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Everything posted by 42

  1. I like the mix of violin and electric guitars; it gives the mix a distinctive feel. Admittedly there's not much of an intro here; while I feel it would benefit from a more developed intro, I don't think its current status harms the overall mix either. Huh.... This one's interesting to listen to because it plays with the stereo. It reminds me a little of something Trans-Siberian Orchestra might perform in both theme and concept, except a little more tame. Very nicely done.
  2. Whenever I listen to this I feel like I'm walking through some ice cave and looking at all the relfections and refractions of myself; the main flute feels like the wind blowing through the ice cave. It feels like the theme of some ice dungeon but after the demonic taint has been clensed and all there's left to do is leave. While it does commit a minor infraction of being somewhat repetitive, it has enough dynamic to make it very fun to listen to and provides a wonderfully vivid atmosphere. Truly though, my main complaint is that it's too short! T_T
  3. Mmmm.... Techno.... Feels good and echo-y like the boss battle is happening in a cave with really good accoustics. I can't help shake the feeling that there's some Castlevania organ influence in here. Belmont techno maybe? LoL Other than my usual issues (the sound is too "narrow" & the soundscape isn't varied enough to hold my attention, so this mix doesn't do a whole lot for me), this is by no means a bad mix. I can't really pick out anything else that could be a potential issue, so I'd give it at least some recommendation to listen to. Check it out for yourself.
  4. Holy Cow... I tried following along with the sheet music for this one and wow... Not only is this aurally interesting but visually interesting too. Up and down, back and forth, slow and fast, loud and soft. The simplicity of a piano arrangment allows not only for the highlighting of a theme but also amazingly easy access to the manipulation of the dynamics (not specifically how loud or soft a sound is but any technique used to make a piece interesting to listen to) of the song. I stand in awe... Oh, and as far as Mario and piano arrangments go, this is amazing; go check it out.
  5. Now this, unlike its greater patchwork cousin, is amazing. The intro reminds me of wandering through some hazy, darkened opium den. Shapes only half recognizable in the shadows and giant Arabic pillows, darkened by the accumulative years of smoke, used for seating around giant hookas. And THEN some idiot goes and ticks off the surly proprietor of the establishment, and a fight scene riminiscent of the elevator lobby sceen in The Maxtrix, except translated into 12th century Persia, ensues. Then those not involved go back to their Lucys in the skies with the diamonds.
  6. Definately feels like some great struggle is occuring while this is supposed to be playing; this mix feels to energetic and panicky otherwise. While the energy is there, there isn't enough context being created here. It keeps repeating itself to a degree and not changing the sounscape up a bit. Also the ending feels cop-outish. In the end, this mix doesn't really stick to me. It's not terrible, one could do worse, but I find it fairly unspectacular.
  7. This has a unique exotic flair and such a different aural texture from the status quo. Listening to this takes me to somewhere mystic, like the Silk Road, with promises of intrige, adventure, and wonder. One can almost tangibly feel the silky flowiness of that's so prominent throughout the track. I honestly wish there were more mixes like this out there. This mix comes with high reccomendations because this is so unique that you will most likely never hear anything else like this again.
  8. ^ What this person said. It's been said before but I'll say it again: This Was A Triumph! It's hard to overstate my satisfaction with this track. One thing I highly appreciate about this track is they manage to incorporate the Latin radio version heard only in game, which I can't find anywhere else. Still this is an amazing piece of work that belongs in everyone's music collection.
  9. Funky. It reminds me of the Ghost Houses from Super Mario World slightly in terms of musical themes but more in a terms of atmosphere. The first half has too much of a white noise feel. Aurally, the soundscape isn't too vary to much, feel's repetitive. If you're looking for something funky to spice up your day, then check this out. Otherwise I remain a solid neutral in opinion about this; it's not bad but neither is it spectacular or groundbreaking.
  10. Imho, the saxophones here deflate this mix; they sound off-key/flat and nasally. Otherwise this mix would be jaw dropping. That feathery piano work, those quick, light, steady drums. It feels like everything in this mix is holding its collective breath and the saxes causes everything to have a giant cough/sneeze/hiccup. Still I still feel that everything else makes up for this track's flaws and this track is worth a listen.
  11. Word, yo. This reminds me of like an urban street walking music. I could see this blaring out of some boombox of some hipster walking down the street somewhere. Completely groovy and funky. Slightly hazy, trippy, and airheaded. Perfect for any happy-go-lucky mood.
  12. This is such a sweet little mix, almost saccharinely so. Very nostalgic, like the theme of reminiscing of the happy times spent with a lost loved one as opposed to the remorse of the loved one being lost, if that made any sense. Still it's not bad and worth checking out.
  13. If the Phantom of the Opera conducted a philharmonic orchestra, I would imagine it'd be something like this. Sweeping, dramatic, haunting, cinematic, Gothic, emotion-filled, a treat to listen to. This is a anthem with a sense of purpose. My goodness, how I would love to see this performed live.... Admittedly I can't really find any fault with it; it's amazing, wonderful, awesome, and should belong in everyone's OCR playlist.
  14. Meh... I don't really care for the guitars hear, especially in the intro; they just seem off. This mix also changes A LOT, which normally I encourage to make a track interesting to listen to, but its switches feel too random and make it seem schizophrenic. At any given time it could be a mellowed jazzy stretch before hitting a wildly energetic rock stretch, which throws off the mood. It's not bad, but it just never seems to make up its mind, never reaches any closure. On the flip side, with a title like "On the Day the World Changed..." I can understand the confused turbulence throughout the mix representing catastrophic world changing emotions too. In the end, I don't particularly care for it though.
  15. This reminds me of some mystic around some campfire wearily telling a dire tale of desperation and determination. Like the piano was him waving his hands causing the campfire smoke to thicken before a cut scene shows the audience the story the wizards is telling. This is absolutely one of my favorite Chrono Trigger mixes, if not favorite overall; it creates a wonderful sense of atmosphere for me, which I absolutely love in a mix.
  16. It's Jenova, it's piano, it's beautiful, but is it really that simple? Well... Sometimes it is the simplicity of such a mix that really highlights the strengths of a theme. There's a grace and elegance this track brings out, really tones down the energy from the source and makes it smooth and calming. This is one track I would highly recommend.
  17. Shine Get!: 1/8 of the way there! Woo! Also all of the 06 mixes have been reviewed!
  18. I can almost see this being blasted out of the radios Dr. Robotnik installed in his floaty flying car thing. Still this is a cool and chill mix. I especially like the Latin feel that's been overlaid on the theme. Honestly though, one could argue that it this mix is repetitive, but certain things, the inclusion of the sound effects being one of them, really vary the audio landscape here and make it a treat to listen too. Definitely a good mix and a really awesome piece from Project Chaos.
  19. I like this, sort of an Arabian Rock. It reminds me of the desert from Paper Mario on the N64 except kicked up a notch or two. Its intensity reminds me of the austere will of desert travelers, but unlike the Sahara, it changes the soundscape pretty often. It has a nice, comfortable, camel-like, plodding pace, short and sweet, and is fun to listen to.
  20. I ain't going to lie, an acoustic version of MM3 intro would be mind blowing. Sure, as a standalone track, this is a strange animal and makes the ending weird, but when listened in context(as part of a continuous 30 min of music with the rest of the abum), it makes a lot more sense. Still I like it, it's a unique and memorable take on the MM3 intro theme, but it's kind of hard to recommend this on its own without the rest of the album. That would just be like handing someone a puzzle with half the pieces missing. Still, the album is awesome and worth downloading.
  21. It would need to be a parod- I mean homage to Thriller: The Album, imho.
  22. For some reason I can't help shake the feeling that this is a little generic. I mean it's techno, good techno, but nothing that really rocks the boat. As far as Jenova remixes go, I certainly have other favorites. Still I ultimately I feel about this mix the same way as I would a ham sandwich: neither good nor bad; it just is what it is.
  23. I have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect when listening to this, and I'm still not sure what to think other than I might like this. I had to go back and check against the source because I'm not to familiar with it, and wow... Seeing where it was versus seeing it now. I have to admit this track is highly impressive. This mix of strings and techno works so strangely together and yet works beautifully. To misquote Yahtzee, download and listen to this because you aren't going to find anything else like it.
  24. Oh, the beginning is so wonderfully Gothic. This mix reminds me most vividly of Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town; it has that latent sense of horror permeating through every ounce of it. This is definitely a theme for the hallowed ground and the time is nigh. The atmosphere is so wonderfully rich and thick here, it makes it a wonderful listen.
  25. I normally love Wingless's work, but bleh... this just withers down to nothingness when compared to his other work. In hindsight this has a lot to live up to and falls short. Even with a name cool like Pharaoh Land (anyone else notice that "Pharaoh" is misspelled?), it doesn't live up to it. Considering this is Wingless's first submission, that would explain a lot, but I wouldn't recommend this.
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