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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. From what I understand, RWTS is not a tutoring, but a competition ...and a TV show ersatz too, apparently. Meaning folks are in to learn/teach/have fun, but ultimately have to produce a song that compete with others. Therefore, pupils need to be able to communicate with their teacher with more than just words and concepts. Not to mention difference in learning-speed, and the fact everyone will be under the same time constraint.
  2. All that needed to be said about the game. ;DStar Ocean 3 and Valkyrie Profile contain my fav tracks from Sakuraba, with Baten Kaitos and End of Eternity following closely. He's not one of my fav composers, but still a talented and versatile musician, whose works often reach insane levels of intricacy.
  3. The one note thing was just an inside joke. Take your time Rho, no worries.
  4. Believe it or not, there was a time when remixers used to receive intel directly from directors via PM. Now they have to decode cryptic messages left in the main thread in order to make any progress. War has changed... ...so I propose a prisoner exchange: a write-up for some proper feedback.
  5. The arranged Republic of Bastok took my breath away (as did the rest of the preview). Awesome stuff tweek, as always. Super excited for this album.
  6. Try Amnesia ~ the Dark Descent or Penumbra if you haven't already. That will straighten you up allright.
  7. Personally I think you're making great requests overall, even if genre-centric. Many times I've found myself agreeing with the tracks you've selected. But you have to understand the commitment that an arrangement represent. It takes skill, time and effort, and people have to feel inspired by the source. Adding a genre constraint instantly limit the takers, even for awesome tunes. And if you start showing signs of entitlement, you'll get even less responses. Requests are a matter of luck and patience, unless it's a very popular game. Try to personally contact artists who make remixes in your favored genre. It's a gamble, but it beats waiting for people to eventually find this thread.
  8. Ahem... You should know that rule by now Alex.
  9. ^ This. It's about time Nights got some love over here. And if it's a true HD remake, we're all gonna need new purple pants. ;D
  10. ...and Tobal 2, and Soukaigi, and Vagrant Story, and DewPrism. The list goes on. So many astounding games that deserve to reach new generations. While great, innovative IPs remain trapped inside a closet at SE, a madman decided to turn their best-selling, most revered game into shovel-ware.
  11. ...but feel free to send something before if you're inspired. I see some of you already are. Also, since we're missing a wip, Golden Silver is on his way to someone's PM box. Beware. Feel like reporting about that covert recruit-op you led on your own, private? ;D
  12. ^ This. It's like having someone cheat on you 200 times and still come back with apologies. There's no way anyone would forgive that. Same here, except the guy got what he deserved ...well, actually he got even less than he deserved. I say he got off easy. Then give back the money you've lawlessly made to the people you stole from. Anything less isn't a sincere apology.
  13. Fyi, you're mostly emulating the style of Masaharu Iwata here, not Sakimoto. Seems you were trying to build an ambiance, alas it's a bit meandering at times. The piece could benefit from some humanization, and larger orchestra dynamics. Harp is too loud/obnoxious and the lack of a proper ending is slightly disappointing. Overall, this needs more impact because everything hits at roughly the same level. There's a believable feel of tension, which is a good start for a battle theme. Dunno whether you'll be revising this one, but best of luck if you do.
  14. Slapped this one back on for a quick playthrough, and my mind was once again blown. Made even more mindblowing by the fact it was Motoaki Takenouchi's first score. It's like 10 different composers and styles were all combined into one giant, kickass song. At times, it's more powerful than stuff he composed later for Landstaker and Shining Force. Awesome-sauce.
  15. Wow, if you really picked up Gunstar Heroes on PSN due to this project then my day has officially been made. You say you can't contribute, but I'd argue that helping to keep Treasure alive is a very meaningful contribution. So thank YOU and I hope you'll have tons of fun with the game.
  16. Sure thing. We got your wip and sent you some feedback.
  17. Hands down one of the best songs to ever come out of a Sega Genesis, and a criminally under-rated game/soundtrack. I don't have the chops to tackle this level of complexity, so I too hope someone will rise up to the challenge.
  18. ^ This. Instant favorite for me. Stellar job on the arrangement man. Only nitpick would be that it gets slightly repetitive near the end, but that's it. Other people/mods have already covered the skinny prod-wise, so go for glory!
  19. Much appreciated sir. Sent you some feedback on the track.
  20. Lucky for you, the source is neither a stage nor a boss theme, which allows for slightly more creative freedom. Thanks for the heads up Coop. Looking forward to what you've cooked up.
  21. Wait, does this mean you'll be covering both sources Fishy? If so, looking forward to that.
  22. Glad you decided to share this very personal, eighties-inspired sketch with us. I can tell the emotions are driving that one. While it's slightly more mellow than your usual upbeat/happy VG arrangements, imho it fits the purpose for which it was created. Vocals timing could be tighter in places, and the the melody is simple, but sometimes less is more. Especially when you've got a message to carry. Keep at it if you feel like it. I know I'd certainly love to hear more. Good luck through these though times, and hang in there Robbie.
  23. Here's hoping someone will tackle Salamander's theme before the project is over.
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