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Everything posted by Spakku

  1. You made it a slightly lower-quality song of the same genre, only now there's a repeating voice clip. I mean, it sounds alright but I don't really see the point of changing it so little.
  2. I keep wanting the James Bond guitar to kick in at the intro/outro. I know that's not your fault in any way, that's the pattern the source follows, but it tortures me so. I've got really quiet speakers at the moment, so I can't hear it with proper detail, but it sounds pretty good. Every time I think it starts to hug the source too closely or gets repetitive it suddenly changes, which creeps me out, I might suggest switching a bit earlier in but I don't know if that'd sound as good. The lead often messes up its timing or pitch by minuscule amounts, but for some reason I think that's a good thing. I have no idea why.
  3. All your links and titles are mixed up.
  4. Who's your girlfriend voicing? Because, unless the mask salesman has a very feminine voice and goes by the nickname "princess" it doesn't make sense that she asks Link to find her most precious mask. No other complaints.
  5. This song will be way better once you get some singing in it, but voice that doesn't fit perfectly could wreck this. I've seen it happen before. Choose carefully.
  6. It's boring. The old chiptune it's based on is actually more interesting to listen to. This just fades into the background, and I'm not even doing anything else.
  7. You went from "To get the rest of the vocals will definitely take me some time, still haven't finished writing them!" to "So literally, all I need is my female vocals and the recordings will be done" in one night? Freaky.
  8. This is turning out pretty cool. I love your cheesy narrator voice.
  9. Dem apples is ever-so-slightly betta den dem udda apples. Ah mean, dey's not bad, jes not dat big an improvement. Save broken English and fruit-mentioning for bigger steps, man.
  10. Once you get some good drums and an ending, this is gonna kick ass.
  11. I thought it was cool. Then I heard the didgeridoo. Now it's fucking awesome. Still, you need to do more with the background strings than just repeat them into oblivion. And there's something less tangible wrong with it... some kind of vague auditory smudging, the instruments blending together in a not-good kinda way. I don't have a proper music vocabulary to describe it.
  12. Maybe when you get your beginning it'll be easier to judge.
  13. Same old Yoshi's Island and up star music. I was kind of hoping you'd do something more original based off the original NES star music. Also, the repetition was kind of boring like SE said.
  14. The vocals were a bit of a surprise just popping in halfway through. listened before I read.
  15. The player's not playing.
  16. Ugh, way repetitive. All of it. The song should be, maybe, a third as long as this with the amount of variation you have.
  17. I always figured this for a guitar-heavy track. Anyways, this orchestra doesn't sound very big. Like there's only one or two of each instrument. This song needs more oomph than that. (Weird, my spell-checker knows "oomph" but not "doesn't".)
  18. How do you randomly discover a huge folder of Runescape midis? Anyways, you should ramp up the production quality on this baby. A Runescape song being put on this site would be, for lack of a more mature term, fucking epic.
  19. C'mon, Or, you wanna call it Dungeon From Hell then make me fear it. This track feels jittery, tops. Aim for terror and agony with a kick-ass dance beat. As for tangible criticism: Everything's too quiet and too gentle. Don't let the melody notes just slide in, make them punch in. Your Zelda 1 dungeon feels rushed. This is partly due to the previously mentioned slipperiness of the main melody, partly due to the high notes that sound like all you did was hit fast forward. One small idea (coming from a layman, mind you): Cut out every second high note from the Zelda 1 dungeon. I think it would change the feel of the pacing to not sound as rushed. As an added bonus that would replicate the effect of being almost dead, since the low-health siren made those notes go away.
  20. The ending is disappointing. That's all I got for criticism. The old versions have this weird compression of the sound when the percussion got louder that this one doesn't have, and I'm glad for it. The sound feels deeper now, too. Or maybe those were just artifacts of Sound Lantern, because I didn't use the download link before. If it wasn't Sound Lantern's fault, then good job.
  21. At least you can get the gist of it.
  22. I like this a shitload, but my opinion is biased. Any remix which includes the aLttP duck song has won me over beyond criticism by default.
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