I knew it! You're the secret child of Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi, and this is in fact the soundtrack to the long awaited Racing Lagoon 2.
Personal highlights include Wish 4 You (captivating), Mystery Tower Groove (soothing), Jazzy Travelin' Wagon (soulful) and Nameraka na Bresha (groovy).
The (intentional?) mid 90s hiphop references were right up my alley, with nods to the likes of The Pharcyde and Tribe Called Quest among others.
From a compositional standpoint you've made incredible progress, turning the sampling technique inside out and exploiting your strengths.
The beats bear your trademark-style and are jazzy as heck. Everything is flowing and it's just a pleasure to listen from start to finish.
Even forays into a more electronic sound like in Digitally Strange World manage to keep the groove steady and the emotional chords aplenty.
Mitsuto Suzuki seems to have been somewhat influential, which makes me wish you'd tackle the soundtrack of The 3rd Birthday sometime.
Hard to believe this is your debut album, but here's to many more my friend, for this is solid gold.
Thanks for doing what you do best and for keeping at it. You're an inspiration.