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Everything posted by FR

  1. Arek gots lots of posts on his...Message thing. :]

  2. People I distrust more then people that impersonate other people: People that impersonate other things.
  3. HBDPP HBDPP, Repeated for emphasis and to meet the required 10 character limit.
  4. I am assuming this game is worth buying. Am I right to assume this?
  5. Buddha-Bar IX (Disc 1: Royal Victoria) - Existence - Heart Beat of Life
  6. Hi.

    There's a 10 character limit here too. :[

  7. Gollgagh's message thing needs less Luke.

  8. This message thing is weird.

  9. Hey, Why you looking at my page? :]

  10. So when is the timer gonna reach zero? Wait this is a PSP game? It's not a Zelda game? I'm confused now.
  11. British accent evolved to Australian accent! *jingle*
  12. Nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C5c6SB67nE&eurl=http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=35075&feature=player_embedded
  13. OK here's some janitor from scrubs doing his evil eye: Last one: Another one for good measure: LT: The lack of contrast and sharpness are no good; probably wouldn't add it anyway.
  14. sirgj;lsjg;lojssl;'kfgj
  15. Every video game and comic book movie ever made.
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