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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. So I lost my DS today. With Supercard DS-ONE in Slot 1 and Supercard MiniSD in Slot 2. I had it in my bag as I was going to work this morning, but carelessly left the bag in a store. I later recovered the bag, but the DS was gone... I guess there's nothing I can do now but pick up the pieces... I remember a few pages back someone was selling their old DS; do they still have it? Edit: I'll be going back to the store tomorrow morning in case some employee took it, but... well I'm not getting my hopes up.
  2. I think the bottom line--if I'm not mistaken--is that SNES emulation on the DS is still in its infancy.See http://dev-scene.com/NDS/Emulators for a list of emulators and their progress.
  3. Aud Lang Sine (sic?) ?
  4. Yeah, sorry I got squeezed out... Ah well.I'm still on the market ladies! --or, um, men...
  5. Hey, I'll take that "???" space since I already know most of you. --Sorry Moguta and Chris! It's a double room I assume? Again, I don't know at the present time (and probably won't until December) if I'll be staying all 4 days or just the weekend. If it complicates matters, I can always find space elsewhere.
  6. Dreamcast, we (correction: most of us) hardley knew ye Bundles game promos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m2lx1iATWg Also, the famous teaser commercial: and CNN piece:
  7. Yeah, I can imagine a string version of "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" now.And I like it. A lot.
  8. I still believe that an a cappella version of Scatman John's "Scatman" would be the shit. It's a song about singing after all.
  9. Um, getting back on track ( ), this play of Tetris Grand Master 3 arcade blew my mind a few months earlier. Is it a live player? From Arika's own site, http://arika.co.jp/special/special1.html Edit: electric concerto: So NES Tetris level 29 is physically impossible to beat?
  10. Does Penelo pee?
  11. Hey, this is a cool idea. I unfortunately don't want anything right now (the SNES is tempting, but maybe later...) and the only thing I'm currently looking to unload is my copy of Crash Bandicoot 2 (EB won't accept it since it's sans case). But this is a cool idea nonetheless. Edit: What games for PS1/2 do you have?
  12. Ever since Apple replaced the hard drive, my computer's been named "Apple's PowerBook G4 15"" My iPod, however, remains "q-pa's Stash."
  13. Fuck yeah, I'm coming! Last time was a blast. Just started a new job (w00t), so I don't know if they'll let me take Thu. & Fri. off or not. But I will be there over the weekend somehow. Escariot: As my parents are in Harrisburg, I might go see them first and catch a ride with you--or vice-versa. Edit: lol @ Larry's corpse.
  14. Get ye flask? Feeling sad since I'm still working on the 1st PW, having picked it up in June...
  15. /10charlimit
  16. I bought a NES -> USB cord online for about $20. I forget where, but look around the net for it.Adding to the list, personally I like Bomberman 2, Paperboy and just last week I tried Baloon Fight (the game the WarioWare series continually shoves up your ass ). As simplistic and arcade-y as it is, it is a pretty decent game FWIW. Also, since we're talking emulators, look up a ROM called Dance 2000. It's an attempt to make DDR for the NES. It only half-works but it's pretty funny. Edit: There are also interesting homebrew ports of Tekken 2 and various Street FIghters. Edit2: How did we get this far without mentioning DR. MARIO?!
  17. For a second there I though you were talking about the movie. I saw a VCD copy for about $3 in a Chinatown store once and bought it. One of those films that's so bad it's good.
  18. How does this guy get in the first star door without collecting any stars? If you look closely it looks like he uses a glitch to move Mario outside of the castle, then "steers" him back through the front door, up the stairs, through the star door, and into the trap door. Kind of resembles high-speed moonwalking if you ask me
  19. The previous version sounds more like a manifesto; spelling everything out. I don't know... I feel it's sometimes good to be specific, but I guess it's all summed up in the main website heading anyway: So the edits get a from me.
  20. So does this mean Rare and Nintendo are kissing and making up? haha, "Rare and Nintnedo sittin' in a tree..."
  21. I recently bought a DS accessory pack that had a stylus-tip that you strap on to the front of your index finger. I don't know if it would work well in Elite Beat Agents, but just a thought.
  22. Yeah, I picked it up not too long ago. Only tried Arcade mode and haven't made it very far in that but it is enjoyable, even if it's only a small step up from Arkanoid (same falling-pill power-up system and everything).It's a bit annoying to have to follow the ball across both screens (at least it is on my original DS) but the graphics are nice. Kind of reminds me of Tetris DS--minus the retro-Nintendo elements of course.
  23. q-pa


    I have a few of the OCR-Tans saved on my computer; I'll probably upload them tomorrow (just got back from my vacation and still tired...) Great to see that cosplay though; I'll be heading over to the Otakon thread to catch up once I have some energy. Edit: Don't know why I didn't see Pixie's picts before I posted, but all I have to say is !
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