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Everything posted by FR

  1. wow I've been hearing this song a lot on DI.fm...or at least I think it's this song. I'm pretty sure it is. Either way I didn't know it was from Mirror's Edge.
  2. Nobody better use my current avatar damn it. It's mine. You can use the other P3 one if you want.
  3. FR


    It's that good? Sweet. What clothing options are there? Lots I hope.
  4. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  5. I think I've played Raiden X too much. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
  6. ......................................
  7. I'm playing PCB and I'm starting to this game.
  8. OK Roll is annoying. The actor portraying Wily seemed to be doing a good job with the part. I don't know why he has acne but whatever.
  9. Apparently Run and Gun is a sub-genre of Shoot 'em up games(according to wikipedia)...I did not know this. Most people think of Bullet hell or Scrolling shooters when you say Shoot 'em up games.
  10. I believe Contra isn't a Shoot 'em up game...
  11. Raiden 3 is good. I haven't played it in a while so I don't remember any specifics but I remember having fun playing it. Star Fox - Yes Ace Combat - No
  12. I like the Raiden series. Is Raiden 4 ever coming out in the North America? I hope it does. Now to wait for Coop's Thunder Force post.
  13. No reviews for the game on Xbox/PS3(yet)?
  14. Fuck I just ruined the ending of Fusion for myself...I should have known better then to come into this thread.
  15. Damn it people include links to new reviews please Fable 2
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