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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Thanks for the support man! I remember now that you commented on that track when i had it on here a while ago. I've spent some time on it tweaking the mixing of it. It sounds better now.
  2. Hi guys. I finished my first original album entitled Abbadon. There's 14 tracks and you can download any or all that you like. The genres range from metal, to rock, to orchestral. So hopefully there's something for everyone to like. Let me know what ya think? Abbadon by NintenJoe 64
  3. Not bad for a first track. Definitely better than my experience with FL, lol. I know a lot of guys love it, but i can't figure the damn thing out. Anyways, the constant bass kick gets very old. At :13 try bringing in a hi- that goes in between the bass kicks to give it that techno feel. Then maybe around mess around with it that way. That and the piano is very loud and overpowering at the end. It is an interesting composition and i can hear you were just messing around with it, lol.
  4. When i saw "click me!" i thought, naw, that's GOTTA be a trap! lol Anyways. I think the hi hit in the intro is a little loud. The rest of the track its fine though. I think the bass kick needs a little more bass to it and maybe boost the highs just slightly on only the bass kick make it stand out just a slight bit more. I really dig the spacey, far out there them of the track. I'm not too sure if that lead synth is the appropriate choice for the track, but you like it and that's all the matters. The synth that comes in around 1:51 to harmonize is nice though. Its a great track and i'm glad i checked it out. Btw, you aren't using beatcraft and mixcraft by any chance are you? Cause those instruments, and especially the cymbal crash at 2:46 sounds EXACTLY like the samples i have, lol. Just curious cause i use beatcraft and mixcraft 5. Also, send me a PM if your interested about Sytrus.
  5. I love that intro synth. The midi guitar is a little hard to listen too, but that's only cause i play guitar and i can hear the difference. Its more of personal gripe, lol. The notes and EQ are all decent though for the guitar. When the tempo picks up around 1:11, that piano that's panned both way is kinda loud that overpowers some of the other instruments. Everything seems pretty well distributed across the soundscape and the drum n bass beat is nice and not too repetitive. That sudden stop at 1:57 is pretty unpleasant. I think maybe ending on a bass kick with a cymbal crash and then bringing the piano in might help solve that a little. The piano sounds pretty good though. The only thing about the drums that's bugging me is when the bass kicks it seems to disort just ever so slightly. Maybe lowering the lows on the EQ just one notch should help fix that. Or you could also try lowering the volumes of all the tracks one or two notches to help that problem too. Sometimes when the volumes are all too high they cause that problem. Its definitely an interesting take on the source and i think its pretty decent. You seem to have a good hold on what you want you the track to sound like and everything is very well spread out. Can't wait to hear your next update.
  6. This version is definitely a step in the right direction. It seems more vibrant, and brighter. Little tweaks can go a long way. The double cymbal addition is definitely working. You want the cymbal hit to be big, but not overpowering or too loud. One thing you can try is try doubling that lead violin track, the one playing the 4 note steps and pan one about 75% left and one 75% right. The key to do orchestral tracks is to capture that big, live sound. It can be hard, unless your willing to spend some serious money on Eastwest stuff, lol. Anyways, that's one idea. One suggestion is to use the big concert drum a little more. Sometimes that roll it does before the cymbal hit can get repetitive. Try either mixing is up a little, maybe with triplets every other time. You can also add some single hits every 4 note or so. Also, try doubling that low horn that comes in during intro and again throughout the track and pan each one about 85%. Again, you want to have a more full sound but without everything stepping on everything else. I really like that harp (i think that's what it is), that comes in around 1:05. It seems a little muffled right now. So try bumping the highs and lowering the lows slightly on the EQ for that. You can also try using a classical guitar to harmonize with it. I think around 2:29 you might wanna try using the concert drum in triplets til the end of the track to really build it up more to the finish. I hope i'm throwing too much at you all at once, but i think with more practice and attention this could be a great orchestral remix. You've certainly got the writing down and seem to wanna learn and improve your skills. Looking forward to your next update!
  7. Hey man, i just noticed your update! I like what i'm hearing. Its definitely got that epic orchestral feel to it. I agree with Emunator bout the strings though. It seems they could be clearer. I think just bumping up the high's on the EQ for them might solve that problem. I don't think the piano is too bad. I think maybe its too thick, if that makes sense, but only when its by itself. I wonder if when its playing without the drums if playing it at a higher octave might sound better. It sounds great though when the drums kick. Other than that, its a great update. This sounds like it should be in a western during a showdown or something, lol. I really like where this is going and i can't wait to hear more!
  8. I kinda remember your last WIP. Even though its a "kinda remember", that's still a good thing cause people will remember you. Anyways. I can hear what your trying to go for and its working so far. I can hear that your trying to spread out the instruments across the sound scape, and its working pretty well. The one thing i do notice is that the mix is very dry. Meaning there's really no effects that i can really hear. Try adding some reverb to the strings and maybe a little chorus and a very slight delay also. You don't want to go overboard with the effects, but enough so they make more of an impression. Also, the whole mix seems a bit quiet, maybe that was on purpose just to avoid any clipping. Try adding 2 cymbal crash tracks, one left and one right maybe 75% panned for both. That'll help the percussion be a little more dominant. Try tweaking the EQ's a little bit too. Raise the lows slightly on the bass/lower instruments and the high mid's and high's of the more lead instruments to help bring them out more. Lots of trial and error you'll have to do. I know, that was a little too Yoda maybe, but you seem eager to wanna learn how to do this better and this is definitely a terrific step up for you man. I'm not sure what program your using to write these, but its still a very good start. You've got the main idea of your mix down but now you need to further that with some attention to mixing and effects.
  9. Well, first off i think the drums have too much reverb and are definitely too loud. Especially the snare drum. I think some general tweaking there should help out a lot. Try lowering the whole drum tracks volume and then lower the cymbals a little bit. You want the the kick and the snare to be the predominant of the whole drum track. The cymbals, at least i've found, should be about half the volume of the snare/kick. Also, the bass seems to overpower the track sometimes. I think lowering the volume of all the tracks will help smooth out the clashing i'm hearing during the track. Once that's sorted out you can continue working on this cause its still a great start man. One last suggestion is to maybe speed up the tempo ever so slightly. Maybe 5bpm and see how that sounds? Looking forward to your next update!
  10. Well, i really didn't mean to sound like an ass. Also, it was 230am when i read that and i wasn't having a very good morning. lol....anyways. Yeah, I got confused. I didn't mean to offend, and if your offer is still up for a collab in the future, let me know.
  11. I don't wanna sound like an ass, but this isn't professional grade, high quality, and full-on stuff? Again, i don't mean to sound like an ass, i just don't understand completely what you meant by that.
  12. I'll do some thoughts on the Residual Toxicity song you posted 2nd on here. I like the piano intro, its fitting and sounds decent. Maybe some very slight reverb just to give it some slight more depth. That might only really be necessary for the intro. Also, the sort of breakdown part where its just the piano and bass playing, maybe consider putting a single kick beat every 4 steps to held hold the beat. Not that its getting outta beat, but that long without drums just seems weird. Also, maybe increase the bass kick's low EQ and volume just a little to help bring it out more. Other than those couple small gripes on my part, its a great track. Sounds like it should be in a japanese anime or something along those lines.
  13. Oh, my bad. Sorry man, i forget not everyone is still a novice in this music world like myself.
  14. Here's a quick update. I didn't change the intro solo, just brought its levels down so it blends better into the background. Everything else mentioned i touched up or fixed.
  15. Holy crap! i don't know why i haven't noticed or listened to this one yet. Very well done my friend. Production is very tight and all the instruments are just the right ones. I like that little drum breakdown just past the half way point. I can't find a damn thing to complain about. Definitely better than my dark world remix, lol. That solo at the end of the track is fricken badass. Do you play keyboard, or is that done through your DAW? Either way, its awesome man. I can't think of anything more to say than sub it man!
  16. Yeah, keeping in mind what you said about the intro and listening to it again i can hear waht your saying. I think i need a slower intro solo to keeps pace with the instruments. I also hear what your saying about the section change ups. I'm gonna add a cymbal roll or something of the sort to help bring it back in nicely. I've got the kick roll, but i don't think it stands out enough. As for the name, i think your interpretation of it is pretty close. I always felt it had that kinda feel to it also. Almost like an ending credits theme. ALSO, as for it being a perfect piece to wrap a album, i think you maybe right about that! This one won't be on that album though, probably the next one. I think its a great start to it though. Check your PM for the album info.
  17. No prob man. I'm always up for writing some music.
  18. Meteo, if by hardcore, you mean anything with guitars i'll help ya out. I can play whatever you need me to play. That's if Shianky is ok with that. Shianky, for examples of my work, check my youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/jabond21?feature=mhw4 The newer stuff is better produced and mixed than the older stuff. I've been practicing that.
  19. NICE! lol I wouldn't mind some help coming up with a name for this remix. I can usually come up with something catchy, but not this time. Also, i wasn't intending on subbing this. I just needed some feedback cause its for a friend of mine who likes my music/remixes. Alright. I fixed a lot of the problems Gario pointed out. Mainly the overall muddy mixing i did originally. I got lazy and just didn't EQ a lot of things as well properly separate tracks. I fixed the crashes. They're quieter and less frequent. I also fixed all the leads volumes so they stand out more.
  20. True dat. I know i would. I'm still kinda looking around for good orchestra/choir samples and vst's....one day.
  21. This is basically finished, but i wanna see what you guys think. I did it for a friend so i wasn't really intending on subbing it. I'm sure i'm gonna hear something about this, but i've never actually played Chrono Trigger before. I know its an awesome game, and this theme definitely has that RPG sound to it. I'm pretty sure its just called the Chrono Trigger Theme. I kinda want to do other themes from this game, it has an awesome soundtrack. Also, i'm not sure what to call this one. I hope i did it some justice. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIO1sajyx_o Remix:
  22. I like the title too, haha. Its very appropriate. I can't wait to hear the finished project. Its gonna be wicked sweet yo. Also, i'm up for adding guitars for anyone that's wants any sort of guitars in their mix.
  23. I know this is kinda random, but Mixcraft 5 lets you view the virtual instrument tracks as sheet music instead of just a piano roll. Its only good for midi instruments though.
  24. I did a song for that project. The Hive Totem theme. Mine, of course, is all guitar oriented and very much metal my friend.
  25. Hmmm....I should start entering again. Maybe, just maybe, i'll do an electronic remix for once. Then again, maybe, not.
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