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  • Location
    Monterey, CA. USA
  • Occupation
    Information Technology

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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    Omnisphere, Serum, UJAM, Shreddage, MTPowerKit
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Bass
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Bass Guitar

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  1. Steel Giant remix Steel Giant Original It is rough with ideas. Open to suggestions or collab. I put together what I thought would be closer to a reimagining if the battle music were given a different style. Ideally, the guitars would be more significant if they were real (I just can't MIDI guitar). Thanks for listening
  2. This is a remix from the title screen. I don't know what style to call this but I am looking to record a couple of different instruments such as flute and violin. That said I am open to collab or receive feedback/support. Thanks for listening! Original: Ecco Tides of Time.mp3
  3. I like the rhythm you chose to go with in your remix. The violin sounds well modulated.
  4. Thank you! If anyone wants to jump in on leads I'll gladly take applications . Yeah I have to admit the compressor and reverb are a bit too much, after hearing it with 2 sets of headphones and 2 stereos, I was able to pick up on more of the faults with the sounds. I have never successfully collaborated with anyone (and it is due to my lack of knowledge on where to begin and with what resources). Its far from finished and I am looking forward to more input and Ideas. If anyone wants to track on it, i will create stems on my google drive eventually to share.
  5. First off I just want to say thanks to some of OCR's finest musicians for being an inspiration. I occasionally jump on and off of FL Studio, I hit a wall stopping in a lot of projects and don't even bother sharing them. After listening to Zircon, Sixto Sounds, Willrock, and many others I told myself I'll eventually have something somewhat decent. Well anyways here is what I have so far, I have a few things I know have to really work on, the synth at the later half of the song and changing the outro. Please share what you think and tell me whats good so far or anything that comes to mind. Thanks for listening!
  6. It's been some time since I posted an update, I promise this will be the last time if I don't hear any response. I don't want to become a nuisance.
  7. Honestly, you got my head bobbing with what you have shared here. Personally I thought the drums for "The Final Depths of Deimos" were fitting, I don't know why but they give me the BFG vibes. I haven't really heard much Djent, but some of the remixes by Vincent Moretto have made me familiar with the style.
  8. This is stretch but I am looking for a lead guitarist to replace the synth guitar. I will have the stems available soon.
  9. You should make an Act 2! Are you sure you didn't take this from an unreleased sonic stage? thats my way of saying I like it. I agree with SquareWave, some disco strings could bring more atmosphere. Looking forward to hear more!
  10. You have a lot variety in this track. you certainly nailed the JRPG vibe. If I can pick at something, I'd like to hear the drums have more "Mmph", maybe some compressor should do it. For the most part you got a really good encounter song working.
  11. first thought in 5 seconds.. I'm ready for battle! This is rad.
  12. Updated Track: OLD POST BELOW Redoing this thread to focus only on one song, original post is in the quote below, I will come back to those tracks when I feel like it. OLD Choke Point Sweep (July/18/2018) F# 145BPM Sharing my latest. Here is a track I made with no goal in mind. Can't quite place it or relate it with anything but it has a lot of lead synth. I don't know where else to share my work for feedback so I am leaving it up to you. its only 3:10 so its short. I'm still fiddling with the equalizer to find the best tones and I think I may be having ear fatigue.
  13. This is good, it gives a good "Hero with a burden" vibe. Defeat all enemies, prevent the damn from collapsing, etc etc. Are you considering to extend the length of the song?
  14. Dude, I'm lovin it! You have the synths I'm a sucker for! I can't figure out how to get that sound let alone I don't play keys but for some of the tracks I work on you have the sound I am looking for! Are you using a VST to create that sound or is it all direct input?
  15. Solid track! though I can't help it but imagine what it would sound like if there were some Sixto Sounds' guitar tracks on top of your mix. Regardless it sounds like you had a lot of fun making this and it is a joy to hear it!
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