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Everything posted by Gario

  1. Get me a guitarist that's interested and I'll remake this one from scratch. I will not touch this with a ten foot pole otherwise. Make it happen, guys. Also, best of luck with the Concrete man remix - considering it's popularity online, I'm surprised it wasn't remixed... it feels like making a Megaman II album without a Wily remix .
  2. Back when that project started I had something going for that track. It wasn't that great (it was the beginning of 2k9, after all), but I put some effort into it. Enjoy it in all of it's n00bish, unfinished glory. Wily Machine
  3. She's got a very amazing voice. I love the Celtic style she's going for, here.
  4. Mmmmmmmmmm... on second thought, I'm not too sure about this one and OCR - listening with some fresher ears, the arrangement doesn't seem to hit home as varied enough for that sort of thing. I'd still like to clean it up for something, though, so any suggestions are still welcome
  5. OH HELL YES MAHLER, let's get a thread going about hi... ... what's this 'beyonce' thing people are including in this thread?
  6. Ah shit, sorry. It should be fixed now - thanks for pointing that out.
  7. Oh hey, happy birthday, man. I haven't forgotten about you and your game ideas :P

  8. Be sure to get plenty of practice, man. I'd love to see you beat it.
  9. Hey all! Heralding from the Freshly Baked Remix Challenge, I came up with this remix of for the NES. I'm considering subbing this one to OCR, so are there any thoughts on it? There are a couple of things I'm eyeing myself, but I'd like to hear a second opinion before I spit shine it and send it to the J's.Felix's 9-bit Funk (By the way, for those that saw this in the compo, I changed the name because I don't want two mixes with the 'X feels Y' naming scheme posted under my name ).
  10. I'm going to assume the version on the first page is the final version (since nothing else is up, atm). The arrangement is pretty fun (though there are a few moments that seem to clash a little bit, particularly at 1:13-1:14 and moments after just like it - might want to adjust the source to fit better there). The arrangement is recognizable, yet given a completely different feel. Beware of the ending, though - it IS pretty abrupt. Try softening it a little bit, there - even an FO would be better (though I hope you don't go that route). The drums are well EQ'd, arranged and mixed. If everything else had that quality this would be an easy pass... but as it is, I think there's some EQ'ing needed to give the rest of the instruments some more poignancy. Most of the instruments are missing their highs and lows, and it seems to be constricting both their quality and volume. I don't know if you high and low passed them to give room for the drums, but it's affecting the rest of the mix negatively. For bass instruments, try sidechaining them to the bass drums, if that'll help prevent clipping. For the highs... well, try balancing the drum set highs and the rest of the instruments so they can share the space (rather than giving it all to the drums). Yeah, it's just EQ and mixing issues I hear. The arrangement is great (save for the ending), and the style is perfect. I don't think it'll pass with the mixing issues, but with a little work I think you'll be in good shape.
  11. Oh hey let's bash someone because they are much better than you at spending their time arranging music. Two or three hours for a song (from scratch to finish) isn't exactly unheard of, you know (JHCompo and OHC should be proof enough for that). Frankly, if midi-ripping was what he was doing he'd probably have been done in less than a half hour. And yeah, a lot of people hated their source (I don't think I've ever gotten a source I really liked yet), but that's what this challenge is about - working with sources you're given whether you like them or not. If you just want to find something new and remix it the remix request board is this way. Listen, hear if there's something new you like, give it a stab. Point is, if you accepted the challenge (that's what this is, make no mistake) and fail to deliver then you fail the challenge. Claiming that you didn't like a source only shows that you didn't understand what you were signing up for in the first place.
  12. I mostly stick to games that I've played or experienced myself, but I'm not against remixing music that I've never experienced in game before. It's not due to pride for my games or anything like that - it's just that I'm not familiar with other game music enough to have the spark of inspiration to rearrange it, is all. It's possibly why other franchises get so much attention nowadays (Sonic, FF, CT, Mario, etc.); it's not that other soundtracks are no good, but everyone and their mom have played these games back in the day so there's an innate familiarity to them.
  13. Seems like there's a lot of love coming from the other projects here (even BC is getting it's wheels moving again - awesome). Hopefully some of that love will spill over to this project - the deadline for everyone is coming up, and I'm hoping to see a lot of our old faces (as well as our new ones) dust off their tracks and give them some love. See you all on September 15th!
  14. I can almost promise that the challenger will still want to hear a remix of his track, even if the contest is over. People made requests to hear the tracks remixed by someone other than themselves, so even without the compo to back it up people will still be happy to hear something done with their tracks. In short, best get started.
  15. One, don't be hatin' the theory - it only leads to perfectionism if you only learn the grammar and not the actual theory. People who use theory for perfectionist reasons in composition are people that don't understand that it's only applicable after the fact. Two, introduction thread is this way. See you there. Other than that, welcome to OCR - I hope you enjoy it here. Post some music, chat, something; it's always better here when you actively participate.
  16. So I take it the guy is too old to be killin' shit, eh?
  17. We win a larger e-peen to show off to everyone who didn't submit. EDIT: Oh, and what happened to Xarnax42's track? R:TS won't let me D/L it or anything
  18. Happy birthday, you salty do... wait, that was last year's comment. Let me try again.

    *Ahem* Happy birthday, you salty... mog. See? It works 'cause this is a video game site, so everyone should know what a mog is, so it's not totally lame.

    ... alright, well Happy birthday, anyhow.

  19. IT AIN'T OVER 'TIL I SUBMIT MY MOST AWESOMEST FELIX TRACK! Which will be very soon - just pushing it through the production polishing phase now. EDIT: Alright, I submit mine, now it's over
  20. Short answer - yes, you have a decent chance for OCR if you keep up this direction, as long as it remains up to par. Long answer - It's looking great so far, but there are a couple of points you'll want to focus on if you're shooting for this site. As much as I love that bass (and I do very much) keep in mind that people will want to hear the melody nicely as well. Try to get that melody to shine through the rest of the mix, as it's important in tying the track to the source. The sound is very nice, but it seems to be a little overcrowded when everything is going together (like at 0:42, for example). There's quite a few great things happening, but because they're all fighting for the front it's hard to hear any one of them well. I love the arrangement, and the instrument choices are great. Get this finished up, give the mix some aural breathing room by mixing what you consider background into the back and give more important elements the front and I think you'll be in very good shape.
  21. I plan on having mine done tonight. It's gonna rock all your socks off. It kind of reminds me of my Sailor Moon remix from the good ol' PICO challenge days .
  22. Pfft, I'll consume Bacardi rum like it's NOT my birthday, because it isn't. While I'm still sober I better send out some well wishes to you two. Happy birthday OA and Dj Symbiotix
  23. So I take it there will be a listening party tonight or tomorrow night? It would be sort of a waste of the compo if there wasn't.
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