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Everything posted by Omni-Psyence

  1. Due to several requests for an extension of the deadline for this contest, we are moving it to Monday August 10th! Make sure to finish up your mixes and send them in by that date! Thanks
  2. Just a reminder to get your submissions in by next monday, August 3rd Thanks everyone for participating.
  3. Really excited to hear the submissions. Thanks for checking this out y'all, and have fun!
  4. As the title says, completely unused. PM me for an offer!
  5. Well there is a MIDI CC specifically for pitch bend, so you should be able to do it without even having a physical controller. You can also assign other CCs to built in vibrato functions in a synth or sampler, or if you can't do that, the depth of an LFO modulating the pitch of an oscillator can also be controlled with CC.
  6. The trick is that there is no trick. Everyone get's inspired in different ways. Some start with a simple chord progression, some with a melody, and others with a drum beat or a specific timbre or sound that they have designed. Music is a complex cooperation of many different elements, and every artist weaves their tapestry in their own way. I know that this sounds exactly like bullshit nonsense but it is actually completely true. The one solid piece of advice I can give is to keep making music as much as you can. The more you do a thing, the better you get at it (assuming deliberate practice and learning is involved). Don't give up!
  7. I bought FMDrive a few weeks ago, it suits my purposes just fine.
  8. Thanks everyone! I actually finished up my new EP and released it yesterday on bandcamp. I updated the first post with the new link. I really appreciate your support! I am eyeing some new studio gear as well *wink wink nudge nudge* (only need $25 to get what I want!)
  9. Hey, today I'm turning 26 and I wanted to start off the day with a small little something for everyone here. I need to do this early today because I don't think I will be functioning very well later tonight (hopefully!) It's nothing crazy but I just released a brand new EP and I want to give it to you all for free! 4 tracks of awesome future-retro electronica sounds. http://omnipsyence.bandcamp.com/album/dark-star-falling
  10. If your goal is to make money with your music, then you need to look way beyond just video games. That's all I'm going to say about that...
  11. The site looks sick, really glad to be a part of the label! Everyone on the roster is super talented, I was just listening to random tracks and honestly I couldn't hit the pause button. Here's to the long, continued success of OCRecords!
  12. Action Strings actually *can* let you create your own phrases. You simply do so by using the keyswitches. Every single basic short rhythmic patterns can be found in Action Strings, and subsequently stitched together to create some real natural sounding results. Here's a track using Action Strings. http://soundcloud.com/omni-psyence/divide-and-conquer
  13. check your PMs!
  14. There's got to be some retro synth heads around here into this stuff, show yourselves! lol
  15. Hey what's up everyone, I just wanted to let you know I dropped a brand new high-energy single called "Speed Zone", which is a collaboration with Canadian synthwave artist Swagbot. Please check it out! http://omnipsyence.bandcamp.com/track/speed-zone Artwork by Ryan "Ryu" Jackson
  16. Hey I'm here at PAX right now. Hit me up on twitter! @omnipsyence
  17. *crickets chirp continuously for 6 days* Anyone at all? I'm sure some of you have clicked the link!
  18. Would love to know what the community thinks of this release. If anyone has checked it out, let me know!
  19. Hey what's up OCR! I just finished and uploaded my brand new EP, titled "God from the Machine", on bandcamp. It's 4 tracks, 17 minutes of heavy nostalgic analog beats with a contemporary production and stylistic interpretation. Please take a listen and download it if you like it, it's only $4! http://omnipsyence.bandcamp.com/album/god-from-the-machine
  20. Hey man, just sent you a PM
  21. Perfection. Original Soundtrack (OCRO-0006) Perfection. by Dumb and Fat Games, compatible with Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Mobile & Windows Omni-Psyence (Cory Richards) - Composition, arrangement, mixing TeraCMusic (Tera Catallo) - Track 7 violin and vocals Banov (Greg Lobanov) - Game creator, artwork Contact: admin@omnipsyence.com • Soundtrack: http://ocremix.org/album/45/perfection-original-soundtrack • Homepage: http://perfectiongame.net • WATCH the trailer: http://youtu.be/Bs_NcyqVDbw Perfection. A minimalist, zen puzzler about cutting shapes. Tracklist: 01 Fall In (2:32) 02 Closer (2:20) 03 Mandala (2:34) 04 The Looking Glass (2:36) 05 Drifter (2:46) - Bonus Track 06 Dat Funk (4:48) - Bonus Track 07 Free Fall (4:24) • Featuring TeraCMusic (Tera Catallo) • Arrangement by Omni-Psyence of track 1, "Fall In" Composer's comments: The Perfection. soundtrack is a collection of pure tone, meditative ambient-synth soundscapes with an evocative, slightly Eastern melodic patchwork. This was composed to support the minimalist and zen-like aspect of the game; this is all about relaxation and taking your mind away from everything else. The two additional bonus tracks seek to explore the emotional qualities of the soundtrack but in differing arrangements that are of higher intensity to be suitable for the game. I want to thank Greg Lobanov for allowing me the opportunity to write music for his excellent creation, and OC ReMix for supporting video game music as strongly as it does. Long live VGM! 7. "Free Fall" Omni-Psyence: This remix is something I wanted to do ever since I first started on the soundtrack for Perfection. I'm already a huge fan of chillout/psybient music with acoustic instrumentation, and I've been listening to a lot of that lately, so it was just natural for me to take this approach. Tera's violin and vocal additions to this track definitely imbue a strong and soulful spirit to this work. Cory Richards admin@omnipsyence.com http://omnipsyence.com TeraCMusic: The melody for this mix was inspired by the works of Lindsey Stirling, but was made with a unique twist. The vocals near the end help create a fuller, richer sound, while the harmonies blend together to establish an unforgettable theme. Tera Catallo teracatallo@gmail.com http://youtube.com/teracmusic Omni-Psyence • Homepage: http://meteoxavier.com • Homepage: http://omnipsyence.com • OC ReMix: http://ocremix.org/artist/11797/omni-psyence • Bandcamp: http://omnipsyence.bandcamp.com • Facebook: http://facebook.com/omnipsyence • SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/omni-psyence • Twitter: http://twitter.com/omnipsyence • YouTube: http://youtube.com/omnipsyence Dumb and Fat Games (Greg "Banov" Lobanov) • Homepage: http://dumbandfat.com • Facebook: http://facebook.com/pages/Banov/91620497321 • Twitter: http://twitter.com/thebanov • YouTube: http://youtube.com/banovg Perfection. • Homepage: http://perfectiongame.net • Homepage: http://dumbandfat.com/work/perfection • Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dumbandfat.perfection • iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/perfection/id612358730 • WATCH the trailer:
  22. This is completely amazing and I want to hear more, immediately, from Thunder Thouin. Need to collab with this artist!
  23. Dan is 100% correct with his previous post btw, in regards to being a financially independent, professional freelancer living purely from music... that is quite exactly what it takes. However, that being said, there's absolutely nothing at all wrong with any one of us doing things the way we want them to be done. If you want to take a job, take it. Just do you and nothing else will matter.
  24. I'm definitely making something for this Here's what I've been working on lately (not VGM related) to show just what kind of direction I might take with my track. http://soundcloud.com/omni-psyence/omni-psyence-beam-me-up-demo
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