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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Nice, love the new look! One flaw I noticed though - on Chrome, the "Current Duel" link cuts off to "TDuel" on my screen after clicking "Past Duels"
  2. Indeed happy birthday to the duo! Hope it was a nice day for both of ya
  3. I'd possibly be interested again - been a while since I got a chess game in. I'm not 100% sure whether I can commit to it again though, I've been increasingly busy (and I sleep early for the most part now).
  4. Fun time, although I'm totally tired from all the water rides - just drank two gatorades, that's how exhausted I am. Loved hanging out with everyone, would do it again!
  5. Would love to do fantasy football over something like this . Also I don't have a TV currently, so watching a game is a bit more on the tougher side.
  6. Vurez is a sexy beast - I <3 his New Mexican Thunderbird track so much!
  7. Meanwhile Emu didn't make the progress on his own deadline
  8. Kizyr - sounds good to me if you're up for it (getting a ride with you)
  9. Yeah, I have an Elite w/ 120 GB hard drive I'm willing to sell for $160, and I'll be lucky if I can sell it for that price I think.
  10. If I'd have to guess, the water park stuff would be later in the afternoon when it's hotter. Also it's not a good idea for us to do the water stuff right after lunch.
  11. Well for those who are in NoVA, there's a solid diner right by where I live if they want to stop by before heading towards the place (no clue where it is) - however, traffic here blows... And you can count me in!
  12. I loved this track, and Greg's effort on it - he scratched his original approach to the source (which was substantial) and came up with this. The result is a unique fusion of orchestral & electronic. The combination of the beats with the strings really works wonders here.
  13. So wav #7 is in from melody! What a great job he did on the X5 ending, you'll all love it .
  14. Oh man, it's been great having you around - I still remember first meeting ya at that fated 2005 NYC meetup. I hope you're able to still stick around though! (and let me get ahead in the Tetris Attack count )
  15. Coming closer to another final wav - melody is about ready to deliver the goods, and it's goods indeed ! I ended up choosing the Marines - I'm currently enlisted & working out pretty hard towards preparing for boot camp. The album will come out before I ship out though, so no worries on that front.
  16. Happy birthday! Hopefully this gets you back around
  17. Happy birthday Jordan! Hope you're doing well over there!
  18. You know, at first I was sort of ehh on the song, but it really has grown on me over the course of listening to the album. This is a light & enjoyable song that really nails the atmosphere down. Love it, great work Amy & Vinnie!
  19. No go for me, got paintball in the morning and a date for the afternoon/evening. Have fun everyone!
  20. I'd love to join in on this, but I have a commitment with someone that day
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