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Everything posted by Nutritious

  1. Writing the ending for my track. This has to be my best ocr track so far
  2. First, go to this path and see if there's a project file: C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 9\Trash bin Copy this file into your projects folder (and rename it), then see if it's the right project file. When you save over a previous version of a project file, it automatically stores the previous file here as a precaution. This only works if you haven't worked on any other projects since this corrupted one. Hopefully this will would as it's the best way to recover a corrupted file. There are a few other options, but they get progressively worse as you go. EDIT: By the way, I always recommend you save new versions of your project as you make significant changes via File > Save New Version. I've had over 40 versions of a single song in the past .
  3. About to run out, but some quick crits here: -Several of your instruments are on the dry side, taking away from the realism. Biggest offender is the piano, but a light touch of room reverb could go a long way here. Piano can be rigid at times too, so keep working on it. -Liking the style here. I'll have to listen to the original more later to give you arrangement crits. -This reminds me of a spy hunter mix on the site, I think it's Fast Cars Russian Cigars. Its style is different, but take a listen to how the piano, leads, and percussion is handled on it. It's not a perfect example, but I think it'd help. I'll try and give a more detailed crit later.
  4. I do agree with Emu on his crits, but I do feel it's worth balancing that with the style the OP is trying to emulate. From my limited knowledge, Kraftwerk was a pioneer in early electronic music and was well known for their straightforward, minimalistic style - especially the synth voice type clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T65NpyfPkQ - love this song So that said, this type of genre is really difficult to pull off right and still meet the production bar for submission. It definitely can be done, but I don't think this one will cut it. Keep working at it, though.
  5. Ok, metal's not my forte, but here are my thoughts: Starting off, the choir/string elements sound washed out in the mix. I think it's due to them sounding all centered and a bit dull, tone-wise. Try panning around some parts to give it a fuller sound and see if you can get some more high-end presence. The balance could be a little better here with the toms/cymbals - cymbals especially sound fakey and pretty quiet. Choir in general sounds good. Strings aren't quite as strong, but I think they'll work with some better spacing. When things kick it it's getting pretty crowded. I should reiterate that metal isn't my strongest point, so it'd be great if someone else could chime in who's more familiar with the production points of the genre. Anyway... snare is appropriately punchy here, sounds good to me. Kick is cutting through clearly as well. I'm a little concerned the quick rhythm guitar is getting buried, but that could be the point (see above). Ok, :45 things are really clicking here. Great sounding guitars and drums. I'm not hearing much bass guitar here. Is it absent? Machine-gun drums could get a little bit fatiguing on the ears, but you switch it up enough here to not be too big a deal. At 1:16 you've got this cool guitar part I can BARELY hear in the backround. It's really getting overpowered by everything else - bring it out more. On the arrangement side, source is very clear throughout the first half of the song. Second half, though, sounds predominately original stuff. I haven't timed it out, but it's a pretty big chunk of original stuff dominating the second half of the mix. I do hear where you connect it back to the source at 2:47 with the stabs and later with the choir. This may or may not be an issue when you submit, but wanted to give you a heads up. I'm mixed on the solo near the end over the choir - it kinda sounds messy and unfocused to my ears, but that could be just me. Ending was pretty abrupt, kinda sounded like you just quit playing. Consider something a bit more... ending-ish . Overall, I think you're close here. Some pretty simple production tweaks, maybe some more arrangement connections in that long original section, and an actual ending and I think you're golden.
  6. I'm not sure that's what he's asking - I think he's wanting to use a single piano roll on multiple generators. If so, go to the help contents and look up Layer
  7. Personally, I'm planning to focus on mixes in the Mod Review status. Dos kiddos means my time is sometimes limited. You guys can go wild on whatever, though
  8. As you may have already noticed, there has been a new forum position created titled Workshop Moderator. This is a continuation of changes to the Work In Progress forum to try and improve the effectiveness forums in developing musicians and bridge the gap between the WIP forums and remix submissions. Workshop Moderators: Level 99, WillRock, Rozovian, Gario, & Flexstyle &? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So here's how the system will work: Remixers will post their mixes as normal in the forums, flagging them as either Work-in-Progress, Finished, or Mod Review. Work-in-Progress mixes include any song currently being worked on that is not in its final, submittable form. At this stage, mixers should solicit feedback from regular forum members on production and arrangement improvements. Once the mix is completed, the mixer will change the status of the mix to Finished. Changing the status is done via the "Go Advanced" button when editing the first post. A track being marked Finished means that the mixer feels that the song is in its completed form and is ready to be submitted. Mixers continue to gain feedback from other forum members with extra details and finishing touches to the mix. Finally, this mixer will mark his thread as Mod Review. At this point, the mixer MUST post a link to the original soure tune being remixed. We prefer YouTube or a link to the chiptune on OCR, if either is available. Then, a Workshop Admin will listen to the song and present feedback based on the submissions standards of OverClocked ReMix. Once they have posted their review, the Mod will revert the tag to Finished. Depending on the feedback, the mixer can choose to revert their thread to Work-in-Progress and continue working on the song, or go ahead with the submissions process to the site. Again, the purpose of this new process is to try and provide some mid-level criticism of artists' mixes to increase their odds of passing the judges panel upon submission. This way, a mixer will hopefully avoid the several month wait time to obtain feedback from the judges on issues that could have been addressed upfront. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some notes and disclaimers: -We are not judges on OCR, so there's no guarantee that a positive review of a track by a Workshop Moderator will guarantee a mix being YES'd by the Judges Panel. However, we will do our best to evaluate both Production and Arrangement aspects of each mix and give feedback based on site standards. -Please do not mark your mix as Mod Review when it is not in a completed state or has not spent time in a Finished state to try and get forum member feedback. We do not yet know what kind of workload we will be looking at going forward, so please utilize each step of the process so we're only reviewing mixes that are truly finished and as refined as the mixer is able. -Once you've marked your mix Mod Review, please do not make any additional changes prior to a review from a Moderator. If you do wish to modify your mix, please change it back to a WIP status first. -Again, you MUST provide a link to the original source of the song being remixed. This will save us time and allow us to crit as many tracks as possible. -If it's been a few days since you posted a Mod Review mix and you still haven't received Mod feedback, feel free to drop one of us a PM to get the ball rolling. -Remember to change your status if you revive your thread so the first revision isn't mistaken for the new version you want a mod review of. -Just because a thread is marked for Mod Review doesn't mean the remixer won't appreciate other people's feedback, nor will it interfere with the Mod Review. As long as you don't make false claims about being a mod, feel free to give feedback in Mod Review-marked threads. We sincerely hope that this will be a good resource and a positive experience for everyone. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to share them in this thread.
  9. Update on the forums. Check it.
  10. It means there are no vocals on any of the tracks.
  11. bLiNd's a good start.
  12. Thanks guys. Not saying I'm not proud of it or anything, just saying it's weird that its my first accepted mix on the site - so a huge quality discrepancy. I mean, I made it back in '07
  13. My mix is going to sound so weird when this thing is finally released. 2011 ftw?
  14. Um, yeah, awesome. Love the retro synthy trumpets. Nice synths, cool beats. Sub it.
  15. Just to clarify, these meters aren't always 100% accurate. I didn't hear clipping in your prev mix, per se, but it was definitely slammed too hard on the compressor. I've found that soundforge sometimes shows mp3's limited at 0.0 to be clipping, even though they're not. That's one reason I always master to -.1 dB. Anyway, on the mix, I think there's still room for improvement here... Pretty cool intro going here. I think you could do more with that :15 break to make it more interesting (personal) and lead hard into the beat. There's quite a bit of clutter when things really kick in here. Low end with kick and bass are really taking a lot of room sounds like. Things get cluttered in the high end more as things go on as well, esp at :57 and 1:09. There's just not enough room for everything to sit nicely yet. Transitions are a mixed bag. Try to lead into some of the new sections with your writing. Dropping everything suddenly to a new section does work in dance genres, but try and intersperse some more interesting transitions. 2:37 was an especially weak transition. Really liked what you did with the ascending line at 2:00. Sometimes it feels like there's just too much going on - too much noise. Try to focus it a bit more without losing some of the energy. So, try to focus on getting things cleaned up. Get your bass and kick distinct from each other & clear up the clutter. Arrangement side sounds good here, so really focus on getting the production up to speed and I think you're a go. EDIT: Forgot to mention, some of the synths struck me as being a bit on the bland side. The bass synth was one, and a few other filler and sequenced ones were pretty basic. See if you can do some things to make them more interesting, effects, filters, etc or maybe replace a few.
  16. Just a note: might want to render to mp3 before you distribute music - wav files are uncompressed, resulting in huge file size.
  17. Daisy is the most straightforward one of the whole thing, I think, which I why I couldn't get it without help. I'd also never heard of the game. As for the car, it's pretty stupidly hard . I'm not even sure I could give a decent hint without giving it away.
  18. Whether or not it's clipping, the levels are far too hot here: Pull everything back a few notches so it's not slamming the compressor so hard and it should help things quite a bit in that department.
  19. Picked the game back up a couple weeks ago and I've started recording demos of gameplay. Seriously considering editing up a frag video (I've done a few in years past). If so, I'd do the soundtrack as well as edit up the video. Any thoughts? Is it worth it?
  20. Piano sequencing feels a bit rigid to start off. Timing seems fine, but try varying up the velocities to get it sounding more natural. High strings attacks are a bit slow, putting them behind everything else, but not a big deal. Ok, first big offender is the woodwind lead at 1:04. It's too upfront compared to the rest of the soundscape. See if you can push it back a bit, and maybe consider taking out a few of the grace notes. I've had this same problem myself (ironically, on the exact same source). The rest of the soundscape here sounds great, though. Lead trumpet sounds fakey on the sequencing when it comes in. The note switches are awkward. Not sure what to tell you as it could be your samples. It actually sounds fine later. I think it's just a problem of switching between timbres. Violin lead's pretty upfront as well. Try and imagine how it would sound playing alongside the rest of the orchestra, yet loud enough to still be heard above everything. Glockenspiel is also on the loud side as well - generally percussion players stand behind the orchestra, but I guess that can be a stylistic preference. Delayed piano was kind've a confusing choice. Everything else in the mix is real world stuff, but you have that one section with an artificial effect, which I don't quite get. Lastly on the production side, the last sustain note on that woodwind lead 4:13 goes way sharp and ruins the moment for me. Not sure if you can fix it if it's the sample, so I'd recommend modifying it to a diff note or something to get it away from that note. Anyway, cursory arrangement critique: I heard all the sources throughout and they were arranged very nicely. Good transitions to connect everything and some nice alterations to keep things fresh. Overall this is a great mix. Just a few very minor changes and it should be good to go.
  21. What exactly is wrong with the drums? Which soundfont? Using fruity soundfont player plugin or sfz or other? Post an example of the problem? More info needed
  22. Hey Jade,

    It'll still be some time before I can start working on my WA track. Life is still really hectic and I've got several projects in line in front of it. I think I talked to bLiNd about this before joining the project. If this is a problem, let me know.

  23. Fishy speaks truth. My LLL mix will be turning 3 this year
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