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Everything posted by Gario

  1. Well hey, before the April drive I didn't donate 'cause I didn't think about it, so I'd say it's an improvement, eh?
  2. Happy birthday, Schwaltzvald! ... Actually, I just wanted an excuse for people to post really strange pictures, so let's all post something in honor of his birthday! Kirby wishes you the best, too!
  3. Well, not quite. More Cave Story isn't a bad thing, though, and it's always nice to hear the things people posted in the WIP forums going up to the front page. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside . I liked the blend of multiple Cave Story themes in this track, though (especially the haunting Cave Story theme sprinkled throughout). I feel the instruments could've been a bit more natural sounding; the strings and some of the winds seems to have too much delay on the attack too often, for my tastes. Ah well, it doesn't take away from the overall orchestral sound too much. I'm liking what you've got going here. Great way to end the year, for sure .
  4. Ah, an oldie, but a goldie, I'd say. I will work on it come next year and fix what the panel told me to - I can't let Lv99 down by letting this one be forgotten. Love your remix, though. Keep us posted on it .
  5. Mmm, the second level. Sexy - you've got some real groove going down here, and I like it. You took a track that was funky and upped the funk, bigtime. I like the direction you took, and I like the soundscape. Because of how awesome most of it is, though, there are a few instruments that just don't sound up to the par that you set, here. At about 1:30, for example, there's a square that just doesn't seem to fit into the track, too well. It's not a terrible synth, it just doesn't seem to work, for me. The keyboard synth at 2:00 sounds a bit low-fi for the track, so I'd recommend looking for something else. The track after 2:30 seems to get quite repetitive. I'm assuming that's what you mean by '42% finished', there, so I can't wait to see what you'll do with the track. I'm loving it quite a lot, here - it's even inspiring me to finish making the adjustments to my own BT+DD track that I've been meaning to make for months, lol.
  6. BT & DD... now THAT is a game that doesn't have enough remixing love, around here. Unfortunately, it's difficult to download the track from that webhost, for me, so I can't give any meaningful commentary, right now. I'll try again later, or you could use a more easily accessible host. I dunno, it could just be me. From the 12 seconds that I got, though, it's a good start... but then the D/L cut me off .
  7. Hefty, certainly, but not unexpected, either. Thank goodness for the fund-drive in April, eh? That certainly helps keep the site running at the capacity that it has for years, which is worth it, for me .
  8. Oh my. One of the better Christmas presents I've gotten this year . Kick the Ninja Gaiden's ass!
  9. I haven't downloaded it yet, but I can already tell that I love it. Seriously, no one should question chiptunage compiled by Shnabubula and any gang that he finds to join him. I'll confirm that I love it in a minute...
  10. I missed an opportunity to talk about a mad baller's birthday? Dammit, I hate being without internetz.
  11. Ah, so GT isn't attending this year, eh? Now I don't feel as bad not attending, lol. Be sure to be there next year, Taucer, when I try to get there, or else I'll be a very disappointed Gario.
  12. Thank you for posting that. I'm not alone in my thumbmation love.
  13. Probably because they were looking for a story that was told through game mechanics only. Emphasis on only. It doesn't matter that the story might have been just as effective without the cutscenes or whatever, the point is that the games you reference still use those are a way to push the story, at least in part, so they are naturally disqualified.
  14. On the contrary, I think we did miss it. Oh well, better late than never - Happy (un)birthday, DS!
  15. It's a neat track. As a fellow Reason user that used to suffer from the same sort of drum problems, let me make some suggestions. First, unless you have some really perfect spliced drum sounds, use Redrum. The fact that you can tinker with the attack, cutoff, pan, level, velocity effect, etc., for each track and run each individual track through a different mixer board means that you can beef out that bass drum to your heart's content without affecting anything else. Second, compression is your friend. All you can work with is the onboard compressor (no plugins for you - remember, we're using Reason, here ), so get familiar with him. Messing with the 'attack' knob, increasing the compression ratio and blasting the output will help your bass drum a lot. Overlapping instruments can help, so don't forget about that possibility, as well, for your drums. Have you messed around with the master combinator so you can master your track? Increase the gain on the limiter or something, because the whole track is just too quite, as is. I like the sound of the track. It's a little conservative for OCR, if that was what you were going for, but it's a neat track. I hope this helps, and Merry Christmas!
  16. Wow, getting tight on the final cutoff date. I finally gave you a very-close-to-finished-but-need-a-little-feedback WIP for my MMX4 track for Christmas, and I can guarantee a finished track before New Year, for you. Sorry for keeping you in the dark with the track for about two months. Now with moar voice clips.
  17. Well, Merry Christmas! In a couple hours! I haz a present for Bahamut in the form of music that I owe him anyway, but it's not Christmas for another two hours, for me, so he has to wait. So sorry, man.
  18. Some of the tastiest synth work I've heard from you, Will. Also, this is easily the farthest from your normal style that you've ever gone that I've heard, so great job ending the year on such i diverse note. There's so much change in this song, so much delicious texture and overlapping of themes... people, listen to this 'losing' mix, 'cause it's a freakin' winner .
  19. Hmm... well, looking at the history of OCR projects and how long they can take, time is not on your side. Many/most projects take at least a month or two just to organize the remixers, followed by roughly 1-2 years before the music comes together. Why this is probably has to do with the fact that writing remixes is something most of us do in our spare time, which is generally not that much per day, if you know what I mean. Of course, there are exceptions to these arbitrary time frames (Ah, the good ol' 'Hurry' project is coming to mind ), but you'll really need to hustle to get this off the ground. Making a thread here is a good start, but you need to set up project forums pretty quick and actively recruit remixers to give the project a push forward if you want to get it finished in time. Figuring out what style/styles should be accepted would be important, too, as Rozo suggested. It's not that I think it's a bad idea. You'll just need to hustle if you want your idea to come to fruition.
  20. A quick comment - using the 'Advanced Edit' mode would've been a smoother idea than making a new thread of the same track. Just throwing that out there for ya. Now that I have some proper listening equipment, let's see what you got, here. The snares. You need some stronger samples in there - the double tap is the only thing that's coming out in the basic loops (the other snare is nearly lost completely), and even that is a little too weak to carry the track. Get some snares with a little more 'snare' to it (har har, marching band joke). The rest of the drums are also weak (that bass doesn't do much, and the hat work is almost inaudible), so I'd take a quick look into fixing those up. Excellent samples and sounds, otherwise. The soundscape fills out quite nicely, and the arrangement is very neat. I think you have a winner, here.
  21. Yeah, but you know what? I can still smash my nephews at video games. Whaddaya say ta that, EH?!
  22. I think he already subbed this month ago, bro. Needless to say I'm pretty amazed at this mix - I can hear a shitload of work in the processing of all the effects. It's unreal. That said, I don't really have an ear for this sort of mix, so it doesn't affect me too much, aesthetically. It is certainly great stuff, though. Perhaps I'm just the person you're referring to in the OP, and I need to get used to the sound . Anyhoo, I can see this track as a direct post. The FF7 track just has to be a direct post. I don't think you need to worry about anything at all.
  23. Y'know how you can tell a video is really good stuff? When you have a split down the middle which public opinion, and people are willing to discuss the topic days after it's been presented. Missle command succeeded at exactly what Sephfire claimed at the beginning - it's a game where the intended narrative is told solely through the mechanics of the game, and nothing else. If anyone wants to argue against that, then feel free. I'm very curious what people would have to say against that point (other than simply disagreeing that there really is a narrative, since that's... well, boring). I do agree with the original point that the video was a touch on the over dramatic side (Most difficult moral dilemma in video game history? Really?), but that made it more fun to watch.
  24. It's got some sexy lead guitar action, bro. I like the overall sound of this track, and I enjoy how it sticks to the source, as well. I'm not going to be the right guy to talk about any possible production issues, though - right now I'm only able to listen through some busted speakers that mess up the sound. Gimme 'til the beginning of this year and I can give it an appropriate critical listen, but from what I can hear you're really layin' on the sexiness upon my eardrums. If someone else who has better speakers could check for production issues, I'm sure that would be greatly appreciated by Black Mage Revolution, here. I'd highly recommend sending this through mod review, right now, rather than 'finished', since it seems ready for that stage. Nice work - shame you didn't post this in the old thread so people could compare and contrast.
  25. Long live Quest 64. My nephews have a strange obsession with retro games. I mean, they turn down WII games... hell, they turn down N64 and PSX games in favor of SNES games and NES classics (they play the other systems, sure, but not as much as the older classics). I find it strange and yet heartwarming to see them replaying my youth willingly. Man, they're awesome. I'm sure they're the exception, though, and not the rule.
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