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Status Updates posted by Gario

  1. Been fine. Getting involved in the GRMRB right now, and it's a blast. Go check it out.

  2. Ha, Retro City Zone. Thanks, glad you liked it - so you know that was done with two 'rectangle' waves and a triangle (though the wave sounds were a bit poor). Figured a fellow chiptune dude would appreciate that :P

    Just wait for my Zeal mix to be posted, it'll blow your brains with awesomeness (or you can hunt for it on the WIP forums, if you don't want to wait).

  3. Ha ha ha... I have visitor messages 'cause I am cooler than you...

    Shit! Now your catching up to me~!

    Grrr... Nevermind...

  4. Oh hey it's your birthday. Happy birthday.

    Also your album is great. Thanks for posting it.

  5. Woa shit, dude, I thought you were younger than me, for some reason. Nope, you're truly an old fogey, especially today.

    Happy birthday, Jewbie!

  6. Hey there, partner! :P

    I like "find your way", personally. Send me some of your ideas via PM and I'll see how I can help. :)

  7. You sent an open invitation on the GWBR thread, so I accepted it. If it's still open, that is.

  8. YEEEAAAAH, let's go!

    Oh yeah, and Happy birthday :P

  9. Checkin' the site out, I saw it was your birthday today. Also, I noticed you checked this site today (perhaps to see if anyone wished you well). As a classic remixer you really deserve at least one birthday wish on your board, here.

    Happy birthday, man. Even if you're not in the remixing scene right now, I wish only good things for ya - you've helps make this site what it is, and I tip my hat to you for that.

  10. Oh shit, you remember that track?

    Wow... It's a big "maybe" on that one. To be honest, I could probably get that one to kick some serious ass, now, but I'm quite busy with projects at the moment. You aren't the first person to make the request, though, so I might have to make some time for it...

  11. No visitors messages?! What the hell?

    Hello, you now have at least one message here (hopefully more, soon).

    People, give poor DJ Mokram some VMs, already!

    (The spot for 'pointless post for the sake of' has already been taken by Gario)

  12. Birthday. Have a happy one. Probably won't see this message until after your birthday has passed, but have a good birthday anyway!

  13. Ooo... I clicked your page link.

    Very well done - you're a higher tier musician, from what I can hear.

    Welcome to OCR - VG musician or not, you'll probably be very welcome here.

  14. Hey, I just saw your Braincooler mix is going to be posted. Nice work on that one!

  15. Just letting you know your review is in the thread - I edited my prior post yesterday, so the thread won't be bumped by it. Just in case you thought I forgot about you :)

  16. Witty one-liners happen when you only have the internet for the weekends :)

    Hey, you now have one visitor message :P.

  17. I see... well, post in WIP forums more often, man. It was always fun arguing with you there, lol. Besides, it's more productive than trolling the other parts of OCR, anyway :P.

  18. Alright, another week, another Wily track. Are you up to it, or shall I take it down this time? I won't be able to get to it for a few days if I take it, since I'm still out of town.

  19. Thanks for the comments, they made good sense - I believe you were right about the panning. When the compo is over I'll be sure to get those sounds fixed.

  20. Curly Brace is... Slut?

    I never got that impression in the game :P. Weird to see a foreign name pop up in your 'friends' box, like that, so I needed to check it out, lol.

  21. AHAHAHA! Thanks for the B-day message!

    Yeah, went to work, ate some food, had some FLAAAAAN instead of CAAAAAKE (I have no idea what inspired me to do that), and went to bed. My life is uneventful, lol.

  22. Gotta say, good timing, when you came on, there. I've got to go to work, so best of luck!

  23. Happy birthday wishes to whom I believe is still the most interesting remixer on the site.

  24. It has been delayed multiple times, but it's still moving. The information is a little bit old (OA agreed to help me out on it some time ago with the choir, but was forced to move on since then). I would love to have you on board, though - what parts were you responsible for singing?

  25. Happy birthday, you salty do... wait, that was last year's comment. Let me try again.

    *Ahem* Happy birthday, you salty... mog. See? It works 'cause this is a video game site, so everyone should know what a mog is, so it's not totally lame.

    ... alright, well Happy birthday, anyhow.

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