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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. Holy fuck. I'm not a remixer, so pretty much all I can say for certain is that this rocks. Hopefully the appropriate folks will chime in with regard to source usage and sample/mixing choices. But, from a simple listener's perspective, I wouldn't change a damned thing. It's that good. Tons of variation with the lead; you kept things fresh and, more importantly, building throughout. Digging the guitar effects (ex: 0:20), driving drums, and synth usage. 1:30 and 2:05... oh hell, all of 1:30-2:25 is a fist-pumping climax. This is going directly to my player. In-fucking-credible. Also, Coop post in this thread.
  2. I liked this so much I had to go listen to the original to compare. Similar in many ways yet so, so much better. I'm mostly ignorant on electronic music, but for whatever it's worth I absolutely love this. Edit: still on repeat.
  3. Welcome to the recording industry, daydream believer.
  4. Tempest Roil, Haista Vittu Trombi Mies, and Electro-Flash. None of those have been mentioned. I know I'm not a remixer, so perhaps I shouldn't request specific mixes. In that event: I simply, and humbly, DEMAND THEM. Very much looking forward to the album release.
  5. K.B.


    Hello thread, have a trailer: Keanu-Reeves-level whoa. That's one hell of a cinematic platformer. It (not surprisingly) got overshadowed at E3, but it's on XBLA's summer of arcade and it's getting high praise, so it's hardly an unknown or a dark horse (though I thought a thread-bump was deserved). I know $15 is steep for a short game, but I'm eagerly awaiting to shell that out to get this; I learned my lesson with Ico that a short length does not preclude an amazing experience. Here's to hoping it makes it beyond the 360... I'd looooove to get a copy in physical medium such as, say, a box and CD for a PC version. Anyway, if you take even a passing interest in indie games, particularly those with an emphasis on art, I highly recommend that you check out this one.
  6. YES. Love Uematsu marches, and that one's a favorite among favorites.
  7. Concur. However, I'd say either of the first two would make for a slightly better source than the fourth, since both of those feature the main motif whereas the fourth doesn't*, so everyone who's played the game would immediately get the game tie-in upon hearing a remix. The third might be the least memorable of the bunch since it's so comparably mellow. *At least not prominently. I'm not hearing it, anyway. Of course, the OH SHIT I"M ABOUT TO DIEEEEE track is (cough) vaguely (cough) recognizable to the player and would be another excellent choice of source. Good game; good tunes.
  8. In appreciation of a good winamp shuffle, I just caught myself saying "yes... play that shit". You have invaded my subconscious.
  9. OA, you are awesome. Consequently, you should have an awesome birthday. Make it so.
  10. Listened to this for the first time earlier this year. Very enjoyable. Thanks for putting this together (and thanks to all the mixers and stage hands). The foretold third disk though... yessssssssssssssssssssss.
  11. Vagrant Story. One of the best stories and some of the best storytelling I've ever taken in from a game. Superb music. Great gameplay that improved upon that of Parasite Eve (1). An otherwise near-perfect game made tedious (or impossibly hard for the nonpersistent) by the lack of weapon hot-swapping, which is all the more unforgivable by the fact that L3 and R3 were unmapped. And it's not like the designers didn't know that the player would need to constantly swap weapons; they're the ones that varied the enemy type between, and even inside, rooms. So obvious a fault and little effort needed to prevent it... nice bungle, Square. I still recommend VS to anyone who can go back and play a PS1 action-RPG and can stand some menu-based tedium. Even with its scar it's still a phenomenal game.
  12. Instrumentals can be hard to track down for the casual listener. However, for songs, I highly recommend googling the lyrics to discover the band and see if any of the rest of their stuff is good. I've found a trove of highly enjoyable music that way, some of which was from bands labeled one-hit wonders or otherwise neglected by modern radio. I understand that a lot of adults - adults who dig "classic" rock, no less - haven't heard albums like Who's Next, Aqualung, or Led Zeppelin (IV), but it still makes me sigh. At the FM radio format more than anything, I suppose. Aw, Moseph... By those ignorant of its title. A few without lyrics. [Does yodeling preclude the title of instrumental?] The Alan Parsons Project - Sirius (the first four minutes)Focus - Hocus Pocus Rush - YYZ The Ventures - Walk, Don't Run Dick Dale And The Del-Tones - Miserlou
  13. Relevant. I particularly like this one. 1. Although the world might not revolve around you, time certainly does around your actions. Feel free to investigate, adventure, and generally dick around as long as you please, for your future advancement is assured. 2. Should the sun set without your permission, do not be troubled. The onward marching of days is a ruse, for the wise old man shall endlessly muse in his hovel, the loyal yet headstrong companions shall remain halted mid-quest awaiting your intervention, and the perceived incarnation of doom shall limit his havoc-wreaking to unknown provinces. While you might not make every acquaintance or embark on every quest, repeatedly hearing (hearing) the same line from the village bosoms is obviously of far more import. 3. In the rare circumstance that there exists someone who refuses to cater to your schedule or an event so impetuous to occur on its own, and missing said person or event has catastrophic results, remember: time is cyclical.
  14. Congrats! Sad to see you go but glad you tauced. Edit: dumb joke belies intent. You seemed like a majorly alright dude, so I'm happy for you and hope the job is fulfilling. Would be good to see you pop back in here at least on rare occasions, but if that doesn't happen then best wishes and take it easy.
  15. Keep having an awesome birthday, man. Karma says you've earned it.
  16. A bit off-topic, but speaking of GBA shmups, Iridion II has excellent tunes. Has one of, if not the, most rockin' title music ever. Seriously; Mega Man, eat your heart out. It's interactive, so, unfortunately, no one can be told what the title is. I'll be ecstatic if I can track down a copy for the going gamestop rate of two bucks; I'd pay that for the opening alone (the hilarious intro being a bonus). The gameplay seems decent/good too, if a bit easy. Isometric top-back to bottom-front scroller, in the vein of Axelay. Music seems good throughout. 80s vibe. Hat-tip to theX for the scoop on this one.
  17. Hard to tell from a preview, but this is sounding pretty bitchin'. Looking forward to it!
  18. Love the arrangement... great track, really brought to life with the live instrumentation. Should be one hell of a concert. Props. This also reminds me that I need to queue up stuff from Anime Remix more often.
  19. http://dod.redheadedblacksheep.net/past/aug07/01tie-Ashane,Zoast,pingosimon-Starcraft-Progcraft-DoD.mp3
  20. Daves' Theme. To clarify: the only requirement is that you be named Dave. I might be willing to bend the rules if you dedicate it to a Dave. 'Ode to K.B.' has a nice ring to it. This... what? HOW DARE YOU SULLY MY THREAD WITH WILD ACCUSATIONS ALSO CHANGE YOUR NAME AND REMIX THIS (this applies to everyone) No, see, Dave is the password for mixes. But while we're at it, psssssst Bob.
  21. Ha, yeah. First-person perspective dungeons? How early-80's nostalgic! Well color me ignorant: you can re-firmware that bad boy and play PS1 games. That explains some things. Tracking now. I suppose I should wish you potentially good gaming? I think Game & Watch has more frames of animation than Nathan Graves.
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