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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. So cable internet comes tomorrow yay! Can't wait to get back on!
  2. Wow, up to almost $20k so fast! I want to donate so badly, but unfortunately it'd be irresponsible for me to in that timeline . What if someone wants to donate past the deadline sometime for a goodie (like the $50+ pledges)?
  3. I'm in need of a room, although I may fly solo depending on how my finances look closer to MAGFest. I think I would like a room of 4 ideally though.
  4. This mix definitely fits the dark brooding atmosphere of the BadAss album - it starts off anthemic before shifting into a higher pace and it continues to shift through various states. Is this what Rozo has in mind by "Dragonfood"? Let's hope it's not what he thinks is a dragon undergoing indigestion . Fun and active song though!
  5. Just read the above posts - there's also a bunch of disagreement over your claims from those a part of the community and those not a part of it even. I've been to plenty of concerts as I've said, and pretty much the crowd has been a raucous but cordial one generally speaking at every one I've been to, whether it has been Amorphis (along with Into Eternity & 3 other death metal bands - my first concert), Iron Maiden, Judas Priest/Heaven & Hell/Testament/Motorhead, Nightwish, Overkill/Sonata Arctica, Manowar/Rhapsody/HolyHell, Symphony X, Edguy/HammerFall, Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray/Helloween, and Liquid Tension Experiment, to name some concerts. I've run into a few shitheads, but I end up countering their bullshit quick, often to protect the experience of those I am with or those I met just before the concert while waiting in line to get in. I've been to concerts around Chicago, St. Louis, Northern VA, and NYC. I can only vouch for here in the US though - I've heard a few bad stories of things happening at European metal concerts, including one girl at a HammerFall concert getting threatened by two guys to give up her spot in front of the stage or get cut up by a knife, leaving her crying outside the venue. The only real bad incident I've witnessed in person was some 30 year old man getting a 14 year old girl's number (and they allegedly told each other their ages too according to a few others I met that night), but that's an isolated incident that I would never attach blame to a genre for causing.
  6. Love this track, Sixto channeled Steve Vai in this aural assault. In fact, this is my favorite take on this so far, although Danimal provides a more varied take. I always want more Sixto tracks!
  7. I like this approach to the source, it has a distant feel to it - the title sort of accentuates this further, getting the listener to think about what else is out there. There's some ethereal quality to it, although I feel the beat sort of detracts from that aspect - perhaps it was intentional with a different idea in mind. Solid track regardless though!
  8. Whoa, this is a longer chill electronic track. The vocal sample sort of creeped me out a bit when it entered, I was not expecting that. I think it adds a haunting dimension to the track for me with the way it sits in the track. It's an interesting track - without that vocal clip, I think the track is a little on the bland side for me. With it, I became more interested in hearing what was to come. It gave me something to think about.
  9. A nice slow chip hybrid track that makes me think of Kirby in some ways, the Ben & Drew duo strike again. It's a loud, but relaxing track that rolls on with the slow to moderate paced beat. The song is a bit on the psychedelic side with the stuttering instruments and various effects at times, making me a little bit wonky on an otherwise slick song - perhaps it lends a bit to a chill party atmosphere. Interesting song, and nice to see some newer material tackled here!
  10. Curious choice of source material - Guifrog employs a nice electronic orchestra hybrid here in carrying out his particular vision. It's a fun little track with some artistic merit to it. I like what is put together here, this is some good stuff. It has direction, a sense of progression, and an idea behind it. It has good flow. I find it hard to ask for more personally.
  11. Treading into more offtopic waters, I agree with OA. I have been to plenty of metal concerts and many of the concertgoers I have met are pretty good people - heck, even many of the band members for various metal bands I have met are extraordinarily humble. I have heard plenty of stories of great things many band members have done for their fans as well. I've also helped and seen many others help those who fall during mosh pits and get them up on their feet quickly to save them from injuries. Generalization about a culture it seems you don't know much about is pretty unfair overall. There are some shitbag metal fans out there to be sure, and I've seen and heard of them as well (certain black metal bands are notorious for promoting some of it) - I've found them to be by far a minority in my experience though.
  12. Is this all tracked? Jeez, Mazedude is a beast. Just when you think you've seen all of the quirkiness he can bring to the table, he surprises yet again. This is a jazzy/funk track that sounds almost like a fun jam to me. My only gripe is that there are a few moments that it sounds a bit cluttered to me, but it's minor. This would be cool to hear in a jazz club I think.
  13. A song as told by a bard, I originally wasn't a fan of Deia's vocals here, but given some time to digest it, I think it works. Deia's vocals are a little on the loud side IMO. Otherwise, I think it captures the atmosphere nicely and does a good job at putting together a quaint song of entertainment for all our patrons here.
  14. This is an odd track to me to be honest. I always felt like I was traversing the ocean on a lighthearted submarine trek, partly due to that sonar-like sound. I'm not sure how much I like the full on happy mode after that introduction, but the song does have a flow to it that feels generally natural and cohesive. Peculiar track by Ad, but it does intrigue in a way.
  15. Oo, some fat beats from Jewbei! This track differs from some of his more formulaic trance material, and I like this divergence quite a lot. It keeps things interesting throughout with a good amount of variance and an intriguing soundscape that has the listener curious what is going to happen. Love what is done here, it is my favorite Jewbei mix so far. Keep up the good work!
  16. That intro is deceptive, this is an energetic DnB take on the battle theme. It does a solid job for a battle type track, although I feel the mayhem could be upped some with some more crazy effects thrown in. Not sure how much of a fan I am of the slow outro here, it comes off as a bit out of place to me. Perhaps I'm just projecting opinions with those critiques, but the track is definitely enjoyable for me, and stood out personally.
  17. Cellphone battery seems to get killed with the tethering, even while on the charger - 4G seems to be the culprit.
  18. Consider me pumped - I love the TMNT Turtles in Time music, and metal? Easy sell to me
  19. Can't wait to see what this will bring, lots of tantalizing artists in the mix here!
  20. TGH is sure a prolific newcomer - it seems I keep ending up hearing yet another song of his when going through all the songs I haven't commented on yet/missed. This song exhibits his trademark style, but it does so without the brash almost chippish lead synth that's characteristic of a bunch of his tracks. There's a solid beat and softer synths & sounds, which lends to a nice cooler upbeat take on Heat Man, which is a bit ironic considering the source & what type of boss it is. Regardless, it's a relaxing upbeat take that stands out on its own.
  21. Dan put together a grand suspenseful song here - his orchestration has been becoming more big, it's impressive what he has been able to do. It'd be great to hear his vgm compositions played by a live orchestra sometime, he puts out some quality stuff and this continually climaxing song is no different.
  22. Nice relaxing song from the trio here - it's a solid take on the original source, sort of remaining in faith with the original given the calm nature. Brad's sax takes lead here to good effect, and the background instrumentation compliments it nicely. Great job by Brad, Stevo, and Luiza!
  23. Now here's a nice laid back chip dominated song from Drew. I can kinda imagine this take being in a older game, it really has a cool slow pressure-less sound to it that lets you sit back and take a little time to think about things.
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