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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. Thought I haven't listened to them much at all in the last two years, I'll post a link to my favorite song from . I don't know if the AMV is any good... She actually reminds me a lot of Celtic Woman.DragnBerth's links are solid; I'll add Sinergy's Passage to the Fourth World, but the vocal quality isn't the best IMO. It isn't very well defined in the mix, kind of dull. Metric and Garbage are good bands with talented vocalists. I also like the girl from Paramore, her voice is pretty solid IMO.
  2. Family and Friend gathering on the lake the next week. Wet snow tried to ruin our day, but thanks to some creativity, we prevailed. Clint takes a jump The Competition heats up... yeah. I said that. No photoshopping involved. And here is the last time I ran a red light. A Few More on my Flickr.
  3. Some of my cooler shots. Most of these are with my Canon T1i with the standard lens (18-55mm) The Lake behind my parents place back in october, hasn't been this smooth for all the years we have lived there. A crack in the ice, taken same day. Me, same day. random feather, same day.
  4. Do want right now indeed. What a cool idea! OCR Clan would be cool, who would I be though? So many awesome robot masters...
  5. Is there a place on this forum where members who want can post their skillsets for the community to see, a place not limited to music skills? If I want a sig done for me, or want to pay someone to design a site, is there a place I can find that? If not, I think it would be worth stickying somewhere, maybe in the collab/recruitment forums? Maybe music related skills would go it recruitment/collab and misc skills in community? It (they) could be managed like the sale/want thread, people could post their terms if they don't do freebies.
  6. Theophany, I added your name to the IN list. You gotta make something now
  7. Hey Theophany, if you got something together for the OCR Music Video Challenge, that would be awesome! The more the merrier indeed, even if it is a bit thrown together :D

  8. oh wow, I forgot GT entirely somehow... Thanks
  9. Perused these lists and wasn't sure what I would recommend, feel free to look yourself 2003 2006
  10. I don't even know what to do with this.
  11. Hey Demonstray, I see you are from Edmonton. I'm from Grande Prairie, good to know I'm not the only Albertan active here. Bit of a random question, are you familiar with Fragapalooza at all?


  12. Dammit, had a big post and lost it. Basically, I don't mind fake guitar if the arrangement is good, and I really liked it in Somaru's link. Of course real guitar is better, but I'm not gonna get picky. SSH covered some Romancing Saga stuff, including Coup De Grace, in his Battle Medley. It blows my mind to differing degrees every time I listen to it, and has caused me to drive way faster than planned while drumming like a madman on my dash on multiple occasions. Zircon, great link, I favorited that one. Do you know who was responsible for that arrangement? Didn't see anything in the info.
  13. I thought this was posted here already... I saw this a few weeks ago. The potentials indeed, it is a fairly significant leap ahead of whats currently out there. Paradigm shift for sure.
  14. I've looked on youtube and had mixed results finding high quality stuff. (720p would be awesome) If anyone here can point me to a good resource for stuff like this, I would be much obliged. Alternatively, if anyone has any HD clips kicking around on their computers and wouldn't mind setting up a torrent / hosting it somewhere, that would rock too. I am looking for pretty much anything at this point, be it gameplay or CG. I am also looking for oldschool VGvids, so I'll accept anything along those lines too. It isn't for the OCR music video Challenge (Which you should join btw, deadline for entries is the first weekend in March!), but it is for a music and media related project a friend and I are working on. Thanks!
  15. Thanks to Taucer and Gibbo and everyone for sharing your advice, it has been supremely helpful just to read it. My goal is to run 10 minutes on the treadmill when I wake up, and starting tomorrow I want to spend an hour at the gym once a week. I do a chin up or three every time I go past my chin up bar, and Ialso practice handstands whenever I think of it. I have never taken my diet serious besides trying to stay away from junk food occasionally. I might start to take a good look at that too. If I can go to the gym once a week for the rest of this semester, I will be pretty impressed with myself. It will be a small victory that is actually pretty big.
  16. lol friendlyhunter. LAOS, you can finish buddy. Even if it is weird, or disjointed. Or you are in a dress. just64helpin pointed synchtube out to me the other day, it looks perfect for the viewing party.
  17. pics are protected, no direct linking I guess. In otherwords, they don't work.
  18. Well, they should be 97.5% more motivated to do something different. Whenever I read about plummeting stock, I immediately think opportunity first. Whether it is there or not is another thing. Good!
  19. My story is very similar. Haroon's String Machine and Zero Sky mixes have been go-to tracks for me since I heard them....In fact... ***adds songs to blackberry ...I'm gonna go crank em in my car right now! ALSO, I have always wondered where things were with djp and virt, as I was not active here during the split. Good info Bahamut! That mend sesh is yet another reason to appreciate Mustin beyond his involvement in TIME & SPACE, one of my most played albums of all time. I play a few of the tracks from that album when I do dinner/lounge music for wedding receptions, etc.
  20. Your options in decreasing order based on ease of execution are: 0. Google. I hope you started here. Always start here. 1 or maybe 2. Acquire an OST 2 or maybe 1. Try to find the track on youtube and use a youtube video to audio converter. 3. Get the appropriate audio adapters and hook your PSP/PS3 audio output cables into your computer's audio input/mic jack. Download and install audacity. Play track & record mic input. 4. Remake the song yourself using the DAW of your choice. Welcome to OCR
  21. Did anyone else read this depressing news as "investment opportunity"? If I had some extra cash around, I certainly would think about it. I doubt they will go under for good, they have a lot of options by which to turn that ship around I think.
  22. Congrats on the accomplishment Jimmy! I would like to know how much time each individual on the team spent on: composing? mastering? (were they responsible for that as well, or just for the score?) What software/hardware rigs were used (and by whom) throughout this project? What were the biggest challenges to this project? Were there any significant setbacks?
  23. Where in Canada are you from man?

  24. FriendlyHunter, I apologize for not having you on the list for some reason. It is fixed now. analoq, thanks for addressing those points. I would prefer videos were kept private until the viewing party please and thank ya My youtube account is theKpen fyi
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