That wasn't too hard to keep up with, right? Does it matter at all if this mix DOESN'T sound good in mono at this point? Do I care? Should I care? Why should I care if it's only ever going to be listened to in stereo anyway?
  13. That's the whole point. Panning should come BEFORE EQ because it's a way to add clarity to your mix without mangling the tone of single instruments. I can pretty much guarantee that if you listen to basically any metal/hardrock song in mono, the normally hard-panned rhythm guitars will crap all over the vocals/drums. Explain to me why the fuck it should bother me that my mixes don't sound good in mono, but great in stereo?
  14. How, Mr. Genius Producer, would you suggest that I mix in, say, a sound effect that pans from left to right if I have no frame of reference in regards to the stereo field? i have the feeling only ibbiaz knows his shit, so much dumb in this thread for the rest
  15. That doesn't make any sense.
  16. Please regale me with more epic tales of personal growth about becoming a forums superstar.
  17. About 10-20 hours spread out over a few days for a fully produced 4-minute song with live guitars/bass. I've done stuff in like 2 hours before too though.
  18. Wrong subforum?
  19. Was a daily deal twice already. You missed it, plain and simple.
  20. Picked up Singularity on a whim and...HOLY CRAP it's good. It looks great, runs surprisingly well on my otherwise mediocre rig, and feels like Bioshock with a lot of time-travel shenanigans. Recommended.
  21. my character in neverwinter nights 2 is called shiani vantas (which means marvellous gem in elvish) and shes a yuan-ti pureblood swhashbuckler and she dual wields magical rapiers one of which is called namarra the neversleep and she has a cape which she won at the village fair and shes lawful evil so shes hard to approach and often snarky but deep inside she does care about her companions so shes kinda like me you know i kinda identify with her lol anyway so she has very high dexterity and shes very acrobatic and she likes to drink wine now and then but she doesnt really enoy other alcohol much shes also very strong and shes earned the title of orc slayer by killing lots of orcs but she doesnt mind doing evil stuff like bribing guards because shes that badass and she doesnt really care what people think about her just like me and there were people she used to look up to but she got disillusioned when she saw they had their flaws too so now shes kinda angsty and just trying to deal with the whole thing and sometiems she just sits brooding on a rooftop like a gargoyle but shes not a gargoyle but a yaun-ti pureblood swashbukler you know oh and shes also thinking about becoming a duelist thanks for reading
  22. Yeah, that won't fool anybody.
  23. Uhhhh...this looks kinda generic to me, and not even that impressive graphicswise. Someone sell me on this.
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