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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Absolutely... as soon as my igpu stops flirting with the 212° F bar, shuting down my computer every 12min or so. Now it can almost make water boil, which could be convenient for cooking purposes and all... but it just isn't much practical for remixing.
  2. You may need to register to be able to download... As a last resort, you could always use some simple wave editor like Audacity, and record it directly from the web-player.
  3. This channel is gonna be the most crowded club in town!
  4. Totally agree: the tech should allow for way more innovation, but most of the time, the risk of not selling prevent every major developper from even trying. The small or independants developpers are overflowing with new ideas and concepts. But alas, resources aren't as plentiful, and exposure is still the priviledge of big companies. Think of money in video game industry as the corruption in Prince of Persia. It has made people lazy and relying on the visual & sound prowess trick to get by. And don't even get me started on the 'quck time events'... Somebody's got to clean that mess up before videogames replace movies for good. ...or more exactly, before videogames become interactives movies for good!
  5. Releasing both IRL and online? ...that man must be from the future. I'll be trying to put up an all-nighter, in order to enjoy the IRC listening party. Got the feeling this will be of epic proportions.
  6. Phantasy Star Online... ...just so you could play alone, get cornered by 10 enemies, die, get frustrated, then decide to remix the entire soundtrack to relieve your stress. Just saying. Also, Capcom vs SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting.
  7. To the table who ordered some Teehee Valley and a large soda, would you like a desert too? Oh I'm sorry, we're out of metal-remix-flavored sundae for the month. But if you fancy something else, please feel free to ask.
  8. This. Even thought we know that in these dark times, everyone is craving for a little entertainment. The industry's focus now seems to be on hardware, with new motion controllers and interfaces, which will probably be a nice thing ...in like 20 decades. But as of now, trying to replace game pads with a camera and motion sensor isn't gonna lead us anywhere. Even worse, imagine what it'll cost when they package them with game console. Innovative yes, but totally unrealistic imo. What's fun to notice this year, is that casual games SO outsold the big franchises. But thanks to the 13 years old girls buying all the Ubisoft's 'Imagine' games collection, they now have the money to make stunning games like Assassin's Creed 2 and even an opus on psp. More seriously, I think developpers have realized they were running around in circle. But since the idea-mill is dry, they're trying to innovate with hardware. Unfortunately, there are still risks involved with lotsa money and people to pay/fire. Meanwhile little developpers with bright ideas are struggling to get their voices heard. ...and so are the hardcore gamers.
  9. Always good to have someone else aboard, and thx for the support. Well, if some high-class maverick hunters... er, I mean Remixers join the fun, it might be the case. But as of now, (and sorry if I crush your dreams), it's nowhere near becoming a top quality release... let alone an OCR project. Last time I checked, it was just me, Selios, and maybe a few others lurking in the shadows, remixing for fun and for fans of Headdy's journey. Good new is, I've finally got a working computer again, so I'll be resuming my duties on this project as planned. Expect something new in the next few days. EDIT: Next few weeks seems more appropriate, as I need to fix my PC's overheating problem. It's like a toaster right now. I can't work for extended periods of time.
  10. SoS thread is the second most viewed project thread, far ahead of Voices of the Lifestream or even Darkside of Phobos, and with the almost same view counts as Chono Symphonic. So I'm surprised it isn't more popular.
  11. I wish I was living on your side of the planet, cause here it's still like 72€ (100$) ...and the shipping ain't free. Thanks for the link Prophet, I had been looking for something like that. Too bad it doesn't include some mini-itx boards. It's amazing what you can do with those, even with integrated GPUs. As for your video card Skrypnyk, I'm pretty sure a more recent (and compatible) model can be found for a cheap price somewhere near you.
  12. UPDATE v5: Check it on the first post! After surviving my computer's death, I finally managed to update this song. v5 log: -I added the final orchestral recap at the end, tweaked here and there. -The final song structure is down, minor fixes and mastering are at hand. I feel like this piece finally got the kind of epic 'Intro to a story' feeling I wanted to convey in the first place. Anyway, enjoy the music ...& give feedback if you feel like it.
  13. A - Yes OCR has helped me a great deal, musically of course, but also on a more personal level. I've learned more about the music making process in 3-4 months, than ever before. And I'm happy to create a piece for a project, or to enter a compo and share with others. Having fun while making music is something that I had lost somewhere along the way. So yes, I definitely have to thank OCremix, and by extention ThaSauce & the remixing community for that.
  14. My gear is almost up, so I'll be starting up again on the Nemesis theme from Biohazard3. Expect something later this month...something badass! Edit: I've got like 25% of the song done. So next month seems definitely more realistic in fact.
  15. Yeah Rozo is right, a simple and effective way to start would be to prepare a basic free sample kit to distribute to your students. Then create some basic exercises, like making a drum loop to get a feel for rythmic pattern, and record some simple guitar riff or piano phrase, to include them on top. I used to teach beatmaking years ago, it was way more complicated, since free solutions weren't as plentiful as nowdays. 1-You got some simple free sequencer: Mulab, which has the advantage to be Win & Mac compatible. Limited to 6tracks & 16bits processing, but that's more than enough. 2-To use it properly, you'll need Asio drivers, but you can bypass that with Asio4All. 3-Next, for free wave editor, Audacity is a nice choice, Win & Mac compatible too. It has an easy learning curve, can help record instruments and cut/fade precisely, apply basic reverb-delay fxs. It can even load VST with a simple plugin. Useful for basic mixing/mastering purpose too. As for free samples, there isn't a lot of solution that are both Mac & Win compatible. Try this. Hope it can help you set some things in motion. Have fun!
  16. I pop out of a dark corner to say I was waiting for this. It's nice to finally hear one of your project JH. The album is very cohesive, well structured, and of course filled with some cheesy moments too. My favorites tracks are Furious Fists and My Way Or...(night version). You used a wide range of instruments, and, despite the reprisal for 'night versions', the whole stay enjoyable, despite the sheer number of tracks. A fun tribute album, light hearted, but to be taken seriously, as it showcase the creativity of a very versatile artist. ...and I thought I heard you say that you weren't inspired lately. Anyway, keep up the fine work!
  17. Don't just stand there, shoot! ...and accessorily, make some music afterwards if you've got an hour. ;p
  18. Is this by any chance done with the Crysis engine? Dunno, cause it looks kind of similar. Anyway, I got the glimpse I was hoping for, so yeah pretty amazing considering it's stand-ins. I dunno what will happen to the project in its current form, but whatever it evolves into, I would really like to be a part of that. So, I'm definitely going to get something done for july as said before. I'll follow the project in case the Orpheon theme morph-ball into some original work later on the road.
  19. Megaman (1,2,4,Forte, X, battle network) Resident Evil 2 & 4 Tobal 2 Metroid Fusion Ace Combat X F.E.A.R. (cause I simply luv them, but also for speedruning purposes)
  20. Could that mean we'll see the revival of anime remix compo someday?
  21. My best advice would be: don't do it for the sake of doing it. There's no time-limit, no need to rush, no specific audience to please with 5 minutes of drone & sitar. It's just you and your project. And in between, the feelings and emotions you want to give to your creation. Basically, what you can and/or want to allow yourself to transmit to others. I've done albums in the past, with various musical inspirations, but all had a common point: they were all the by-product of something I felt I had to share by infusing it into my music. And this feeling became my drive, litteraly the lifeline of the project. I firmly believe that if you're not driven by some kind of emotion during the creative process of a personal project, you won't be able to end it. And by ending it, I mean being simultaneously entirely satisfied by the result, and totally sucked dry by the amount of creative effort you put in it. Sure, sometime it can drive you crazy, and make you pool all your mental ressources. It may even become an obsession to pursue the non-existant perfection. But when you start feeling detached, thinking about the money involvment, then maybe you've lost your purpose and passion somewhere along the road...
  22. I raise my supporter flag high into the sky, and will be backing up this project! ...Also I might potentially raise my remixer flag later on this summer, if some tracks are still available by then.
  23. Dunno if july would be early or late to respond to your request, but I'll try to cook something up by then. Also, I would luv to see an early video footage of your Prime HD remake, cause the screenshot seems promising...
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