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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Some games, like Tekken 3 for instance, have their own soundtrack on the PS1, which is quite different from the Arcade version. It's worth taking that into account.
  2. No news from Jeff Ball since September. Will try to contact him again.
  3. Very interested, sent a mail! The game looks very promising.
  4. Updated the tracklist with the most recent WiPs. Get me more soon! I also sent PMs/mails/stuff to people to know if they have signed the form for VV1/VV2. Let me know if you are marked as "no" on my sheet.
  5. Got lots of WiP and feedback was sent -- nice way to start a week! Next deadline is set on April 22 (French release date for Avengers: Age of Ultron, haha). I expect to get more finished tracks and advanced WiPs by that date. All tracks shall be finished in June. Moar blue! And to answer Jorito's question, feel free to send a WiP whenever you feel like doing it.
  6. It's deadline day ! Be sure to send a wip or to contact me, Thanks.
  7. Check the Recruit forum. Brandon Strader runs a GS album.
  8. Viking Guitar has been doing Danse Macabre for a few years. Also, Vampire Variations III is coming.
  9. I'm starting production of my videos as of now, so if some of you guys want to offer music, there's still time!
  10. One week before next deadline -- be sure to send me an update or to contact me!
  11. AngelCityOutlaw sent me an nice intro concept for Vampire Killer -- we'll get a nice rock version of that tune, with some orchestra instruments, of course! On another note, Phonetic Hero offered to help with quality control during later stages of the project. Keep sending WiPs in -- I'll run the more advanced/nearly-finished ones by him. OCR quality, here we are!
  12. Tuberz sent me the guitars, and will record a final solo for the last part of my remix. Still waiting for Furilas' bass, but I'm pretty sure I'll get that soon enough.
  13. On another note, I also got an update from Andrew Warwick, who's doing the art for the album (he already did all the art from VV2). The man has some really neat ideas, and I can't wait to see what he's going to come up with.
  14. Yes, live guitars > sampled ones. (inb4 Brandon rage lol) I'd recommend my man Tuberz McGee, who offered guitar recording help for the project. He may be a little busy, but your remix is already quite advanced, so it's not a problem.
  15. Sounds great, Chris, thank you. If oyu are looking for a sax player, I'd recommend asking Joe/XPRTNovice, who recorded some neat sax for me once.
  16. The only reason why I know about Groundhog Day is the movie. Which was badly translated in French as we don't have that special day here: "A Day Without End"
  17. Sam Dillard strikes again, and this time he remixed "Dracula Battle BGM". And it's super epic!
  18. Interested as well. What musical genre are you looking for? You can check the links in my signature for an example of my works.
  19. Here's what I do on a boring Saturday morning instead of going out and refill my fridge. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/saturday-sunset Nothing super fancy, just wanted to try a few things. Please enjoy.
  20. My arrangement is written, but I need live guitars/bass. Don't know if I can put another track on Tuberz and Furilas' loooong list though.
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