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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. Another scary one: when you're in the dentist's office in Bioshock, and that mist comes down, and you turn around to run out and the dentist himself is RIGHT BEHIND YOU ready for your root canal or something. I freaking levitated.
  2. I made the mistake of playing at night the first time I played through Ravenholm in Half-Life 2. A seriously, seriously unholy level where you meet two new kinds of zombies that make the old variety seem like a joke. Just watching the Black Headcrab Piggyback Zombies walk around creeps me out. Oh, and the first black headcrab I saw: I threw a gas can at it from a high window, setting it on fire, and nearly soiled myself when it leaped about thirty feet through the window into my face.
  3. Try Tweek's Frozen Landscape. It's got a little bit of a porno vibe to it, though more like porno in the snow.
  4. This game (Shadow of the Colossus)'s OST is beyond worthy of an OCR project, but I'd settle for a piano remix of the most beautiful track in the game. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--6-9LnvRXA Ceili and Sephfire did so much justice to this track in their more upbeat remix, it'd be great to hear a rendition that goes more into the sadness/mystery aspect of the original.
  5. Anyone try a SOLO legendary run yet? Heroic was challenging (not terribly hard), and I think that I could handle most of the game on legendary but there are a few parts that are keeping me from even attempting it from the fear I might stroke out. Such as the very end when you are supposed to take over the huge cannon, and there are about five elite zealots guarding it. Controller. out. window.
  6. Hey, do you know of a faster way to level characters up than to do the Bluk/Kum Kum repetition trick in Syrcus Tower? All of mine are at level 56, and I swear it's going to take forever doing it that way.

  7. Beautiful. After I just finished EV training my Mewtwo and got him to level 100. Just perfect. They need to have an item like a reverse rare candy for moments like these.
  8. Yep, already got it. Thanks.

  9. Cool. Looks like that's it, thanks for the tips.

  10. I'm at work right now, so if there's a delay in a reply just give me a sec. Shouldn't happen too often if at all, though.

  11. Ready now, let's go.

  12. Sounds simple enough.

    I will be semi-available between 12 and 4 on Sat. (today) as well, so we can try it then. By semi-available I mean it may take me longer than I hope to send the messages due to other responsibilities, but I don't think it will be a problem. My friend code is 202150906489. So I assume we'll both send a message, read the received message, go back to ds menu and re-set the clock, then re-connect inside FF3 and send another message, rinse, repeat?

  13. ^ Sure, I'd be willing to. I'd like to unlock it as well. Just one problem: I have never used the online function of my DS. So, if you'll tell me how to get my friend code and what else I need to do, we can help each other out. You can PM me or leave it on here.
  14. The reason they get so overblown is because so many people actually think a gamerscore is a representation of skill. Given, some achievements (and I mean a few) do take skill, but the overwhelming majority take just playing through the game, luck, a moderate amount of perseverance, or some insider information. I for one like them; when I get a game I'm genuinely passionate about, it's fun to go through and earn all the achievements. It's when people borrow games they really don't care about just to up their score that I get confused. So, fun for the most part, but arguably unhealthy for those who obsess over it.
  15. Fable II: If I want really cool-looking glowy eyes, the fastest way is to murder all the townspeople. Unprotected sex invariably leads to an STD or a bastard child. And no, you cannot possibly keep your woman happy enough that she won't leave you. Dark Cloud: "Restore the world quickly!" But restore it in the wrong order and your neighbor will hurt his back, and refuse to sell you some things you really need. Halo: On-line players are frozen in time at the stage of pre-pubescence. Mario: Collect enough money and you can cheat death.
  16. Whoa. If you guys want something relaxing, try plugging in Harmony's Nighttime Evolution. If you slow it down just right the fast-paced percussion turns into slow waves on the beach.
  17. Game = yes Movie Pitch = WTF Reptile is a leper-looking Jeeper-Creeper and Baraka is a postal plastic surgeon? Me thinks not. The only cool things about the pitch were the cast choices for Jax and Sonya, and Scorpion's little ruse at the end. I'm all for a more serious movie than the past ones, but they are trying way too hard to base this in reality. As long as the game is less than $60 (or at least worth the $60), then it looks promising.
  18. I remember when this was on the WIP board. I went ahead and downloaded it because I already liked it, and after leaving it on repeat for a while you start to realize it is just as "transporting" as the original was, though the original transported you to a sunny bramble patch and this one transports you to the bottom of a pool while thinking about a sunny bramble patch. Nice work:smile:
  19. Let me start off by saying your opening is pure epic WIN in my opinion. After that though, I'm pretty much going to have to agree with Rozovian. There is virtually no change from the original melody. The Go Link section and the soundbits from the game clashed with the music and didn't quite feel right. The opening started off so serious and like something you'd hear on Brutal Legend, then it goes into tech with amusing (that's how it came across to me) sounds from the game. If you listen to "Macarena of Time" (and if you haven't by now, shame on you) that's a song where sound samples really work with the tune, because it is meant to be humorous and go along with the music. For me, it just doesn't do it here. I really hope you continue to work with this, at least for the sake of the godlike opening.
  20. Does anyone else think the first thirty seconds or so is totally Gladiator meets Mortal Kombat?
  21. Hey--do you guys have a rough idea of when we can expect the physical copies of Serious Monkey Business? I only ask because I recently moved and will need mine sent to an address different from the one on my Paypal account. Thanks!

  22. Holy crap I forgot about this game. I used to play the $#!@ out of the demo when it was on a demo disc. I'd love to see a remix. PERRRRRRRRRRRRFECT. By the way, K.B., are you serious about finding this for 10-15 dollars? Most places I've looked are sold out, and the few that do have it are charging 40 or more. I'd rather have it on the PSP, but that version is even harder to find. Any ideas?
  23. Thank You! I think that is the best complement I have ever received , though I can't take full credit for my characterization. I had an awesome Creative Writing teacher (who is a published author; his book is a best seller in Germany) who really helped me in a lot of ways. I'm sorry I don't have time to give critiques right now (I'm in finals); I want to give them full justice, and not just a word or two. But if anyone can leave feedback, you don't know how appreciated it is. I will do my best to follow suit after my final papers and tests finish raping me.
  24. Congratulations HalcyonSpirit and Imagery!
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