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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Dat moombahton xD. I had briefly listened to this on my phone. I'll give it a serious listen today at some point and give some feedback by that time.
  2. Not as active as I used to be on the forums, but I will say that I'm lookin forward to this. Haven't made anything in a while, but I've been reading a little bit on jazz here and there, trying to learn about it whenever I can between school and stuff so I'm not even sure how this'll play out, haha xD.
  3. Such an underrated game it seems, the music is awesome, and I'm definitely digging the cover. I don't have any critiques though man, I'm sorry. I did really enjoy this as I hear it now though! =D
  4. Wow, very interesting stuff. I don't really see this as seriously haunting, more like comical haunting, like something you would hear in a Scooby Doo type of cartoon or live action possibly. I really did enjoy the arrangement and instrumentation, nice and spacious, nice quality sounds. For about 22 seconds of source material, this was done very well, kudos!
  5. I'll give it a shot: 1. Mystic Cave Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 2. Spring Yard Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog 1 3. Flying Battery Zone Act 1- Sonic and Knuckles 4. Rusty Ruin Zone Act 1 - Sonic 3D Blast(Saturn)( )5. Chemical Plant Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  6. Hmm. School will be starting back up soon, and I have quite the schedule this time around, so I will definitely have to weigh my options on this one @_@. I had a question though. Why isn't Sonic and the Secret Rings a game from which we can pick a song to remix? What constitutes as part of the core series?
  7. Thanks for letting me know =D!

    I'll definitely pop in the thread and show my interest and I also have a question that I may as well just address in the thread so everyone can see it.

  8. Meant to respond way sooner but I'm not around OCR like I used to be, maybe I'll pick it back up when I learn a few more things, hah xD. I appreciate the feedback dude. As per usual I don't get much feedback from my posts, so it's definitely great to hear when people do leave me somethin, even if it's bad =D!

  9. Hah! Yeah, I've been learning that as I've been reading another book that I got from my local library, Intro To Jazz Piano, by Mark Harrison. The book is fairly short, and it has a cd with practice performances so you can play along and stuff. It'll be a nice winter break project as I attempt to juggle other things as well. Thanks for all the feedback guy, I definitely appreciate it! Keep em comin if you have anymore suggestions!
  10. I've taken on this website, freejazzlessons and I like what the guy has to offer. I'm wondering though, if there are any other good sources that you guys have found to learn basic jazz stuff whether it's from books, dvd's, websites, other sources, doesn't matter; can anyone help me out?
  11. Haha! Yeah, guess I wasn't specific xD.

  12. Sounds like you could port this straight into a sonic game. Very nicely done dude!
  13. Heyyy. Thanks for the feedback on my latest post, I greatly appreciates it ^_^!

  14. Thanks for the feedback on my latest post, Crulex. I greatly appreciate it =D.

  15. Hey dude, just wanted to say thanks for the feedback on my latest post. I greatly appreciate it =D.

  16. Greatly appreciate the feedback on my last track dude =D!

  17. Nothing constructive. I just wanted to pop in and say I'm definitely diggin this!!
  18. Happy born day duders.
  19. Damn, definitely diggin this man! Congrats, and happy born day!
  20. Man, the timinnggg. I may or may not be able to sign up for this, I'll try to come back as soon as I can. I have a list, but I'm not gonna post yet till I'm sure I can enter this.
  21. Very awesome job guys! I'll be going through the tracks and listening to these one by one, unfortunately I can't purchase this right now, but will in the future when I can get the opportunity. Would it be much to ask if the first post be updated to include the link to the OCR soundcloud page? I was gonna post this on facebook, but I wanted the focus to be more on the OCR page rather than soundcloud; and that way if people wanted a place for streaming music, the link here would direct them to soundcloud, but they would have to come here first so it would be some traffic. But back to the topic, I definitely like what I hear so far. From what I've heard so far, the artists have done a phenomenal job, body's tingling =). Though I'm more a lurker, I definitely have come to admire this site it's helped me in so many ways - one of those milestone websites for me I'm glad to have come across this place. Maybe I'll have the opportunity to do something like this with you guys one day, but in the meantime I will enjoy this album lots!
  22. Hey dude, just wanted to stop by and say awesome mix. Haven't played Lemmings 3d but I did have fun with the snes version. What were the strings you used in the song?

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