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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. They're both amazing. I like how Beta starts with a drum and then there's just pads for the next 30 seconds. How can a track be pad-driven? This somehow succeeds in having drive without having Drums relentlessly pounding the beat. Astonishing atmosphere, lots and lots of bass, great concept. Pwnsome.
  2. The Wingless has made loads of great tracks. This is one of the less than awesome, more than good ones. Something about how the strings first come in reminded me of 80's music, might be something in the strings' sound. It's an interesting blend of electronica and sampled stuff, certainly worth being on people's playlists. It's not the finest, but it's Wingless. A little long and repetitive, but there's much to enjoy in it.
  3. The Currently In the Judging Process is hardly current anymore. It's days away from being a month old.
  4. Bmup. First post as well as info image updated. We're still recruiting, and with a few remixers having dropped tracks, we've got a few new interesting ones available. I've PMd a bunch of you, but if I managed to forget something or someone... uh, ask? I know I've got messy notes, I managed to omit a track claimed by Junkmonkey. That's why you should let me your your progress, so I don't have to rely on my notes. Also, read the first post if you're on the project. Seriously. It's been updated. Lots of info you should have read before, and a little new info as well. Examples: Info you should know from before: You're not done until we have a good wav of your track. Info you should have read before: We now have deadlines. Current deadline is 20th, a progress report. Info you couldn't have read before: We also want a short bio to use on the website. It's been what, like, a year since I joined the project, and we're still making progress at our usual rate? Some would call that a successful transition. Not me. I want more progress!!
  5. I recommend going for an album. Getting one or several good enough for ocr and linking your album in the submission email is also away to get the word out about your album, so the non-ocr tracks also get heard. Then there's VGMDB, so you get a little exposure from there as well. Depends of course on your motivation for making the album. If it's just for fun, just for friends, then hand out a track when it's done. It'd be easier to output a more coherent (mixing, sound, levels) collection of tracks if you release the tracks together, keeping them to make final tweaks until all of them are finished.
  6. The thing about reverb is that it normally shouldn't be noticed. It just makes stuff sound more natural. Anyway, OpenMPT seems to be a tracker. You should PM OverCoat or some other tracker user. As for soundfonts, some VSTs might be able to help you there. Might be something in the guides/tutorials on the site too.
  7. Can't listen to source, no .rsn player on the computer. Can guess some source elements, tho. A bit repetitive, dunno if there's any source in those longer straights. Pretty harsh mono instrument starting around 2:50, doesn't blend well into the track. Repetition and the 2:50 instrument are the only crits I can hear in this. Can't comment on interpretation, tho. I like it.
  8. Three-word sentences. Long wip run. This feels long. Source is there. A bit repetitive. Maybe too much. Not too interpretive. Has pleasant sound. Annoying pan effects. Use with moderation. Brief feedback, sorry. Good work tho.
  9. Cool sound, especially approaching 1:15, after that, the filter is a little too open to have the same electric piano sound and feel, but it works well. Repetitive, and lack of source material (4:20 before I recognized anything), but a really cool sound. Sorry to hear you can't work on it, it would have been good. It kind'a is already, but probably won't be YESed. Might work if you'd find an audio editor that doens't need to re-encode the mp3, you could shorten it. That _might_ work, but there's not much melodic interpretation either. Still, very enjoyable. Let me take the opportunity to invite you to the Seiken Densetsu 3 project. If you're interested, let me know, and I'll let you know what tracks are available (project thread list outdated).
  10. All right, to comment on this as a serious wip... Including source. Which I didn't listen to last time. I remember it from before, someone else had a wip of this some time ago. It's a pretty cool source. I can definitely hear the source in this. Could be more interpretation in the writing, not just in the style. The suggestion of limiting the bitcrusher to the percussion sounds like a good one. As a serious wip, the latter half of this is way too messy for ocr, imo. Both in terms of mixing and the actual sound. Random voice clips, aggressive bitcrusher, little or no dynamics... No man, will hardly work for ocr. Dude, the tubular/church bells don't really have a very pleasant sound. I agree that the first half sounds pretty promising, but it does need some cleaning up. 0:35 was pleasant. Guess why. Less stuff bitcrushed, less noise, less mess. The voice clips in the latter half only mess up the sound further. In the first half, they're used for effect, but should be louder (or removed), see 0:40. They're too weak to match the level of energy the track otherwise sports. There's some crits for this track when taken seriously. That's without listening much to the arrangement itself (which is a bit difficult in the noise and mess). Good luck with it.
  11. :51 still a problem. Around 1:15 I'm not hearing much of the low end. Actually, I'm not hearing much low end at all. Needs more bass. It also needs more drive. Fill leading up to 2:15 sounded promising, but the track then doesn't have the drive it needs. A bass, low backing, octaved lead, something to drive the track is needed. Drums have a heavy sound t them, dulling down the pace of the track. You gotta counteract that. Hi-range phased rhythmic pad in the intro is a bit loud. I recommend dropping it by 10dB or something, fading it up so it's at it's current level around 1:00. The Dave Wise-esque pitch-bent pad thing is a little too loud and vanishes a bit too quickly. Bass, drive, please. Good work so far.
  12. I'm probably having one of those source-deaf moments here. Someone more familiar with the source should probably chime in on this, cuz I can't hear any of the source in this, other than the chord progression. The writing is pretty repetitive, staple of the genre, but it could be more varied. Most of it sounds like backing. Drums are a little weak, dunno how powerful they should be for the style. I'm no fan of the ticky clicky hihat sound. Filter sweeps are cool. 1:12 should probably crash back into that rhythm, instead it just.... doesn't. Not my style, so I can't help you much. I'd say it needs more source, more variation, and a lead, something to drive it. Good luck.
  13. No source link, no source comment. Starts off strong. You could put a intro there, make it a little less shocking for people who've got their headphones/speaker on too loud. At least you've mastered that. There's a little clicking sound used towards the end that's really annoying. All that gets through is the high-range click. Consider dropping it, or at least EQing it to be less painful. The mix here is a bit problematic. Giving the pad more bass and cutting some bass from the saw lead would help a bit. Stereo delay on the arp in the bg might give it a wider backgorund sound, and the other background melody could have some of its highs cut. And cut the volume on your lead, a lot of the time it's way too strong. In fact, kill it compeltely, then raise it to a comfortable level. You should probably drop sustain and decay a bit, on both volume and filter envelopes. I'm also notcing you don't have a bass, at least not a short note bass instrument, which is interesting. Using a pad as bass works quite well here, imo. Can't comment much on the writing, not knowing the source tune, but it's pretty repetitive. The writing is pleasant, tho, despite the repetition. A part B would be nice to have, along with intro, outro, and all that jazz. Overall, it sounds promising. Nice work, man. Keep at it.
  14. Well, I like it. Drums are a little dull (both in sound and writing), tracks need some EQ separation, writing could be more interpretive. Chord modulation, new chord progression, an additional source to draw from, adapted melodies, harmonies, that kind of stuff. Having a downloadable version wouldn't hurt either, it'd get rid of youtube compression at least, which should improve the sound somewhat. Nice work. It could be nicer, so don't stop working on it.
  15. So which version is what? New Shit has a lot of noise. Could be fromt he recordings, could be something else. It's also a but painful to listen to, could be because of compression, frequency balance, or just plain messy music. The delays/multitap/multiple overlapping vocals were especially annoying, so you should clean that up. Waterworld 9 has some noise or clipping about a quarter in (playing in broswer, no timestamp, I'm lazy, I know). Fix that. Better synched guitars and piano would be good too, It's less annoying when you've got drums there, but when you don't, they kind'a screw with the rhythm. You should watch the general feel too, you've got the electric guitar way too loud when the pad starts coming in, those kind'a clash in sound/feel. Short crit, but I suspect you'll have a lot to work with if you start fixing the guitars. Good luck.
  16. Hey, I remember this source. Wasn't expecting that. Noisy, messy, midi...y. You'd do well to make some instrument replacement "remixes", just to learn to mix and process tracks, get the most out of bad samples, etc. And google is your friend, there's loads of free resources out there. Here's a few soundfonts you could start with. You're right about your own crits. Put it in a playlist with some recent ocremixes, and you should be noticing a lot of problems with it. - Dafydd, you should bring that mix back, fix it up and sub it. Would be lolsome to have something that blend styles like those. Thanks for the review on my posted remix, btw.
  17. Well, it's better than before... iirc. Still pretty repetitive, tho. You could automate some attributes of the backing synth for variation, say, the waveform, cutoff, frequency modulation, something. You could fade in a phaser version of it, the phaser would add some hypnotic effect to it (tho phaser should always be used sparingly). Consider swapping the backing source bells for a rock-suited organ, or 80's synth, or something else, just for kicks. See what you can do. Some filter sweeps, EQ automation effects, perhaps slicing, could also be utilized on the track. Some stereo effects could be cool too. The bass and rhythm guitar backing could be more varied, rhythmically if not else. I am hearing some variation in the bass rhythm, which is cool, but there could be more. It's by now at a point where I can't help you much further, but Tensei-San's often on the wip channel along with other guitar-oriented remixers, you should take it there.
  18. :D Thanks people. Yeah, it's not "best of OCR", but it got me posted. There's things I'm not satisfied with, but with the help from the Js and the channel, I've solved most of my problems with it. All I felt I could solve. Expect more remixes from me.
  19. Sum poor remixer wannabe n00b just got sum track posted. ...add one with 0 reviews. :D
  20. Hardly, I said. I gotta try to make you a 1bit track. I know it'll sound terrible. Loud, obnoxious pwm/square wave(s), no volume control, instant interference between tones...
  21. Although sparse and repetitive, it's not in any way detracting. The track has a pleasant vibe throughout. I recommend it. Definitely among the best from 2000.
  22. I found a lot here that I connect to red brinstar. Nothing wrong with that. This is an epic, well paced remix. An interesting blend of orchestral and synth sounds. Feels a little thin, lacking in the bass department, and it gets a bit repetitive, but the track keeps moving, changing. For something 6:20, it doesn't feel that long.
  23. This is one of those remixes I found fairly early, and kept. There's always stuff happening, the track is constantly moving forward. Gets a bit repetitive, but that's the genre. Good stuff.
  24. This is really cool. Starts with a breathing sonar ping, which is pretty cool even on its own. Cool, soft, a little uneven tho for something from 2000 it's still great. It's easy to find stuff to appreciate in this, tho there are some detracting production things. Still, it's certainly worth a listen or two.
  25. I suppose there's not much to say. It's pleasant, easy to appreciate, but a bit hard to comment on. Soft synths, blending well with the piano backing. This deserves much more feedback than it's gotten so far.
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