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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. This might be a compeltely idiotic idea, but... Could the Album tag refer to the game and http://www.ocremix.org be put somewhere else (like publisher/label/whatever)? It'd make sorting easier. Also, some game names aren't used consistantly, SD3 and Seiken Densetsu 3 are both used (the only example I recall). Might as well fix that and NamesWithoutSpaces too if you're updating the tags.
  2. Can't listen now, packing and soon to leave for a week, but with bass, I meant bass frequencies, lows. Not bass notes. Use EQ.
  3. Not the first time I'm posting a wip of the same song there's already a wip of. This time, I'm stealing progressive's thunder. Great Sea and The Sea Is Cursed, orchestral arrangement. Haven't touched this in half a year, and haven't done much orchestral stuff lately, so I'd probably find a lot to complain about myself. 'Cept I'm so used to it. I'm mostly looking for comments on the arrangement, but I'll take anything you've got. I'll probably use different samples and different reverb, so the production will different. Just haven't gotten around to that yet. Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGal2fBQ3EM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFNpESjWL3k
  4. Promising start, nice breath-like reverse drums. I can't hear much source here yet. This is mostly a bump so you don't get stuck under a dozen other wip threads. Which would be my fault.
  5. Bassline might work, tho make sure not to make it too strong in the softer parts.
  6. Not sure how much you've arranged it, but if the key difference between the midi and your version is the added drums and bass, then it's basically a midi rip, something ocr doesn't accept. Unless of course it'd count as a collab between you and the author of the midi, something you two gotta agree on. Furthermore, your remix needs to be of a song included in the game, and I'm not sure the trailer song was actually used in-game. If it's just for the trailer, then it's not a valid source, even if it contains an iteration of Zelda's Lullaby. As for the remix itself, the guitar, or whatever that is, is terrible. A real guitar would be great, but there's still thing you can do with a fake guitar to make it more passable, such as using an amp simulator effect, and giving the track it pitch bends, vibratos, and other human elements to it. The organ, or whatever you used for the high notes is really painful, EQing it to have less high frequencies could solve that, but I'm not sure that organ/synth sound is worth it. See what other sounds you can use. Best advice I could give would probably be to put this in a playlist along with some ocremixes from recent years, compare them. That way, you should hear the differences between them, and learn to hear what's wrong with your remix, what you need to work on. I wish you luck.
  7. Still awesome. Sounds like you added some edge to the brass, would still be nice to have more timbre on them, like good ol' jazz brass. The guitar kind'a destroys the jazz feel. More wah, less distortion, that'd be better imo. Not much to say, needs to be longer, good use of source blah blah..
  8. What, for realistic sustain and fades from there? Sure, that'll work. I'd try to work it from the volume and filter envelopes, tho. ...or, use another reverb.
  9. There was a wip of the molgera battle by progressive (iirc) on th wip board a little while back. I've also got one in the works, see if that gets anywhere. Then there's one based on the ocean theme from ww, not sure you're as interested, also by progressive. AND, I also have got a wip of that in the works as well, just need to get it to sound good.
  10. Sample loop effect, the sound a sample has when it's looping a too short loop and where the sound doesn't change over sustained notes. If you listen closely, you should hear a very annoying repetitive tone to it, something synths rarely get and can easily fix, and something non-looped recordings never suffer from. Listen to it sustained at 1:37, it's noisy in a bad way. On the flip side, it's loopy qualities makes the whole track a bit reminiscent of Metroid MODulus (iirc), a nice tracker or tracker-ish remix that I picked up from vgmix way back. It was NOed here. Try using some other samples for the part.
  11. Hey, I remember this source. That's usually a good sign. And I recognize it in the remix. You're good on source use and interpretation, imo. Nice track. Just takes too long for there to be much bass. The bass that's there is a little too weak, and the whole thing seems to have too much highs, needs EQ work. This sounds pretty promising. The genre kind'a makes up for the slightly cheesy lyrics (the little of them I could make out), and better lyrics would only improve it further. The vocoded vocals sound pretty nice. Good luck.
  12. Organ needs to be fatter. The way it is in the intro could work in the middle of a track with a lot of other instruments, but as a solo instrument it's not fat enough. Reverb and boosted low frequencies might help you there, but I'd go as far as to try putting a faint Overdrive on it (before any reverb). Can't promise it's a good idea, tho. Flute works, but should be louder. Low strings sound fine. Violin is a little buried under the organ, needs to cut through better. an EQ cut to the organ in the range the violin occupies would work. Not sure the violin sounds very good, it's got a little too much vibrato for my tastes, and the track would definitely benefit from having with better violin samples. Drums need to be stronger, choir and organ need to be more balanced, the organ is too loud where the choir comes in. Choir is also too panned when it's solo. I think the ending could work if you'd get the choir more powerful. More velocity work, more voices, more volume, more reverb on it. Source is there, I think this is in the green as far as source usage is concerned.
  13. Old thread. You weren't around to have a look, and a lot of wips have been posted since, so it probably just feel behind thread display threshold. Anyway, too much reverb on the pizzicato strings. Too much reverb on a lot of the tracks, seems like only the woodwinds are on a good reverb elvel, and that might just be because their sound is different. Too much reverb, period. Arrangement is great. No doubt there's enough source there, but there's a fair amount of interpretation there as well. Breaks around 1:10 were a bit too sudden and didn't feel necessary, you could just as well start doing that 9-note rhythm on other chords, to a new chord progression. You did some stuff like that already, but keep moving it. This is a very short source, so make sure to vary it. For example, you could keep repeating those three notes, move them to another chord each time. That way, it won't hug the leg of the original arrangement. Promising work, keep at it.
  14. Good name for it. What's with the left-channel noise in the intro? Could use more bass, everything sounds a bit hissy and weak without enough bass. Lead is a little loud, would have loved to hear more backing around 0:50. Lead is also a little on the ugly side, it's got a weird sample loop effect on it that's not pretty. Great use of chippy parts. but drop the lead volume a bit, you've got another great backing part around 1:33. Around 1:50 you completely leave out the higher notes. The lead there could use a less aggressive filter, it sounds like something's missing, even when the chip backing comes in. Ending is awesome. Good work, source is there, no doubt, and a lot of interpretation's here as well. Clean it up, it's not far from ocr-worthy, imo.
  15. This sounds great, man. The mix of 8-bit and higher-quality audio isn't as pleasant as it could be. The noisy square ain't pretty. Using simple synths might work, but you need some change to their sound as they decay, plus you need to get rid of the noise. There's noise in the 8-bit parts, annoying artifacts and low-rate sample defects, you should probably clean it up on those. Won't be true 8-bit, but with the piano and stuff, it won't be anyway. Note that the 8-bit percussion is fine with me, it's the sustained 8-bit notes that aren't. Source use and interpretation, no complaints. lol, you even used the flute melody from alttp. Man, I wanted to be the first to get a ww ocean remix posted here. I won't mind if this gets posted first, tho. But you bet I'll be posting my wip here some time soon. Protodome is gonna go nuts.
  16. Clipping or other distortion... not pretty. Bruno's source seems to be there. Having a hard time focusing on melodies tonight, dunno why. Not gonna try to listen for the other source if you're not sure you're gonna use it. I normally hate voice clips in songs. Singing is usually ok, but just voice clips, voice acting... no. Here... not so much. It annoys me a bit, but it's not _bad_. Aside from the heavy distortion, I don't have much to complain about. Not much that I notice, at least. Maybe I'll hear it all later, and shoot this wip down hard. Nice use of both a plucked-sounding synth and a typical trance synth. Nice work man.
  17. I find the drums to be painful. Still don't like the ethno toms, hihats are clicky and high, plus they sound a little lofi. Some lines feel a little too forced, and you seem to lose the tone when you bring it lower (like at 2:46, 3:00, and earlier). Singing needs to be more natural, even when it's got a desperate sound.
  18. 1:04, lotta highs. Vocal sounds aren't all that pretty. I like how they contribute to the mood, but they just don't sound good. Could be that they're cutouts, and that the volume cuts can be heard. or maybe it's that they're bouncing around so much. Not sure the bass drum really fits here, it's a little too strong, too much click, maybe not enough bass. Off-beat saw thing ain't pretty here either. Weird, I liked it more before. As a wip of the wip (weird expression, btw), I guess it does say something about the direction you're taking it in. Good luck man.
  19. I'm hearing source, I think there's enough. Interpretation is fine, as well, imo. It's a bit cluttery, you should shove some of the tracks further back. Tracks fighting for attention is never a good thing, better to shove stuff in the bg for the keen listener to discover. A lot of the time, the xylophone and the noisy synth are in the way of the melody, and neither seem to need the volume they've got. You've got some weird stuff here. You've got a piano with a really annoying stereo delay effect on it, and some weird EQ. You've also got clashes, stuff that's out of key, last chord of your 4-measure chord progression. Piano is a little dry too, could use some reverb and some high cuts. Actually, a lot of the tracks here could use some cuts to their respective high ranges. Can't say which ones don't need it. The drums are messy, a bit like HoboKa's drum writing and sound, just not as much. Some aggressive EQ-ing of the drums to restrict their frequency coverage might be in order. Hihats might need to be replaced. Overall, this sounds messy but very good. Cleaning it up would improve this a lot. Good luck, man.
  20. There's a lot of stuff in the high range, and it's not all pretty. Dampening the highs on some of those would probably make it cleaner. Your rhythm pads, whatever they are, could use some high-range cuts as well, unless you like clutter. Can hear source, but the clutter makes it difficult to focus on following the melody, something the source also has a problem with. ... or something I have a problem with in the source as well, those chip effects can be distracting. Feels like you could use some more source, but I'm not gonna pull out the stopwatch. Larry probably would, tho. Lead synth used around 3:00 is painful. Cool sound, but painful. So not my genre. Can't help you much. Hope this helps some, tho. Not a bad track, good luck with it.
  21. Horn needs to cut through better, needs more highs. Hope it has any. Recurring 6-note pattern is a little annoying, not sure why. Could be just the pan effect, could be that it's too loud. You could fade it out a bit. Interesting that you choose to use really close sounding drums in an otherwise mellow and mostly distant track. The filtered version of the loop you've got under the flute is pretty nice, tho, I suggest you use that earlier in the remix, introduce the drums with that. Yeah, flute is too loud, and it sounds a little too close. More reverb, some cuts to its highs and lows, stuff like that would give it more of a distance. You could also delay the whole track a little. If you want it to sound more distant, thatis. Repetition is still a problem here. It's mostly just looped sections. Adding some rhythm, by using tremolo on the pads, adding a backing track of something other than a pad, adding a shaker or other percussion/rhythm instruments, something to provide a little more momentum would keep the track from getting too loopy. Then again, just changing the sound of the synths using automation or layering could also work. Still don't like how the lone snare sounds. It's more balanced now, but there's still something about it that I don't like. It's got the makings of a beautiful track, tho. Lovely chords. It's definitely got potential if that's a direction you're heading. Good luck with it.
  22. 0:16 Mid-range synth here is too loud or just has too much highs. Bass could use some more room between notes, cut the release shorter, or if that doesn't change much, shorten the actual notes. Or, you could drop the Sustain level, perhaps shorten the decay if necessary. That should make the bass sound a bit cleaner. Snare sounds too dry, too noisy. Cut some of its highs, just not too much of it. Toms could use some cuts from their highs too, they might need some more punch. Give them a few dBs of EQ boost somewhere in the lows, you should hear when they have more punch, should be in the 80-200 Hz range. A faint phaser on the lead, or some envelope- or modulation-controlled PWM... something to make the lead a little more interesting. Just controlling the cutoff with an envelope could be enough. Transition at 0:58 needs work. It seems to ramp up, but then falls. Doesn't work. Hihats are a little loud in during that break. 1:20, another transition that needs work. The claps in the background could fade sooner, they only add clutter after 1:35. Just watch so you just don't get rid of them too suddenly. It works as-is, but it's not pretty to have them there that long. 2:03, not a great transition, but works better than the previous ones. Could still use some work, some more overlap. 2:31, not a transition problem, more of an arrangement complaint. By now, these breaks and build-ups are getting old. 2:59, you've got a hi-range synth here that's a little annoying. Slower attack, slower decay, something needs to be done about it. 3:30 boring. We've heard it. A key change, a change in style, something. Ending ain't very interesting either, but it's not a big problem. There, some crits for you to work on. Good luck.
  23. This goes into Help & Newbies. iPods store the music in some hiddeneded directory, so you have to use iTunes to get them on there. If it's just random files you've had there, using the ipod as a usb memory, just get them on the drive (you may have to go to itunes and there to the ipod settings, to get the computer to mount the ipod as a drive). Note that this is what should work on a mac, dunno if windows and the win version of itunes handles the ipod differently.
  24. Doesn't sound as tight as other Scaredsim remixes, and the arrangement gets a little repetitive within each section, but with a lot of different sections that's not much of a problem. The tone is also a little repetitive, which some more synth use could have fixed, but the synths I did hear were all great, wish there was more of that. Highly enjoyable, probably one of those tracks that really grows on you. Great guitar remix of a great source.
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