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Geeky Stoner

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Everything posted by Geeky Stoner

  1. exhibition match!!! hmmmm, I'm game

  2. missed a couple weeks oops.... http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3662-Sharing-Our-Medium http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3689-Microtransactions
  3. I'm not sure, I agree with the people about it being more about being up to productions/standards hardstyle/hardcore is such a repetitive genre by nature i have a few VG hardcore style that i to now and although a recent dubstep remix did pass and that is also a kind of extreme/repetitive genre (it is friggin awesome though)
  4. where all the ocr peeps be at, this place was bumpin a few days ago now it's barren :\
  5. which some of the soundbytes came from. she has some interesting ideas i've also heard some ideas where gamification could be very bad
  6. No problem thank you i've just seen ya sniffin around my profile so i sent you a friend up

  7. that sucks rama : ( glad they made their goal though anyway... http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3633-Race-in-Games
  8. just wanted to say been listening to this all night on turntable.fm ..dope
  9. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3587-Game-Reviews
  10. bumping this because it needs moar people
  11. what are...what are you staring at? Edit: lol also this...
  12. :lmassoff::lmassoff: That's my idea and you know it Edit: lol comments
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJLuwLSBwCw right at :50 CANNOT UNHEAR
  14. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3555-The-Role-of-the-Player Edit: YES wow ...very very good episode i've pondered the concept of the role of the player within a videogame for some time,i've come to alot of the same conclusions within this episode and tried to explain this idea to people who don't play videogames much (with limited results) this episode explains it alot better.
  15. QFE lol10char
  16. two new eps and no posts i am dissapoint http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3350-Anonymous http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3524-Our-Oscars Edit: Our Oscars was pretty good I've been longing for some sort of VG award ceremony that isn't horrible and contrived (like the spike tv vga) admittedly though i've never watched the GDC awards, and i've never heard of the interactive achievement awards.I'll be sure to check those out.
  17. in the video the dev says it's a protoype build and still very much sophitia's style, in the finished version she will have her own moveset.
  18. I'd get on and join some of you with this ..but i don't have gold right now, nor could i afford AE,(i still need to get Marvel vs Capcom 3) I hope all of you are enjoying this though,have fun
  19. Happy Pixelated cake Day!!
  20. Yeah just some people commenting on the title I'm not really singling you or anyone out about it,(your comment actually made me laugh pretty hard actually) I'm just sort of explaining things as it is sort of an odd track at times. I'm glad people are enjoying it though that's was really the main goal, tbh i felt like what i had made was garbage at times last week, but then I'm a fairly self detrimental artist in general.
  21. I think my mix needs a little explanation about all the wonky transitions in it. The initial idea with my song was to sort of a dueling themes song where the two themes are constantly interrupting and trying to one up each other, gaining intensity as it goes on then eventually playing in harmony, ala dueling consoles. I kind of fell short on it and I wasn't feeling to great about what i had gotten down so far around thursday, I was thinking about scrapping it, but there wasn't enough time to start another mix. I had a lot of trouble trying to get both of the themes to mesh so i just sort of did a quick wrap up of what i had friday night and sent it in. I'm not making excuses or anything about my song it's just the way it happened. I didn't want to post anything about it until alot of the initial votes came in because the music should speak for itself, and i didn't want to appear to be a whiny loser. So there you have it. Don't let this little explanation affect any of the future voters either. Edit: as for the title i originally had the idea to call it "Dueling Robots" but i don't know if everyone would of gotten the reference, and it would of came off as very generic. I was also throwing the Amphibian Flare around a bit too. but since i feel i fell short on my mix i just went with that ridiculous title i came up with in like 20 seconds.
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