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Everything posted by Gario

  1. You know, I'd say Rozo and Hoboka are more like Dukes of the WIP forum - Rozo certainly gives the most reviews (kudos to that) but Hoboka can't be topped in supplying those WIPs for us (kudos to that, too). I don't think one can trump the other... it's like apples and oranges trying to fight for fruit supremecy.
  2. No, that would fil up so quickly (better keep it simple for you moderator's sake, DS).
  3. AVGN fan here. I totally agree with his Silver Surfer review, ironically, yet I still love that game... probably due to my countless hours invested into beating the damn thing (and the awesome soundtrack). Personally, I find that his jokes have been slightly lacking as of late, but he's still quite good. He's funny, yet looks at the games as a critic and a gamer. It's rare to find someone like that (Zero Punctuation is funny and a critic, but you know I tend to get the 'non-gamer' vibe from that guy... Not saying he isn't one, it's just the feel of his videos). Actually, the 'nerdrage' parts generally aren't that great, imo, but the cracks he makes at the games are priceless.
  4. I thought it was Rozovian. Your both wrong. I'm the king of WIP forums (at least I will be when I kill Hoboka, Rozo, and about anyone else who posts there... I'll get to it in time). Anyhow, Happy Birthday, Hoboka - You are sorely missed in the WIP forums...
  5. I loved Quest 64 (in all it's repetitive glory), I couldn't finish Chrono Cross, I religiously play X-com: UFO Defense (working on a record time in beating it - currently at 1 1/2 hours; I'm sure I could do better...), yet find X-com Apocalypse to be the superior game, I actually like the soundtrack for Amagon (yet despise the game... go figure), I never played a Resident Evil game in my life, I don't like Halo (even though I generally like FPS), and I loved Quest 64 (in all it's repetitive glory). That's about all I can think of, right now. I didn't feel I contributed enough to this earlier... Edit: I've never played Doom, and I have no inclination to, either.
  6. lol, it seems everyone's got something wrong with them... I've got some semi-bronchital cold going on, atm... . Meh, an extention is probably a good idea. Thanks, Prophecy, for making my submission look like crap (not that it needed any help ).
  7. I've got mine up, now. Waiting on the rest ...
  8. Answering the topic on College and this, if I work for something I do not want someone else to get the same thing for absolutely nothing. It just doesn't seem fair for me. It's completely selfish (as I said before), but it just makes the game feel dirty for me. It doesn't detract from it much, but it does take some enjoyment out of it for me. Besides, why the hell would you cheat in college? What are you going for, to learn or see pretty grades on your papers? Seriously, I don't care if you do, but you better not be recognised or recommended for anything serious over someone who knows what they're doing.
  9. The EQ sounds better, in general. The strings are still a bit muffled sounding to me, though; they could still use a boost in the highs a bit more (just the strings, though!). I like the additional material - that was what I was looking for! The guitar comes in a bit too early for me, though... I was enjoying the lack of melody and was hoping for a little bit more of that before it came back. The guitar, while a nice addition (especially if it comes just a little bit later - but that's actually my personal taste, there), it pretty high-EQ-heavy. It's quite piercing, to be honest - it could use a reduction of the highs, there. I just noticed this, but the panning seems a little heavy on the left side throughout a lot of the song (like 1:04 - 1:46, for example). Fix the balancing issues, there. It sounds better, but I suspect it still isn't finished, yet - Finish the song already, damnit!
  10. If you cheat you didn't do the work, so you shouldn't get the reward. My logic is simple (and selfish...). It's not a penalty - it's simply not a reward. That's my take on it. Of course, arguing about 'reward' and 'penalty' is stupid - in the end it IS just a game, so my ranting really has no place. I would personally enjoy it more if there was no cheating in the system - other people feel differently on it. It's just my feeling on cheating, is all.
  11. To be honest, I can't put it any better than this guy (not yahtzee, by the way, but good nonetheless). Nothing about cheating, mind you, but more about difficulty in games. I still don't feel that people that actually work hard at something should be equally rewarded for they're efforts as someone who cheated (and thus put no effort at all - admit it, winning with cheats takes no effort). If you cheated, fine - but you shouldn't get an ending, hear the story, watch the CGI's, etc., either. I want to feel I've earned something other people simply can't view without the work, is all. Call me a selfish asshole - I won't deny it . Woot.
  12. Because I'm a fucking idiot . I fix it. Very good choice. I'll make one, too .
  13. Yes, according to your earlier response - you're the only one I can think of that hasn't played this game. Isn't it true? That's what mercs are for. For the most part, yes - but I cannot kill the final magic immune in the game with a merc, solo (Baal Guardian boss) - he kills way too quickly. Actually, he's poison immune, as well, so necros are pretty much screwed at that guy (except for skelly necros). Besides, it really sucks when you need to rely on your merc in order to kill a large group of powerful mobs - it took my act 2 merc quite some time with the unique lance (~2000 dmg per hit).
  14. Cheating in video games... Frankly, there probably isn't any cheating in them anymore because the games are so damn easy as they are. The makers probably thought to themselves 'Hey, man - no one could be struggling with THIS game... why the hell do they need any help with cheats?!?'... Stupid noobification of the people... Now if they had the difficulty of the older generation and no cheats at all, that would be my kind of game. I'd rather feel like I've earned something that someone without the nerdy patience or time could never achieve or experience. Cheats rob me of that - I watch the ending and such for an RPG only to realize that anyone could've done the same thing by cheating which I achieved through sweat and toil. Easier games, no cheats. Can't have everything, I guess...
  15. Your kidding about the dueling, right? Seriously, poison necros are one of the best PvP builds out there (look them up - even with max resist, max reduction and the natural 25% reduction from PvP they'll still drain you to nothing in an instant - then throw lv1 teeth at you to finish it). With the teleportation from Enigma it's nearly impossible to avoid it, too (although a rabid druid gives them a run for their money). Bone necros are good for PvP too, though .Yes, I think it's changed since 1.11... I know many curses break immunities, now (if the curse is strong enough - in fact it's a defining feature of Fishymancers), so lower resist could very well take of poison immune from most enemies. Run a bone necro through Act 2 Hell - every freaking (important) mob is magic immune. Bonermancers have a very, very difficult time there (where poisonmancers would flourish). I've played quite a few 80+ bonermancers - believe me, it's not that simple. I understand where your coming from with the utility and all - but on Bnet you'll be playing with other players for the most part so others will fill the gap that you'll lack. To be honest many sorc builds would be crap if immunities completely ruined them (Pure lit/ice/fire, anyone? Used for raw DPS, but need other players to fill in they're deficiencies). You'll admit that the poison far outstrips the bone and summon necros in raw damage. Situational damage, sure, but very, very high raw damage that is great on Bnet. I know it's not the only thing out there (I personally prefer curse/bonermancers), but it is a perfectly viable alternative. Druids rock... but the only druids I've ever played are elemental druids (fire or wind - wind outstrips fire by far). Lycanthropy druids are great, too - wolfs get high speed and damage while bears get incredible AoE stuns and incredible damage (and life). Fire druids get high damage over time, but wind druids utilize a combination of cold and physical damage (great for Hell, by the way) and are virtually immune to elemental (but not poison) damage. Is it your hardcore elemental druid? lol, I'm game tomorrow at 2:15 eastern . Native Jovian.
  16. With training and/or practice, anyone can transcribe any music. I can assure you that I could transcribe it accurately do to the training I've had, for example, and I'm positive many (if not most) of the posted remixers could transcribe it, too. I'm not discrediting you, though, dude - I understand that those are very difficult parts to transcribe and a midi score can help for the sake of accuracy. However, if you can't transcribe it then you probably will not understand what is happening to the music very well, either, which is a very important thing to be aware of when remixing (either in a conscious or unconscious level). Besides, if your not accurate than you may be hearing something different that you really like (e.g. you use the 'wrong' chord when transcribing because you like that sound better) - extra remix potential, for sure. If you rely on midi scores too heavily you'll be missing out on a lot of benefits that come with transcribing. Music is not something that can be 'seen' and manipulated - you really need to hear the relationships and feel what should be where (knowing 'why' helps, but isn't necessary). Transcribing allows you to really hear and feel the music - midi scores do not. If you need the midi score for something in a song you probably need some time away from that particular source - you will not write with the full potential of the song in mind (and we will claim that you 'ruined the source' because of it). Don't take this personal - everyone needs work on their craft. I'm just telling you of a good guage of where your at and why. I don't want you to produce something sub-par because of personal limitations, I want to see you get better and overcome those limitations and kick the crap out of this source (in a good way), as it's one of my all-time favorite Kirby songs! Rawr!
  17. Not in DPS... Seriously not in DPS. The other builds have their perks, but in raw damage the poison necros take the cake (especially with their lower resist combination).
  18. 'Fraid not... I generally hang out in the westside, too - but for the sake of all you OCR peeps I made an east-side account. Yes, people die... that's the beauty of it all. I can't play without that risk - the game lost it's rush some time ago and was re-energized by the concept of actual risk involved. Admit it, when you get to low life a chill goes down your spine. You can't replace that in any way - that's true fear generated from a game. Play it on single player for some time - you'll die less and less, learning exactly how to survive longer and longer. The first loss is always the worst, however - if you can get back into the game after losing a char over lv50 then your a hardcore player. Try it before you go hatin'. Besides, weren't you one of the players yesterday?
  19. You my good sir is a hero amongst men! Seconded, here. That's just awesome.
  20. I'm afraid that I've got to agree with Snappleman, in this case - the mix screws with a very characteristic part of the source in the wrong way. I have nothing against screwing with a source in an unconventional way (hell, I've been accused of it before), but if you chose to do so, do it for a significant musical reason, not due to an inability to work with it. If your going to do a remix, please never use a midi score - transcribing the music takes more time, but it also gets you involved into the music in a way that using a midi score couldn't ever do. You'll be able to catch what you like (or don't like) about music easier (as you'll actually be rewriting it), thus giving you more opportunities for discovering remixing potential. If you can't transcribe it then that also is a good indicator that it may be a song that's too much for you to handle at this time - if that's the case I'd recommend putting it on hold for a while and coming back to it later. By the way, the beginning of the song is quite cool - the unresolving strings, the sound effects, etc. set the mood very, very well. After that, though, you take it somewhere that it should've gone (I have nothing against DnB, but standardizing the music to fit a 4/4 pattern doesn't work). Good luck!
  21. ? PrototypeRaptor and I laid down the heat down there and scared him a little (all for the better, though; look what he's got now ). Besides, do you have any idea how often I said those ill fated words about my own remix? I'd say about 5 or 6 times...I was playing MM4 yesterday and gave Diveman a no powerup run for shits and giggles (my younger brother said he couldn't beat him so I had to try it out ); when the song started playing I thought to myself 'Man, I wonder if SuperiorX is still working no that song?'. I guess this answers my question . I can hear the stuff that you've improved on; in fact, it's so drastic that the parts that you didn't adjust sound completely terrible in contrast. That bass... it is so weak right now I can't physically hear it. I hear something that may be trying to be a bass, but at the moment it just distracts from the music. Turn it up a lot, please! Let me tell you that the function of the bass is to give the rest of the music a strong foundation to build the rest of their harmonic material from (especially in jazz), so that weakness ruins an otherwise great song, here. The piano has many of the issues as before (particularly the dynamics are too stark to sound natural - try making them more subtle), but of course you said you didn't touch them yet so I forgive you (for now). The space is filling up much better, this time around. The solo instruments still sound dry for the part, though - because they are the solo, the dry effects are much more salient than the other instruments. It's better, but it could use a touch more reverb, here. The instruments still quite unnatural - the sample quality is still glaring (not as bad as before, but still noticeable; the J's won't care if it 'improved', they'll only care about what they hear at the time of listening). The sound is a bit too straight for too much time, and the vibrato doesn't have any variation to it. I guess I'm strange about vibrato, but I do it manually using pitch bends. Modulation has a similar effect, but it really sounds like modulation over real vibrato. Try using pitch bends and vary how wide the vibrato is periodically, it'll really help with the realism (along with the proper reverb adjustments, it may get very close to a 'great' sound). So, how did you do your panning work? When it comes to obtaining a real sound panning shouldn't be about balancing the sound - it should be about emulating a real performance. Study the arrangement of a real big band set-up (what players would go where) and imagine placing a microphone in front of them all in the center. Pan according to where everyone should be (of course, don't make the panning extreme, +/-20 should be the limit, and that may even be pushing it for this type of song) - it helps emulate realism. I know an orchestra arrangement off the top of my head, but not big band - you'll just need to look it up (youtubing big band performances and observing their layout should work fine). It's sounding better - you really got much more variety going on in the instrumentation. Some more could be done to make it a little better, but I don't think it'll hurt your chances nearly as bad as it would've before so change (or don't change) to your discretion, there. Keep it up - it's getting closer, there!
  22. My, my - aren't we negative? No, we survived for 2 hours and quit for now. There were only three of us, though, so it wasn't nearly as fast of a run as yesterday was I'd say, we should do HC more often - if you want on the ladder that's the place to shoot for! Now that we've had some practice, does anyone have an idea as to what they'll be for the real reset? What class and what build are you planning on using to gain ladder dominance? It'll probably be a good idea to think about that one... I will probably play HC using a Wind Druid (nice for the elemental survivability and general ass-kickage)... Is anyone else planning on laddering in HC, or am I gonna be alone on that venture? Agreed - it's why I never turned back. You will not have experienced true terror, though, until you die at act 3 in hell difficulty with one...
  23. Sorry for the double-post. Bumping to let you now that the Hardcore run is happening at 4:20 today. Come now in channel OCR, or join us in the game oc pass remix. See ya there!
  24. I'm actively trying to get out of my pesky habit of only listening to mixes of games that I recognize and figured a mix by bLiNd would be a good place to start. Amazing. I haven't even finished listening to it and can already tell you it's amazing. Very, very catchy, and I noticed that it isn't conventional bLiNd, either (conventional bLiNd is good, too; it's just great to see him moving out of his own comfort zone). If you love electronic music, download now. If you don't like electronic music, download now and learn to love it - bLiNd will be your instructor.
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