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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. A bit of news for those still following: People have joined and the tracklist for the album is filling gradually. However, since it's 'project-mayhem-festival' on OCR right now, I'll have to wait for a more auspicious time before launching. And seeing as everyone including myself will be pretty busy in the next months, progress will be made at a slow (but sure) pace. I'll post details and link to the project thread when it's ready to go online. Hope to get some more support in the meantime.
  2. Yeah but you could say goodbye to games like Yakuza, Alpha Protocol or Bayonetta. It would become a Mario & Sonic party hd-turbo-super-cinamon-dentalfloss-remix festival in the blink of an eye.
  3. Yeah, that's because he hasn't worked enough on his flow. ;D It was a good idea though.
  4. Exactly, Jose narrowed it down. While it's an awesome endeavor to try and produce a double or quadruple cd remix album, one will find hard to maintain focus and objectivity for nearly a hundred tracks. I think that's what might make earlier OCR albums appear as more cohesive, since it's easier to keep a direction when you have an average of 20 tracks to work with. That being said, Jade, since I don't use aim and you can't be PM'd, I'll ask directly here. I'd like to claim track 28 of cd1 "After the Chaos and Destruction". Oh, and here's a playlist of 79 tracks if people want to listen to the album: Wild Arms soundtrack They're not in order, but at least you can link the tracklist in your first page to the actual songs. Hope this helps.
  5. This is pure gold. It won't fix your track if it's broken, but it can help a lot in masking the mechanicaly sounding parts.
  6. Thanks. I've just found out about this. Hopefully I'll be able to deliver more than just a project banner.
  7. Wild Arms is a wonderful game from which I have fond memories, especially the music. Ever since I discovered the remix community, I thought about remixing Michiko Naruke's work for it. While I'm far from being skilled enough for that right now, I still strongly support the idea, and would love to get involved at some point. Don't give up Jade. Just try again later because I'm sure you'll have plenty of support for this.
  8. Unfortunately, I've only got one left now. ...but I'm still bouncing to your addictive percussions.
  9. I think everyone is forgetting you're the youngest ...in terms of panel member's lifespan. But at the same time, like a founding father to modern judging. Happy birthday sir!
  10. Yeah, but avoid Double Dragon III at all costs. As well as Silent Service... but that goes without saying. If you like adventure games, I would recommend Battle of Olympus. Plays the same as Zelda II more or less, and as you can imagine, is set into greek mythology. Got crazy boss monsters, unescapable maze dungeons and a nice soundtrack. Also, Faxanadu could be an interesting choice. It's kind of intricate and very hard to beat too.
  11. Sounds awesome. They've even added Megaman Legend to the mix. They won't be speedrunning though.
  12. The DS isn't made by Capcom as far as I know. The Emotion Engine has 2x64 bit units, aka its a 128 bit CPU. Well I apologize if I made you feel that way. Just fyi, I own a ds and I love it. I was merely trying to use sarcasm to release my anger against this. What I can't stand is great game with great concept being retrograded instead of evolved. I'm not saying Okamiden will be a bad game. Just saying the graphics will be painful to watch for me. And what do you think Blood of Bahamut is? A pitiful attempt at making a Shadow of the Colossus-like cross-over jrpg. And for the record, .But it has good music. Probably as Okamiden will.
  13. That one really ought to be added to the submission guidelines.
  14. I know I should be hyped up for this because Okami is one of my favorite games ever. But I'm pissed cause they're about to just retrograde it like this. And here goes an awesome title butchered by 128 to 32bit pointless conversion sequel. Big N loves to play money-making game, as it never looses. Playstation 1 era graphics are aging pretty badly imo. A 2d game would have been a wiser choice for the device it is developped on. Anyway, it's gonna be as painful to watch as Blood of Bahamut and CORE. ...though the music could be good.
  15. Akira Yamasaki - Offline (from Ace Combat X soundtrack)
  16. A ....and B. Certainly, you do realize it can't be as simple as that. The best exemple for me is Final Fantasy: perfect franchise. Changing course each time, but keeping the core element to drag the fanbase. I've skipped some episodes I didn't liked, but each added its lot of innovation and plot twist, and half-hour summons. Appart from that, the serie break into smaller fork, which expands the franchise in genre and in possibilities, with titles like Chocobo Dungeons, Dirge of Cerberus, Crystal Chronicles and such. Now, what we don't tend to see, is that games are softwares. And in that regard, treated as well, with new episodes simply improving the formula, while some others covertly serve the purpose of being a beta to a major title. That being said, as an 'old-school' gamer, I'll obviously play games that have seen a certain amount of sequels over the years. So inevitably, I'll tend to be both more conservative, and more inclined to expect innovation from said franchises. Which, mind you, doesn't stop me from playing both the new Bionic Commando AND Final Fantasy VI at the same time.
  17. Well, I wasn't expecting such a favor. Thanks. It's too bad there's not more people entering. Maybe the source was a bit obscure. Anyway, I'm off to vote now.
  18. Glad you liked it. It's not the first time I get this Bryyo song comparison though. Did you meant the ice part (screw attack), or the cliffside part? Anyway, 15 songs is great! I now officially believe in miracles. ...even though none of my requests made it through. FBRC was definitely a great challenge and a lot of fun.
  19. That is correct sir. I can rebuild it, I have the technology.

    Just gimme a couple more years and... oh sorry, what was this about again?

  20. I saw you had some guitar issues on the workshop section. Nevertheless this is a clever idea right here, but I found it unexpectedly short. I needed moar! Please go on with this, it has got potential. Say, you aren't looking for a collab here by any chance?
  21. Pretty good so far. The lead has a little too much presence imo, and the mix needs more thickness. It's just a little thin right now. Need to add some texture in the background. No hatred nor displeasure to unload atm. You can proceed.
  22. Darn, I missed the deadline by so little... Here's my entry anyway, maybe it could be added as bonus mix or something. Streets of Rush Intended descritpion: "What if the game was a 90s beat'em up instead of a racing game?" ps: Seto's entry is listenable on thasauce.
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