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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Fairly important stuff, thought I'd share: http://www.capcom-unity.com/sven/blog/2012/12/20/we-need-your-input Capcom is having a survey to determine what fans expect in terms of digital distribution. The results could impact not only marketing decisions, but the future of classic franchises. If enough people do this right, they might listen and bring exciting things in the future. At some point, there's mention of Gargoyle's Quest/Ghost'n Goblins series HD Remix. Who knows, maybe OCR will be able to get involved with this, like for SSFIIHDR. I asked Santa-Capcom for a 16-bit Megaman X9, and a RE2 Remake. Let them know what you expect from them! (i.e. no more lazy ports) Here's the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KFCBRBY
  2. Hope you guys enjoyed that little preview, and are pumped for the album. Letting you all know that I'm back, if you need feedback on your mixes. There are still 6 tracks open, so we're looking for a few more remixers. Post here or hit us via PM if you're looking at claiming something.
  3. Ahah, those were the days ...and still about 110 of those albums left to complete. Srsly though, Phantasy Star, like many Sega franchises of yore, deserves MUCH more luv. If there was an anniversary album, I'd endorse that product or service in a heartbeat.
  4. No problem Will, here's the relevant info: Game: Parasite Eve Sources: Phrase of Aya, Missing Perspective, Main Theme, Out of Phase Composer: Yoko Shimomura
  5. ^ This. Been using Joy2Key both for playing games and making music for years. It's a lightweight and stable program. Highly recommended. Here's hoping this awesome tribute to Rockman does great, so Capcom brings us moar. 'Darkstalkers x Mega Man' would be nice, but a 16-bit Mega Man X9 would be BOSS. One can dream.
  6. Yay! Congrats on the release of AOCCv6 Dyne and everyone. Enjoying the album so far, and awesome cover by The Coop as usual. I lol'd upon noticing the dragon from Demon's Crest in the queue.
  7. A bit late to the party, but happy 13th birthday to OCR. This site broke me as much as it made me into the (slightly less lame but still pretty bad all things considered) musician I am today. I've met a lot of talented artists and good people along the way, a few of which I'm glad to consider friends, and a few others that tainted my journey half-way through. Working with/for some of the people/projects here gave me nightmares about music production and made me give up my dreams for a while, but I can't see myself going forward without keeping up with what has become my musical reality check. So cheers to djp and here's to many more years (decades?) of Overclocked ReMixes.
  8. Sorry for causing you to worry, sir. Things should be ok for now. ;)

  9. It was worth surviving if only to read this. Thanks Katie. :)

  10. Hey! I'm glad you went back to finalize this one Kumori. You've really captured the spirit of the original in this sweet remake. Makes me wish there was a sequel to DH in the works at Treasure HQ. Btw, you should add your name to the file title, or in the mp3 tags. Else people will never know you're the one who did this.
  11. A little something I made to thank everyone onboard for being awesome: Be Aggressive! - video preview You guys made this little tribute project a reality. So thanks again. Let's celebrate Gunstar Heroes 20th anniversary with a bang in 2013. Life is but a dream. See you space cowboys...
  12. It gets better: the project proposal has been sent to OCR for eval/approval. Furthermore, I still have a surprise in store for you guys... Wow, I couldn't be happier to see people checking Gunstar Heroes and NON's work as a result of this project. Thanks a lot for the support Eino. Everyone, please take note: the next check-in is set to February 10th 2013. Good luck and don't forget to have fun with your arrangement. Stay aggressive!
  13. Alright, looks like most, if not all, remixers made it in time for the deadline. And a lot of you are nearly done with your tracks, which means two things: 1-this project is well on track for Gunstar Heroes' 20th anniversary 2-it's time to formalize and send our project proposal to OCR Thanks to everyone for your continued effort and support to this fun little project. There are still a handful of open tracks that we'd love to see covered somehow. Stay tuned for the next check-in deadline that will be announced shortly. Oh, and a little surprise should be coming up soon, if all goes well.
  14. Did you get a chance to import/play the game Mirb? Is it good? SE representatives said recently they were waiting for 'the right time' to localize this one, but I'm not sure what they're waiting for exactly considering how long the psp has been dead in US/EU territories. However, there's still a considerable amount of quality jRPG being published for the console, and with a lot of people clamoring for the good ole (read: not western) role playing, it's sad to see gems like Grand Knights History, SOL Trigger or Senjou no Valkyria 3 fade into obscurity. Don't mind me though, as I'm proly the last person outside of japan who still use a PSP to play games on a regular basis.
  15. No worries. Your mix is almost done anyway, and the website won't be needed for quite a while. Hopefully this helps lessen the burden on your shoulders so you can enjoy Christmas festivities. As for AOC v6, I really wanted to join the fun again this year, but life's pretty bleak right now. We'll see...
  16. I knew it! You're the secret child of Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi, and this is in fact the soundtrack to the long awaited Racing Lagoon 2. Personal highlights include Wish 4 You (captivating), Mystery Tower Groove (soothing), Jazzy Travelin' Wagon (soulful) and Nameraka na Bresha (groovy). The (intentional?) mid 90s hiphop references were right up my alley, with nods to the likes of The Pharcyde and Tribe Called Quest among others. From a compositional standpoint you've made incredible progress, turning the sampling technique inside out and exploiting your strengths. The beats bear your trademark-style and are jazzy as heck. Everything is flowing and it's just a pleasure to listen from start to finish. Even forays into a more electronic sound like in Digitally Strange World manage to keep the groove steady and the emotional chords aplenty. Mitsuto Suzuki seems to have been somewhat influential, which makes me wish you'd tackle the soundtrack of The 3rd Birthday sometime. Hard to believe this is your debut album, but here's to many more my friend, for this is solid gold. Thanks for doing what you do best and for keeping at it. You're an inspiration.
  17. My music is neither tasteful nor refined. You'll be better off without me. Good luck B.

  18. Ya need something B?

  19. Awesomeness! You'll definitely be hearing back from me about this one bro. ;)

  20. This comes of as a bit sarcastic, considering the amount of legendary games (and soundtracks) on that console.
  21. This got me pumped. From the killer breakbeats to the lighthearted piano/synth lines and subtle glitching. Sweet and inspiring take on this short source. Still got to catch up on that awesome FFDQ concept album or yours. Thanks for sharing this one Ruku, and keep dem beats coming.
  22. Well I, for one, did and can affirm that the doujin scene got FFT, FFTA and FFTA2 pretty much covered.While people here were taking a peaceful nap, Music Fantasy Tactics has been happening for years. All I can say is, if you're looking for awesome Final Fantasy Tactics remixes, look no further than MFT.
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