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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. We have enough people playing this that it's time for a thread. What is it? Free online flash game; very fun, very addictive. Imagine Lemmings except you're a lemming and, every so often, you also get to be the one to help the others or kill them. Here's some in-game footage spliced together as a demonstration and to showcase the hilarity: . The game itself is here: en server 1, en server 2.Now, if you got a shovel, get yourself a handle and post it here. We've had a few ocr gatherings now and they've each been a blast, and if we get a few more people it'll really bring out the absurdity (I, for one, can't wait for some ocr shaman duels). And even when we don't have a room going, you can still find any of us you've friended and get into the same room. OCR handle - Transformice! handle Alexis - yodaisbetter Cecilff2 - Cecilfftwo Coyote-Trickster - Khepera Darklink42 - drklink DragonAvenger - Deiah GeckoYamori - Geckoyamori Halycon Spirit - Hspirit Hemophiliac - Hemophiliac K.B. - Hanpan MechaFone - fonebone Mirby - Mirby Pyrohazard - UltraPepe suzumebachi - suzums Tables - Tazers Tensei-san - Tenseisan UmJammerSully - Littlesully When we fill out this list a bit, we'll set up dates/times to get room OCR going (note: case-sensitive and in en, not en2). Right now this is ad hoc via folks posting "transformice anyone?" in irc, so feel free to do that too. In summary: Cheeeeeeeeeeese. FYI: commands not in the help file /room roomname - join that room (/room OCR joins the ocr room [case-sensitive]) /friend handle - adds a person to your friend list (person must be online at the time) /profile handle - shows your current stats
  2. Scalies and featheries only for me, thanks.
  3. Darke!!! I want Willrock / I want zircon / DarkeSword DarkeSword post remix mon
  4. Bumpdate. Superfluous details. If things change significantly then I'll update Sun eve or Mon after work, as appropriate.
  5. I was more commenting on how you forever violated and corrupted those heretofore innocent children, but now I must disagree and state that mystery skypence theater 3000 is always a good idea.
  6. Dhsu, you really shouldn't do that around here.
  7. Chris Thile of Nickel Creek... how did I miss these guys before now? Definitely liking what I'm hearing. Thanks for the tip!
  8. And then came the waltz. How lurid! This exactly. Though it doesn't have to be weird: any changeup can add spice... so long as it doesn't sound forced. Or do as Taucer indicated: mix up the rhythm (triplets, syncopation, and so on) within the time signature. Or just don't have a time signature at all! And yeah, it's all what you do with them. Time signatures are just frameworks. I guess I can see having a favorite, especially if you're a composer and come to think in (and become good working with) certain time sigs, but as a listener I can't be bothered with it. After hearing enough things in odd time sigs - or more correctly, after hearing both good and bad (to my tastes) in sorts of time sigs - I am no longer fascinated by them or give preference based on them. But waltz time is indubitably the best when it comes to dancing.
  9. Or you could vote for him. Also, stop that. Right now. Tali Ho! Current as of last post (102). Edit: if you're the double-checking sort, here's one with the details. [And I know that's not what a checksum is; I just like the word.]
  10. I am very happy right now! I am also very surprised my first choice was accepted instead of one of the more melodically-robust backups, but that just makes it more awesome! Hooray! btw to hoboka; I reread my explanation of the source and, well, writing it minutes before the deadline left something to be desired. There's a slight reprieve - break in the action - where you see a fallible side to Maya (able to give 100% to work, friends, and everything else... but at the otherwise-hidden expense of having a ridiculously messy room!) and this track comes on. So it's human, lighthearted, and peaceful. Just fyi/if you're curious!
  11. Hey, long time! Sorry I missed this - hope you had a kickass birthday. Also hope that moving business and whatnot is going/has gone well and that you've found yourself a fine place to live. Had to. So congrats on the big two-one and take it easy man.
  12. Stop being a dog in a manger and wear your JiBM sig.
  13. Dang. Thanks for all the advice. Haha, up to me. Fair enough. I think I would prefer the hitbox ( ), but I could probably do without it and learn it just as well the hard way. Since I assume they're just as good gameplay-wise as the PC98 games, I'll stick with the windows games since they look and sound better. I'll have to do some more looking before I decide which one to get (at least initially), but EoSD sounds like a good starting place. And my fault for not looking closer at the system reqs - I can't run much of anything past 2005 but it seems compy will be able to handle just about any of the Touhous and easily handle the less recent ones.Hmmm... yep. I'll definitely be making that mistake. Without a doubt. Ok the newb is done monopolizing the thread now.
  14. It's over?!? Urge to destroy world rising...
  15. I can sing a song for you and me I can make a song for old foofy lug
  16. Thanks AnSo, I'll look into that one. Hmmm... maybe for RayForce. Noted, and if I dig on RayStorm I'll pick it up. Still have a lot of catching up to do on what I already own, though!
  17. One week not out yet wtf?!?!? Meant to do this days ago but got lazy. Since I realized I completely forgot about linking youtubes to the non-ost tracks, I have since... tracked... them down and pasted them below (and edited my previous post). There are three youtubers that have these non-ost tracks; I think this guy has the best quality of the three (only 360p, but not bad at that). 901: Main Menu 911: Shirley Shrine - Fort Magrad 922: Long, Long Ago 923: Black Castle - Vellweb 925: Valley Of Corrupted Gravity - Gigantos 926: Wingly City 930: Queen Fury The rest - 32 of them anyway, which probably hits all the biggies - are in their own playlist, which can be found here. That page is a listing with youtube thumbnails that, when you scroll over them, show the title of the track. Most of the titles readily correspond with the psf names, which is how they are listed above (unofficial, I'm sure). Yes, I could have linked the others, but I wanted to highlight my bias! Now, if you decide to put the non-ost tracks on the same level as the ost tracks, I could be swayed to link the rest. Which brings me to... It's your all's call as the project folk on what's fair game. But my thought is that good vg is good vg, regardless of packaging (or lack thereof). If tracks are going to be eliminated, I'd contend that the less memorable ones should be the ones to go; other criteria seems irrelevant. And if anything is fair game now, I think all in-game music should be given equal showing in the first post. Just my unsolicited input. Good luck in recruiting. Ain't gonna be a cakewalk, and those things are TOUGH. Rooting for ya.
  18. Aaaaaaahhh I hate you I hate you I hate you and your nightmare fuel. Also, you got it wrong. It should read June is Hoss Month. Aight I'm out. Time to beat up my chick.
  19. What type of directional input do you all use? Obviously you're limited in the 16-bit and older games, but now there's analog and even stick input in addition to that of d-pad. Asking because I haven't found a consensus after a(n albeit quick) web search and I'd like to learn it the best way now so I don't have to un/re-learn it later. I've been screwing around on Ikaruga (GC) with both analog and d-pad and I can't tell which is better, and I'm supposing it could be hard to tell the difference until you invest a lot of time on each style - time that could be better spent focusing on one. If the answer is that a stick or a non-console analog input is best, what brand/model would you recommend? Might be that there is no answer to any of that but curiosity has the best of me. As always, advice is appreciated and utilized. Have you played that or Shoot the Bullet? The mechanics seem rather unsatisfying, requiring patience and finesse (per the usual) but instead of unleashing a maelstrom of bullets you just sit there and click. Is it better than it looks? Because it looks like Touhou does Fatal Frame, which just seems off. Also, if I can pick your brain, is it better to start with newer or middle-age Touhou? That is, would it be better/just as well to start with one that can run smoothly on 256k (Pent4 2.4GHz [old]) or wait a while until the new compy is had along with the ability to play one of the newer ones? Don't suppose a definitive answer is possible - being a loaded question and coming down greatly to personal preference, I assume - but insight/commentary is helpful (that paragraph you wrote linking vids of each game some months ago in that one thread was hilarious but not particularly helpful to me!). Especially since I don't even know where to start with reviews (usually use metacritic and gamefaqs but there isn't enough to go on there). Coop: thanks a ton for listing all those. After scanning through multiple youtubes of each, I can say - with little doubt - that it is none of those (and also none of the other popular SNES ones I found here). So chances are it doesn't exist and I'm now verified crazy. I did, however, find a copy of Taito Legends 2 and am loving G-Darius. That is, loving it since I came to appreciate the whacked-out bgm. Thanks again for that tip.
  20. Nuts. Not much of a selection right now; I got all excited for meh. I mean those are some good titles, but I want stuff I don't already have (via the PS2 collection): I want Gunstar Heroes, Lightening Force (TF4), Dragon's Fury, and so on. If they start offering those, I'll be giddy. Suppose I'll have to track this now! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01796/ And sorry, the cranes are strictly pneumatic.
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